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Everything posted by Adam

  1. For once I agree with you. INcreasing capital gains tax won't have a good effect on the economy. Some of it is talking points and other is just panic because we talk about the dang deficit so much. Fix the trade deficit and the deficit will pretty much pay itself off over time. What do you think about lowering the minimum wage, to make maufacturing jobs here, competitive with where they are now?
  2. The reason they control two of the three is yet another problem
  3. He actually was a passer, but there was no tackle for a loss, as the play continued. The actual tackle took place beyond the line of scrimmage.
  4. Don't confuse ....ty with not being talented. The 49ers were very talented
  5. He can see the light all he wants, and probably has. The concept of anyone would be better than Fitzpatrick is what led us to have a revolving door at quarterback for over a decade and get progressively worse.
  6. I wouldn't use a first round pick on Smith or Wilson. I'd rather continue the infusion of talent with Manti Teo.
  7. Barkley, nor any of the quarterbacks in this draft are anything close to RGIII. To me, they are closer to Sanchez. I wouldn't take these guys before the third round.
  8. There is no QB in this draft I would consider before the third round
  9. His play on the fake punt against Green Bay in 1997 was fantastic!
  10. It is one thing to say that Fitz isn't good enough. It is another to replace him with somebody better. Nobody better is available right now and aI don't want Michael Vick, because he is smoke and mirrors. This is a weak draft for quarterbacks, so lets no throw picks down the drain.
  11. How about we raise the rates slightly, tie entitlements to the percentage of the GDP the deficit holds and maybe allocate a break to corporations who move jobs to this country (I know I don't fully understand the trade deficit, but I heard a very good explanation, which helped). I also think just as we should try to legistlate this mistake of a billboard away, we should stop trying to legislate so-called religous morals- I can accept when people say that the country was founded on Christian principles. What I disagree with is that it means we were founded on Christianity.
  12. I completely agree with you. I was on a message board the other day, telling people that they need to come to the table, compromise and make some progress. They told me that that would be sacrificing their principles and they'd rather have nothing. Makes no sense to me. Very sad.
  13. Whether you are talking about individual signage or just stupid things people say, politics is about the art of persuading people. This signage is basically what the people who are becoming the face of the conservative movement are doing. I don't know when it started, but I am seeing it everywhere- in person, on billboards and on the internet. They are free to do it, but it won't get them anywhere and I consider it a shame. One person even told me they won't sacrifice their morals for the sake of electibility. My response was that she can't take her ball and go home, because the left already took the ball away.
  14. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a3/Thing_v2_1_coverart.jpg/250px-Thing_v2_1_coverart.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thing_%28comics%29&h=378&w=250&sz=48&tbnid=BuZcU7cPJs7KdM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=61&zoom=1&usg=__-93B_wGTyGTrsRtGsKfW5AcEodE=&docid=MFbmz_th2FT0rM&sa=X&ei=TquzUPHFEJHRigKHzYGQCQ&ved=0CIABEPUBMAk&dur=391
  15. That is the same garbage of was talking about. Embarrassing then, embarrassing now.
  16. I feel I have addressed it. His board is not persuasive in the least, it is pretty much the opposite. he has the right to voice his opinion, even if it is not going to bring about the change he wants.
  17. No- I am just saying that the tone really needs to change. If he doesn't like our current president, this isn't the way to go about things. It would be nice if we could legislate hate out and morals in, but that doesn't work. And that just spouting off about something you don't like, isn't very persuasive- we had a terrible sign down here, which just made me shake my head- there is a tone that influences and that just isn't it.
  18. Not just him- the mood I am seeing everywhere is one of "No compromise." that is a shame, because they will fade into oblivion and be replaced by another conservative movement, which will then force them to join it- thus making them compromise.You can't be rigit, when you don't own the hearts and minds of the people- you will push them away. And you can't be rigid when you do have the hearts and minds of the people, as you will push them away. Politics ain't easy.
  19. First- if you think you are included in that reference, it is laughable. Second- President Reagan could influence people without them even knowing he was doing it. Very persuasive man. So many of today's generation seems to want to take their ball and go home if they can't have their way. That method won't win anything for them
  20. It is amazing how often this generation of conservatives trot out the name of Ronald Reagan, like he is some sort of prop. They act nothing like him and he would consider them a bunch of idiots.
  21. Many of my Isreali friend would agree with him. If they couldn't just fall back on us, every time, they actually would have had to negotiate in good faith. That point taken, the conflict would have been over by now. As far as Benghazi, that was a terrible situation and has been overpoliticized, just as the Osama Bin Laden assassination was.
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