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Everything posted by Adam

  1. actually, it was Tedy Bruschi's idea...he called Weiss on the Bruschi phone
  2. Point taken- but calling plays over the course of an entire game requires quite a bit of talking- microphone or not....maybe if he was the coordinator, with Mularkey making play calls in game.......if we have a line, it wont make much difference what we call- more of a chance of working
  3. I mean Euhus and Campbell are easily better than Gonzalez and Gates- we should go 4 TE's on every play!
  4. You dont know what your talking about- it was a scheme to get more money- Vincent wanted to play quarterback!
  5. No Collins was looking for a scapegoat to save his own job, and there is no way an organization such as the Browns would allow that. Savage is an elite GM
  6. Heres a napkin to wipe off that sarcasm!!
  7. uh, 1997 was about the time the collapse of our great OL was complete (when Hull retired) Not 1960. The rebuilding should have begun before DOnahoe ever left Pittsburgh
  8. Theres no reason to EVER put Rodgers is- he's not an NFL player- hopefully Favre does the right thing and walks away from that terrible joke of a franchise- even though he has plenty of football left.
  9. Wyche is not going to be any more than QB coach- and him doing that while battling throat cancer, and barely having a voice is a wonderful story in itself- dont push the man to do something he can't do, or could harm him. Winning is not worth that
  10. Yeah- who will play strong side.....could bringing back Paul be an option?
  11. Don't even compare her to that wannabe singer.
  12. We'll see if they retract this story as well. Just cause ESPN reports doesnt mean it is accurate.
  13. That I have no problem with, and I'm not trying to make it oput like this is just in Buffalo. People are just being brought up wrong, and end up screwed up like that
  14. In 1997, if we stuck with Collins or Van Pelt- instead of trading for Johnson and Bledsoe, we could have fixed our line, then rebuilt the team, and been in position to do something. Losing is part of the cycle, and you cant avoid it, or artifically get rid of it.
  15. OK, I'll be the Devil's Advocate here- say every move he made was wrong....ok, we fire him, thank him, and move on. Thats it. Thats all I'm saying. Getting enjoyment out of somebody getting fired it the wrong way to look at things
  16. There is a reason that team didn't keep him- he's a me player. We needed a run stopper this year, and he chose to be a playmaker. Thats why his 10 sizes too big butt ended up on the bench!
  17. At times they may not have executed, but the players that count for something- London Fletcher, Lee Evans, etc.... continued to bust their butts, while Moulds and co. slacked off
  18. And the next season of the show to replace them could start midway through the following football season
  19. It will end with the extermination of all the terrorists!
  20. The typical fan would want this done every year, just to treat their team like a set of legos. Change is good!
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