You know, I talked to someone from down there, who worked in a position where the votes were tallied. I dont know what thats called, so I guess I'm ignorant, but thats beside the point.
Well, this person told me that she didn't want to ever see that happen again, and got hysterical over the phone.
Now, maybe I do believe that the insinuation is true, maybe I don't. It really doesn't matter- the Democratic party must change. They can't pick weak candidates. Elections are about persuasion, and if what is insinuated did happen, then is was because people were pushed to do it. Would that be right? no, t wouldn't.
But the fact is, the democratic party needs to finally stop whining, and start acting. Stop using music stars to persuade the ignorant. Stop picking candidates that are led by the weak leadership of the party- and pick a candidate that will step up and LEAD the party. Until that happens, the democrats will be second- at best.