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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I didnt think anything could be worse about him than the haircut
  2. He has to be good- Jimmy Johnson drafted him
  3. Sorry, but the bullpen was a major weakness, and having it extended as far as it was in games four and five, left us with no releif pitchers. Once they got to Schilling in game 6, it was pretty much over. They simply were a better team- I really think we were lucky to win as many games in that series as we did. As a matter of fact, if you want to see a choke job, watch Boston in game 7 the previous year. Choking involves more than blowing a lead, it involves the mind interfering, and disabling skills. Calling a blown lead a choke is oversimplification.
  4. I still can't call that a choke- we didn't play tight at all.....they were the better team, and the extra inning games exposed our lack of depth in the bullpen. We were lucky to make that series go 7 games.
  5. Problem is that product over process causes losing
  6. I'll consider it a good pick if we can say he had a good career when he retires
  7. Sorry, missed that.....I couldn't get passed the first paragraph......wonder who typed that in for him from his crayon scrawlings.
  8. Don't drink their kool aid either.......sounds like a bitter ex-fan. Completely mindless
  9. popcorn vender!
  10. I hope they give him at least 3 more years if he needs it...its just his second season
  11. I do agree with him on Sullivan- the guy is just not a journalist......he's more cut out for talk radio
  12. Very tough to say- we dont know how our QB will progress, and a put our OL a notch ahead of theirs (on paper, at least)
  13. I agree, Mike....leave the stats to the people that are so into fantasy football, that they forget stats dont measure the important parts of the game......I know way too many of those
  14. I'm annoyed aby ESPN/ABC's coverage of the game. Criticizing the officials for a bad call is one thing, but thee guys need hanky's to wipe away the tears. This company has completely lost sight of the fact that they are expected to be professional about things. This isn't talk radio- they are expected to be objective, and just report....people can make their own conclusions, and those who aren't smart enough to do that shouldn't be watching TV by themselves anyways. Shame on ESPN and ABC....they've embarrassed us again.
  15. I'm looking at 7-9 or 6-10.......if everything breaks right, we may go 8-8.........face it- we probably will struggle against the run- even moreso at the end of games, and we're waiting for the light to go on for a 2nd year QB. I think we will be very organized and competetive. I think our players will go all out for Jauron.
  16. Of course- TD may have made some mistakes, but he was doing his best to try to get us a winning team.......I do appreciate him for that. His apprroach is seen as businesslike and professional when he wins, and stuffy and uptight when he doesn't.
  17. We could also baseball bat people who show up trying to stand in the way of people who vote against their party.
  18. Its much more complicated it- which RB has the opportunity to do the most. If our revamped OL blocks well, he has a shot. I think Dillon will take another step back- Martin may improve a bit, but Cedrick Houston will take more carries from him. Statistically- which is usually not accurate, I think MaGahee and Brown will be the best
  19. I know what the question means, but I'm pulling for Jim Kelly to be the former Bill to have a great year. He's been through so much over the last few years.
  20. I see it as not giving notice that you are looking for something- which allows more time to dispose of what is being looked for, or hide it. Abuse of the law can always be dealt with
  21. I think Clinton is completely unelectable- she would lose the southern democrats before the first vote. Kerry is not a leader...he does what the party tells him. Gore's problem is (at least from what democrats tell me) that he tried to act like something he's not last time...if you come off as a different person, that could turn people off. McCain hogs the spotlight too much for my taste, and Gingrich seems somewhat radical.....Guliani is interesting- he has a pretty good public image from what I can tell, but I dont know too much
  22. Well, from what I have been hearing, the probable democratic candidate is Gore....no news on the rupublican candidate. Big thing for Gore is to appeal to the southern democrat- he does that, he wins- the northeast will vote for him just because he's stamped a democrat. He has to avoid talking (whining) about 2000.....that is old and tired....and he can't let the democrats run him- that cost RobotoKerry any chance of winning. He was one of the worst candidates ever. Also, the need to cut the garbage about independents hurting them- go out there and win the doggone vote- nobody stole votes from you- you candidate just wasn;t good enough to win those votes. It will be interesiting to see who the Republicans run
  23. Miami has the potential to be the biggest bust in the AFC........if the OL doesnt play well- remember this......Culpepper is a good running QB, but he's not quick, and if the defense gets penetration, he can be terrible.
  24. Hopefully he can help somebody beat him out for a starting spt, but there is no need to cut him
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