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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Fact is, this is an easy one. They are here illegally, and have no rights.....I see no problem in getting this taken care of.
  2. They want nuclear weapons, lets send them some!
  3. You ARE to blame- and I don't mean Buffalo fans, I mean YOU specifically. Do not ask me to expalin, as I would be forced to use a dialect that you could not comprehend. I ask that you understand this, and expect that you will comply
  4. Don't let these guys from WGR get to you- they are all talking heads- Simple Simon included. They are told to talk down the Bills, because the Bills are too smart to play ball with them- they are all for the Sabres (do they still exist?), because they broadcast them. The biggest joke is the producer and management, who promote the mindless drivel that pollutes their airwaves. I miss the Simoncast from Empire- that was before Howard sold us out.
  5. I just hope the perception that Mr. Wilson is the bad guy does not come to pass- he's done everything he can to stay in Buffalo, and JOnes, Snyder, and Macaroni & Cheese have done everything they can to screw him.
  6. What if we didnt trade for JOhnson- they we get Tra Thomas.
  7. I talked to a guy who had returned, and he said they love our troops. I don't believe anything the media reports, as they choose to make news, instead of report it....something they DONT have the right to do.
  8. Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder, and Kraft- Wilson talked about how they don't care about football. Well, they STOLE the league. Don't be surprised, because thats how they got everything they have. Think they are honest? think again. Players better have their agents check their contracts if they go to any of those teams. They might be signing all their great stuff away. We need less people like this, who know loyalty only to the almighty dollar!
  9. Wrongo! Mr. Wilson is not asking for anything more than what other teams have already gotten. Just be glad he's giving NY the chance, and not just up and moving. Also, be glad he hasn't dug a hole for himself, ala Art Modell through poor financial moves that forced a move. Still, I dont expect the Bills to stay in Buffalo. It wouldnt make sense
  10. I highly doubt that. We have no leverage at all.....if we waive him, they have first shot at him, and give up nothing
  11. If football itself isn't entertaining for you, thats ok, you dont have to watch it. You can always turn on MTV.....err, wait, there is never anything on that channel
  12. Actually, it was turning a lot of fans off. If quiet applause is what they wanted, thats what they would have put as the rule
  13. The Broncs? Did Texas-Pan American add football? Is he still eligible to play college ball?
  14. I lived in Texas for 2 years, and you are WAY off on the climate........better than it snowing all year up here in terrible new york state
  15. I wouldnt mind picking up Mangold in the 2nd round
  16. Levy wanted Moulds, Butler wantd McElroy. Sometimes you hit, sometimes you dont....thats life
  17. Yep, anyone can win- all they need to do is read coaching 101...its really that easy
  18. So if you work for somebody, you don't also work with them? Levy will draft us some good ones- and once he does, players like Tripplet will flourish. Don't forget, systems can change how a player is perceived. Picture Joe Montana in a down the field type offense wouldnt have been near as good. Or Bruce Smith trying to play more gaps than he did. Butler did not force Levy out- Wilson NEVER would have allowed it. I like what he's doing- we aren't contenders yet, and he's not overextending himself, and tying up our cap. Once we're close, we'll still have cap room to add the last piece of the puzzle. Like it or not, you'll have to be patient. Its not Levy and Jauron's fault we've missed playoffs this long. And by the way, the year Sherman got coach of the year, Jauron was a top candidate- and he didn't have one of the greatest QB's ever running the offense. Jauron doesnt come with the hype a Sherman would have, but I think he's much better at coaching than Sherman.
  19. Thats neither Mr. Levy's decision, nor yours.
  20. Coulda sworn I heard Jauron say something about using a version of it
  21. How about the fact that he worked VERY closely with Bill Polian, John Butler, and A.J. Smith. How about he has been involved in football for decades. How about he is very good at earning people's trust, and motivating them. How about the fact that a very good coach like Dick Jauron jumped at the chance to work for him. Mr. Levy is being very patient, and not making rash moves to sign guys. I like what he's been doing a lot.
  22. And you think talking like you expect Mr. Levy to make this miraculous move, and win the Superbowl this yearis interesting? He's building, and being smart- this year is about weeding out the people he doesn't want. You don't just bring in players because you have money......Dallas will learn that harsh lesson this season
  23. I have to say I agree- there were at least 5 guys out there-if we got one of these guys, we automatically win the superbowl. Obviously Mr. Levy's plan is to bring back Bruce and Thurman
  24. What about Happy Gilmore's mother...she's old...she's o...ld
  25. Yep, I'm sure the Browns would trade Faine for a 3rd round pick. Maybe they'd throw in 5 years supply of Corky's ribs too.
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