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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I learned how to infiltrate a zealot race of lizards in NWN. Merry Christmas to you!
  2. That actually was funny. I never could play those games, more of a Neverwinter Nights player myself. I prefer the old fashioned halberd.
  3. Could I ask what kind of training that takes? I would assume that it varies with gun types.
  4. Vitamin D is very important as well and the grade Fitzpatrick gets at qb.
  5. Zinc is the reason I just threw my iPad out the window. The coach provides the GM with the characteristics he looks of at each position. The GM relays that to the scouts. The scouts provide a synopsis of each player to the personnel people, who rank them. Te GM drafts them and the coach maximizes them. It is more circular than linear. The GM is the focal point, but not the be all end all. Too many focus on the coach.
  6. If zinc can be overruled by the coach, we need to start over. That isn't how it works
  7. I don't get the PTA reference, please elaborate. Not just the government. I don't think enough people care about the mental health issue. That needs to change, very quickly. I do agree on the non-voting thing, completely. A lot of things about our government needs to change.
  8. I assume you meant can't argue. Point taken in that case. Have a Merry Christmas, TYTT and the rest of the wall that celebrates it. Happy Holidays to everyone else!
  9. No doubt, but the longer you run, the longer you might live. Once caught, that would be it
  10. If I was protecting my family, I would put up as much of a fight as I could. If they just showed up one day, I would run like hell.
  11. All depends on what led to the attack, I guess.
  12. Um, I thought the best goal would be to find a way to stay alive.
  13. If it is to ward off another person, that works perfectly. If it is to ward off a government sanctioned attack, it would hold up a few minutes.
  14. No, but they make bad situaions managable and bad calls, work.
  15. Something that really gets me is when people talk about needing guns to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. People need to defend themselves, when confronted or if their house gets broken into- that is real. But if you are confronted by a SWAT team or the military, and you think pulling out a gun in going to help you..........Then you are a loooooooneeeeeeey!
  16. Mandatory gun training is something that clearly has merit. Investigating the negative effects of psychiatric drugs should be on the table, but won't be, because the drug lobby is buying too many congressional votes for it to happen.
  17. If he is worth trading for, other teams will jump in and he will be worth at least a first round pick. I am sure our scouts are keeping an eye on the situation.
  18. Well, for those who believe in God, I think this explanation would be fitting- That God, himself instilled the curiosity in us to try to know that which can't be known.
  19. Same as a person of faith trying to prove the existence of God to a non believer. In both cases, ther person doing the convincing isn't sure of themselves, so they need to eliminate the other side. Then they are right. Makes no sense to me. If believing in God makes you happy and you find strength in it, good for you. If not believing in God does the same, then good for you. Trying to take peace of mind from someone, so you can have it, doesn't work.
  20. Last I checked, the liberals vote counts as much as the conservative.
  21. And you just posted that on a message board. Stay safe, man. I mean that.
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