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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Chuck Dickerson let me down big time- he used to be a very good football coach- now he has become a caricature of a man.
  2. I wish I could believe that, I really do. I just think talk radio magnifies everybodies gripes with a team. Remember how that washout dickerson got people against Levy? Dickerson- a guy that probably knows less about football than most of the people who post here!
  3. I think if people want to got o a football game, they can go 3 hours w/out a beer
  4. Now this isn't going to be another rip the fans post, but with what I see on talk radio- especially what goes on on the Buffalo station (I wont mention WGR55), would the fans react to the 1990's team the same way it did back then. I look at today's group of fans, and see a bunch of angry people. People who I think would just look for something to be mad about. Football was supposed to be an escape from reality- not a different reality. When sports becomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality. Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.
  5. Keep Schenk- he's been a find Keep Crowell, Haggan, and Stamer Keep Bannan, Thomas, and Edwards if their demands arent too high. Franchise Clements, and try to get a mid round pick this year, and as high as possible for next year
  6. I think Mora was a great leader- another guy I liked that never got a fair chance was Chan Gailey
  7. Yep, this is the same guy who thought he was a better tackle for us that Ted Washington was
  8. Go with McGee and King, and play more zone
  9. I'd grab Hawk in a heartbeat! He won't play to his potential until we fix the DL situation, but it would be hard to get a defensive player of his caliber later on- he's a true playmaker
  10. Let Jessica Simpson or Paris Hilton coach- their coaching is bound to be better than anything else they've done in the past
  11. I'm for franchising him, and getting picks in the next 2 drafts. We arent going to get good by attempting a 1 year rebuild
  12. I think the roll outs would help, but I wonder how much- if the line can't block, then no play will work, and that is a huge concern
  13. So just because they declined after he came on board, its his fault? TM is a great personnel guy, and is highly respected around the league
  14. This won't be popular, but I'm not disgusted with anyone unless they quit. A guy who busts his but to get the job done, but just isn't talented enough is not to blame for the team not winning.
  15. I would only want Marv back in any capacity if it would truly make him happy. He's given a lot to the NFL, football, and the Bills- he's nearly 80, and should be enjoying the high life now, and spending time with his family and friends. I would not want to see him manuvered into a return, unless thats what he really wanted- we owe him a lot more than he owes us
  16. I'll be the first to say, I'd like to see Willis get 25-30 carries per game, but when the line blocks so well, that he averages less than 1 yard per carry, and Lossman has to run all over the place just to throw the ball away, maybe the coaching staff thinks that we have to use trick plays just to get yards.
  17. Dude, you just made my day- I havent laughed like that in a long time. The "GuidingLight" was the manager of champions for years!!
  18. I wouldnt mind him as a DC, but dont let sideline demeanor be confused with leadership- you dont need to rant and rave to be good
  19. What they're doing is creating lies based on the fact that the fans want TD gone. What they keep repeating about TD thinking Bills fans are jerks is a complete lie. How is giving information that they make up while they sit around doing nothing giving a voice to fans? More like they put words in fan's mouths
  20. I'm looking for accuracy- they spin everything
  21. Dude, I'm trying to take the high road here, I never called you a WGR zombie or anything (even though you resorted to that), but their methods are wrong.
  22. So I'm not thinking if I dont buy into what WGR is selling. I am not dbating how good or bad our team is here.
  23. A well deserved one if so- they are pretty unprofessional. Anyone would be silly to consider them journalists- they seek to make the news.
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