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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I'm not Christian, but from what I can see, so many Christians (and people of other religions) forget the principles part of their religion, and get too hooked on the ideology. That, can lead to violence
  2. Yes, but guns haven't been legal in those countries for over 200 years. It gets a bit complicated at that point. It would be nice, if we could just put them all away. All people are flawed, even the good ones. All religions are flawed, because they are created by people.
  3. The theory on good and evil is a strange one and most people don't understand it, therefore it makes them uncomfortable.
  4. Both situations cause a problem- stripping away rights won't work, nor will leaving things as it. We are in a catch 22, as there is no perfect solution. And to the other statement- if we put red security at each school, how long before a lunatic gets one of those jobs and opens fire? It would eventually happen.
  5. While it doesn't help much to take away our second ammendment rights and lead to the culture you mention, we also don't want a vigilante culture either. What is the solution?
  6. A friend of mine said this afternoon that there should be armed guards at schools. That won't fix the problem either. Only a matter of the till someone with issues got a job as an armed guard and shoots up a school as well. Te two sides need to stop arguing and start the dialogue. There is no easy fix, but if they put there heads together, they should at least be able to make it tougher for things like this to happen.
  7. Well, first comes the premise that it is nearly impossible to remove guns from our society. Second, they are too easy for those who are mentally ill to get a hold of. I think statement one can't be changed, but statement two can be attacked. Why not bring the NRA in on the discussion on how to find a way to keep guns out of the hands of those who are mentally ill? Yes, there is the problem of how to define that, but including those who wish to protect gun right in the discussion should help solve that problem in a way that is beneficial to everyone. As was said, you can't fix crazy, but you can make it harder. Banning guns at this point would prove to be the same mistake prohibition was.
  8. You are partially wrong. The devil does not just prey on the weak- he preys on the weakness of us all. Strong and weak people.
  9. So many people needlessly killed. So sad. It just doesn't feel like it will ever end.
  10. If we had drafted Russell Wilson and he was able to perform at the level he is in Seattle, we would be in position for a wildcard.
  11. Sorry, but not too many will weigh on this today. Just devastated and want to crawl in a hole. It isn't going to end.....ever
  12. I disagree- Harry Reid should have been the front man for Nirvana
  13. That franchise was so bad, Dan Marino "quit" his position after just a couple weeks. Saban and Marino saw there was no opportunity and got out- you don't subject yourself to a bad situation if you don't have to.
  14. A lie in a political campaign? Go figure. If you are right, don't blame Romney, anyways. The candidates are no more in control of their own campaigns, than you or I are.
  15. Now try remembering that while inputting stats for a game and having to remember tons of ridiculous rules! lol
  16. Not a problem- I have been statting games for years- by the way, when the kicking team recovers, they can do anything the would have done before the block, including punting again
  17. I will have to check the book- it may be a field goal and not a punt SECTION 7—BLOCKED PUNTS Article 1. A blocked punt is recorded as a “Team” entry (except when a properly centered ball is fumbled) and not charged against the individual kicker. Also, charge one punt for zero yards to assure that the blocked punt is included under “Times Kicked” in team totals. If the ball travels toward the kicker’s goal and is recovered by the blocking team, the yardage is treated as a punt return by the player who blocked the kick. If the ball travels toward the kicker’s goal and is recovered by the kicking team, the yardage is treated as a punt return by the player who blocked the kick; and the blocking team is charged with a fumble lost, except on fourth down. Remember that yardage for a blocked punt by an opponent cannot be a negative fi gure, but is listed as zero yards and the diff erence shall be listed as punt return yardage for the team blocking the punt.
  18. It accounts for the kicking team's ability to advance the ball- I agree, it makes no sense to penalize the team for the block. Hate the rule.
  19. You think that's dumb? Hypothetical from Sunday- if we block a Rams punt and they recover it behind the line of scimmage, we are charged with a lost fumble. How dumb is that?
  20. Agreed on that point completely Haha, I get it, but after looking at the article, this guy was clearly stupid. He should be locked up for a long time.
  21. Without taking the time to read it, I would say somewhere in the middle. The first one is probably self defense. I would think waiting a day to call the police would be a separate crime.
  22. Agreed. A lot of the manufacturing jobs would already be here, if not for that.
  23. Well, if it were politically possible. A low paying job is better than none
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