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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Well, I don't think there is any Moulds/Andre Reed debate anymore- this gutless coward is more than a few notches behind #83
  2. The medium intestine
  3. partly true- but there was something to shoot for then- the Bills, 49ers, Dallas, and maybe even the Cheifs were THE elite. Everybody is the same now, players drift from team to team, and fan are argry for some reason. The quality of the game has declined. by the way- Its not a business or a product- ITS A FREAKING GAME
  4. What wasn't ssaid, is that we traded up to the 4th pick, and got the Brick!
  5. Not what I meant- and I'm not defending the killers either. I'm just saying that with any action- free or not, there is a consequence. That simple
  6. Justa question- if we did bid things out, insteadof awarding that contract to Haliburton- how long would it taken to get help and supplies over there, and how much criticism would that have drawn.
  7. I don't know what the laws are there, but one thing I do know- peopl edo confuse freedom of speech, press, etc.... from freedom from consequences- which does not exist
  8. Well, it has stirred things up in the Middle East, prompting many to want change in their countries as well......thats a good thing!
  9. I don't think he will go down in history as the terrible President some people want him to. He may not be in the upper echelon, but he's not terrible. I'd say about average.
  10. The Chargers screwed themselves- if they were patient, they wouldn't have drafted Rivers. It takes patience to win- those that are impatient are losers
  11. So basically, you mean the leadership of the parties, and the media, which panders to the radicals
  12. No, that would be an NCAA violation
  13. Its going to be interesting- Mike Williams has never played on an offensive line with any amount of talent on it....maybe if we upgrade the talent, he wont look so bad.
  14. As a guy who follows the Browns, I really think there was no competition between Couch and Holcomb. Couch was clearly better, but those years of playing behind one of the worst offensive lines EVER, caught up to him. He did pick Pittsburgh apart 2 straight years- one being as a rookie after Cleveland lost to them 43-0 with Ty Detmer at QB. If he's healthy- both mentally AND physically, I would love to have him come in
  15. I think we should be asking ourselves- why does bad news sell better- or who put that concept in our heads
  16. I think they go beond that- they want to CREATE the story, and they want to go after those they dont like, and dig things up- even if there is no reason to look
  17. The thing is- I don't think the conservative or liberal majorities are represented by the views their media spews. I have heard somegood points made by both sides, and seldom hear that from the talking heads. To be honest, the longer the spew continues, the weaker the democratic party will become- remember- they are looking to regain power, and the spew maing them look bad has a far greater impact. The thing is, too many will just vote for anything not republican, which is sad. Our country is better of with them as a more viable option than they currently are.
  18. Just seeing if anyone would notice that I slipped that in.....nice job! lol
  19. Who said anything about the left- Rush Limbaugh and Randy Savage are as bad as anyone. Its not about political affiliation, its about spinning and using facts to spread propaganda, and try to get people to believe absolutes- which seldom exist in reality
  20. And let me state that my opinion on them is this- they can print what they want, but should be afforded no special privileges. I would just hope that education will take a stand, and do more t promote critical thinking, so people will judge things based on their own merit, not nased on hearing the same thing over and over, then parrotting it mindlessly.
  21. Well, first off, I feel THEY have changed the constitution. The media is not here for ratings, or to entertain us. The founders of our country did not write the Constitution to create a country of entertainment....not to say that entertainment shouldn't exist, but civil liberties are too importantto be afforded for that purpose. The Government should NEVER be allowed to impede vital information from getting out, unless it would be harmful for that information to get out (and they shouldn't have to prevent that from leaking- the media should know well enough to do that themselves.) I think that last statement sums up my views- the media should sart being smarter, report the facts, and stop being the second coming of the porpaganda machine. I think better education would help as well!
  22. Ok, what do you think about the visciousness of the media- its never been this bad. Also, I think the intent was to get pertinent information out there- nothing else. Pretty much to prevent cover ups.
  23. Because they set the whole thing up....turned out to be a big story for them.....
  24. Now we all know that the Constitution gives the right of freedom of the press. Now, here's my dillema- when does the media stop being the press (as intended by the Constitution. It seems that many want to just stir up controversy, entertain, and politicize everything. I don't feel that doing this reports pertinent information in an unbiased manner, and is worthy of those freedoms. I'm sure that I'll see many similar and differing views on this, and look forward to your thoughts!
  25. Ray Bentley. No he wasn't a safety, but I just felt like mentioning him
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