So if you work for somebody, you don't also work with them? Levy will draft us some good ones- and once he does, players like Tripplet will flourish. Don't forget, systems can change how a player is perceived.
Picture Joe Montana in a down the field type offense wouldnt have been near as good. Or Bruce Smith trying to play more gaps than he did.
Butler did not force Levy out- Wilson NEVER would have allowed it.
I like what he's doing- we aren't contenders yet, and he's not overextending himself, and tying up our cap. Once we're close, we'll still have cap room to add the last piece of the puzzle. Like it or not, you'll have to be patient. Its not Levy and Jauron's fault we've missed playoffs this long.
And by the way, the year Sherman got coach of the year, Jauron was a top candidate- and he didn't have one of the greatest QB's ever running the offense. Jauron doesnt come with the hype a Sherman would have, but I think he's much better at coaching than Sherman.