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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Yes, fear is one of the strongest motivators. If you combine them, it really increases. The two don't even have to be mutually exclusive.
  2. I meant on the original question- unless it offended you. Hopefully not though. I will take that as you believe people do good for altruistic reasons. Hope you are right!
  3. Yes, we are taking over! Lol. Seriously though, expand on that. What is your take?
  4. Some people are taught to lead good lives, so they will get to heaven. Will that path lead to heaven? It comes across as having a predetermined and selfish reason to do something good, instead of being altruistic. Not trying to be a pain with that question, but it is food for thought and some interesting conversation. Way do you think? quite the contrary. When discussed in a civil manner, I find talking about the roots of religious philosophy to be extremely intriguing.
  5. Nobody knows the answer to all those questions, that's why faith is based on the gs that can't be proven. If that faith leads a person to happiness, then more power to them.
  6. Completely agreed- if anyone thinks that an untrained person can handle a gun in a pressure-packed situation, they are crazy. All for the training!
  7. The Sabres were better off without him!
  8. How could someone who doesn't believe in a higher power, believe that the higher power has been removed. That made the kind of sense that doesn't.
  9. I talked to a police officer and was stunned at my answer. Said that if he was the prosecutor, he goes with two counts of first degree murder.
  10. Ozzy was paranoid, at it sounded very good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz_6jagv_D4
  11. Simple question- and I have never handled a gun, so I am not qualified to answer this. Should gun owners have to be trained in proper usage? I would assume using them in stressful situations would be very difficult
  12. All I can say is we live in a screwed up world. Look at those Westboro scumbags who made the trip out there to further traumatize those poor people. Their so-called church is getting theirs, though.
  13. I agree- I have seen a lot of mental problems. What if some of those drugs are causing adverse violent reactions? We don't know that they are, but we know nothing until some kind of study is done. Tom Cruise is an idiot and a B-rate actor.
  14. From what I have read, this incident, like several others, has a link to a person using psychiatric drugs. Congress has refused to have a study done to look for a link in these drugs and acts of violence. I smell special interest money.........
  15. A lot of people are understandably upset. I have been so miserable since this happened, many coworkers and family members don't want to talk to me right now. Being upset is one thing, but jumping to conclusions are another. I am for guns being part of what we analyze, but don't look at it with guns in the back of your mind, as that will lead you to the conclusion you want. We will never solve the problem completely, but if we put our heads together as a country, we can slow this down. We don't have much of a choice. Also, we need to expose that fraudulent church, which reared its ugly head again. Very, very sick of them.
  16. Even if it was discussed before there is no reason not to have it on the table now. These shootings are major problems. Are the guns themselves the problems? Probably not. But going through each aspect of the problem systematically is the best way to isolate the cause and fix it. It's just a shame both sides will play politics, while more incidents are bound to happen.
  17. I will add this- gun owners should take precautions, such as using gun safes. However, it is no more their fault if somebody steals their gun, than if somebody steals their car or TV set.
  18. TYTT- I actually support your right to bear arms. The way you go about talking about it is wrong though and very unpersuasive. "Come and get it" doesn't solve anything. You aren't paranoid about wanting to protect your family- that's commendable. You come off as paranoid about not wanting to give up guns. I think psychiatric drugs are a bigger problem than guns. Apparently there is a tie in with what happened
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