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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I hope some of the Broncos OL's play both ways next week- those guys are downright viscious and dirty
  2. I'm not a fan of his style, but if he were lousy, the teams back when we had Adams and Williams wouldnt have had good defenses, because he would have screwed that up. He wasn't able to compensate for the loss of Williams- some DC's could, but not too many. Wade Phillips may be the best DC I've seen
  3. I see you point, but I think any job that has you working for Al Davis puts you in an untenable situation. I thought he made the most of it- aside from John Gruden, who has done better since- and Calahan does not count- he was a bad coach with the great team Greden left behind
  4. I don't think Levy would accept the job if he wasn't willing and able to put the work and hours in. Could you see hiim taking a job, and slacking off? I think we'll be in for a down year, as we retool the team.....and I think this team has several tools on it!
  5. ""Only Sith deal in absolutes"
  6. How about an error 404 page! and I hope people dont see me that way, because of my comments about WGT55 and Sullivan- I think their criticism, while based on what may be real issues at times goes off the deep end, and becomes personal attacks, and childish garbage
  7. "Quarterback and Pass rusher"- Bill Polian
  8. Maybe by changing leadership, and most of the staff, we have, in essence, gotten rid of the Mularkey that has been here the past two seasons....in a way, people are a product of what they are subject to. Hopefully he's here for awhile, because that means the team will be doing well
  9. I think Mularkey was an unknown quantity, even after the season ended- he coached 2 pretty bad teams, and had one winning season, one losing......we could move on because of the uncertainty, but it could prove costly. Now, with and almost completely new staff, and new leadership, we really don't know what Mularkey is or isn't capable of at all.....putting a guy in a new environment could change things a lot. I think this year will be more about evaluating the roster than the coach- unless it is determined that he has no leadership skills, whatsoever, I think he definitely will be back at least one season beyond the upcoming one. I just don't see our roster improving by leaps and bounds in one season- although fixing the lines could leave us in contention for a wildcard near the end of the season. I'm much less concerned about Levy- he weeded out the problems on the team in the first go around, and I think he'll weed out anyone in the front office that isn't willing to put in the extra effort, and buy into his vision. He along with Modrak will find guys that want to win- not just talented guys- and in turn, that will help Mularkey- the best leader as a coach is the one that can partially delegate the leadership responsibilities to the leaders on the team. I hope Mularkey is up to the task, and manages to stick around. I don't like everything about his coaching style, but there are positives, and he seems like a likable person.
  10. Ooooooooooo- he said damn!!! My ears!! My ears!
  11. Or at least they acted stunned....I hope the UN never aquires nuclear weapons
  12. I agree- their discussions are always semi-intellingent (laughable) to very intelligent. This is much more entertaining than inventing a bone to pick with everything.
  13. I can't argue against that point- Excellent game by both teams, and two outstanding football coaches. Congratulations to Joe Paterno on his final Big 10 title
  14. Same as Talley's missed tackle on Ingram in the superbowl....easier to blame Norwood. No- its not Talley's fault, nor is the Browns game Jim's fault. The Bills managed to lose those as a team- just as they won the games to get there
  15. They'll stay that way, until something is done about it. Is anyone finally going to push those chumps back? I'm all for it
  16. Moulds is nothing compared to Anre Reed, Schobel is no Bruce, and Stamer is no Tasker
  17. Wasn't that pass just a bit high?
  18. Absolutely- I stand behind the philosophy of draft the best player available, then work your roster around it- unfortunately, we didn't get many great players on the OL, and it turned into fill ins. Still, you have to continue to build the team core with the most talent you can find, otherwise, you'll get to the door, and wont have a key to get in. The right players just weren't available, but I think the players Donahoe drafted will continue to develop, and play a major role in our resurgence- keep an Tim Anderson- he has become more than servicable, and I think his progression will continue. 2 more years, he'll be entrenched as a big player for us
  19. Anything compared to Statler and Waldorf will make people laugh- they were funny characters......this was just a case of Simon and White trying to be disrespectful
  20. Not to say it isnt possible- but that show is based on a lot of speculation. I do wish Kornheiser would get back on the radio......not many insightful people on the radio right now......just people like Rome- and worse Are you saying Mularkey will dress as Levy on the sidelines
  21. Every try LaNova BBQ wings....yummy!
  22. Well, Kelly had the freedom to go pass or run based on the defense- so what other coaching move cost us against the Giants. Should Levy have demonstrated to Talley and company how to make a tackle in that game- thats what cost us. Washington clearly dominated our defense. Dallas was a better team- although we made a good showing early in both games
  23. The game never passed him by- we reached the point in the cycle that we were losing players, and starting to lose games. The gameNEVER- EVER passed Levy by. He was not outcoached in the Superbowls- we were beaten by several hall of fame players, or near hall of fame players. Its merely convenient to blame him for the losses, and give the players credit for the wins, but thats not accurate,no matter how much Marv wanted us to believe that.
  24. Boadcast MTV, so they all become as useless as Paris Hilton
  25. Bruce as coach....with no cap, I can only imagine how much he'd want to be paid!
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