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Everything posted by Adam

  1. IN all fairness, coverage and pass rush kind of work together, and we dont have much of a rush to help out the coverage
  2. And if the team was winning, he'd just be letting off steam among his fans downtown, I suppose. Studying the playbook is different from getting reps in practice
  3. I went to the Patriots game last week- and the actions of 3 drunk fans absolutely ruined it (as far as just enjoying a game- regardless of how we played). They were randomly hurling obscenities in every direction all game- INCLUDING DURING THE ANTHEM! Starting fights with fans of other teams...not recognizinf there were kids around. People like this shouldnt be at the game, they should be locked up somewhere far away
  4. They must be doing something right when people are complaining about the website
  5. What was Levy's record before the Bills? Torre's before the Yankees
  6. It wasn't anything close to Emmitt's O-line, which was one of the best ever. I will say that it wasn't a terrible line, and was much better than what we have now. AND that Fontes was not the bufoon he was made out to be
  7. MY point is that people always ripped the rest of the team, despite the fact they had Ken Glover, Lomas Brown, Jerry Ball, Chris Speilman, Mike Johnson, Herman Moore, Aubrey Matthews, etc.....
  8. I just think its funny that people continually try to invoke the Constitution at completely innappropriate times!
  9. The fact that he's not bigger than the country and the Constitution
  10. Since you included Jimmy JOhnson, you might as well just kick all of us, and include Don Shula
  11. Wyche can't do it for health reasons......great coach though, with a great knowledge of the game....never met him, but he strikes me as a great guy
  12. Sorry, bud. But the First Ammendment guarantees that the Government will not pass legislation preventing free speech. Nothing more. The only way to change that is to ammend the Constitution, and I'm sorry, but its too late in the day for that.
  13. Ronnie Jones is a good coach, but was out of place coachinf special teams
  14. I'm a Tressell guy, myself- and I think he'd make a great NFL coach
  15. That team in Detroit, and its coach was a heck of a lot better than we were led to believe......didn't Fontes average around 10 wins per season, despite having just 1 player on the roster?
  16. With Teague gone, it will be interesting to see how the other perform
  17. CTM- that was worded wonderfully- the meaning is ambiguous and could go either way! I nearly fell out of my chair laughing!
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