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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I have to disagree- he would not play as poorly as he has over the years by choice. I think he has found a role that suits him. I don't think anyone can question how hard he has played at all times. He is as good as any #4 WR in the NFL, and will be kept- I HAVE SPOKEN
  2. I think they had him give Chad Johnson a larger cushion than he gives to most WR's....I think CJ had only 2 big plays all game. You can only limit a player of his caliber, not shut them out. I think the game plan worked...much better than letting him play tight man, and giving up 2-3 TD's
  3. If they don't like him, they can go play someplace else. Cincinnati could have stuck with Kitna when they started coming on a couple years ago, but stuck it out until the light went on for Palmer, and look where they are not- even after today's loss. I think it may take Lossman significantly longer than Palmer- he's a lot more raw coming out of college, but it will be worth the wait
  4. You can't get those three years back- let it go. He's playing as well as any #4 WR in football, and is well worth keeping, especially if we don't keep Moulds.
  5. Shaud Williams is a pretty good #2 back- if the blocking was there for him, he would look a lot better. He's not a MaGahee that will get his own yards, but you only have 1 starter
  6. It scares me that we're on the same page on this! That said- Holcomb did what he's paid to do- nothing more, nothing less
  7. The key there is right now- its because he's had a lot more time in the league- once we get that for JP, he'll be a much better QB than Holcomb
  8. I go with the guy who can make the team exceeed its own talent (JP), but fix the lines, and stick with Willis
  9. I really think his overall play has been well this season for what is asked of a #4 WR. His last third down conversion was absolutely crucial in running the clock down on the last drive, and overall he played a heck of a game today. He's dropped the ball a few times this season, but nothing like the past few seasons. I think he's salvaged his career, and I hope we bring him back. I think he's a keeper
  10. And as I said- his calls are based on a pourous offensive and defensive line. I dont think his that much of a moron that he'd have made those same calls if he had the hogs
  11. I love it- I say he's an OKk coach, and some lawyer twists that comment into something else
  12. I dont know if you differ in opinion that much- you cant trade down without a high pick, and you only do it if you have more than one guy rated that high on the board- of one stands above the others, then you take him.
  13. I don't know that you can judge Clements on how he runs an offense that is based on not having an adequate offensive line. I have trouble judging Jerry Gray, because I'm so far at the other spectrum as him as far as wanting to blitz- I prefer our smothering 3 and out defense from the late 90's. I hate blitzing on 3rd and long especially- no need for it, and it uneccesarily exposes you to big plays. I like Mularkey- he showed confidence today- particularly when he didn't intercede in Bobby April's arguement with the officials. He trusted his assistant, and that says a heck of a lot.
  14. And you rebuild through the draft- NOT free agency- that is too expensive a route to build a team, as exampled by our attempts at it- either good on offense or defense, but not both
  15. He also has a few years on JP- dont forget that in the excitement of the game. Holcomb allows the team to equal the sum of its parts- when JP is fully developed, he will get the team to exceed that level
  16. The team still has some holes on both lines- I think that has hurt Mularkey, who I still believe is a more than competent coach.
  17. Sorry, but EVERYBODY wanted that one- yourself included. Now go have a great Christmas and New Year!!!! Bills!! Donahoe!!! Mularkey!!!!
  18. You are correct- TD did not call the guy a jerk..... I DID.
  19. Its just not done that way- you pickj your starter and go with him- you dont split reps, or you have no starter
  20. 20 years from now people hopefully won't be politicizing everything
  21. Dan Nevereth did the Braves games, until he was fired for making a negative comment about trading away Bob McAdoo
  22. My ticket to the game lat Sunday, I was hoping it would have been printed on better paper
  23. This is a sick, morbid poll- and I don't even want to think about it, nor do I care......I'm more concerned w/Mr. Wilson's health than the state of his football team.
  24. Mularkey gets paid whether he has a job or not- I think he's doing what is in the kid's best interest
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