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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I kind of got into this as I was changing my lifestyle. Used to eat fast food twice a day and have at least one five hour energy per day. Now I spend time at the gym and make my own food as much as possible. Makes a huge difference.
  2. Thanks, but there is no chance of finding that out here!
  3. Relax, man. Nothing wrong with looking at the information out there and speculating about it on a message board. That's what these forums are for. It isn't like his sentence will be based on anything here.
  4. I have read about it in numerous places as a sugar substitute. Sounded like it could be pretty good.
  5. Thanks for the help guys. And no, Chef, only way to get better is to work at it.......and get people sick In The process! Lol
  6. I was planning on putting two cans of diced tomato, apple sauce (sweetener), some onion (1/4-1/2 of one) and some garlic into my blender (just got a ninja) and blending them until smooth. Then empty into a heated pot and add some spices- mainly oregano, parsley and black pepper, maybe even a little cinnamon. After mixing, I would throw the pot into the fridge- I won't have a lot of time to prepare after I get home from work on New Year's Eve! I appreciate the help!
  7. Thanks! I appreciate it! Correct, I have never used whole garlic before. Hopefully this works out well! Lol
  8. Bulb. And if that is ok to throw in the blender, do I need to do any peeling or cutting first?
  9. I am making some home made pizza for a New Years party and was wondering if its ok to throw a bulb of garlic or two in the blender with the rest of the sauce ingredients (in a blender, of course). I have used garlic powder before, but never actual garlic, so I'm not sure that I know what I am doing!
  10. You could make an argument that he incapacitated the second one, then planned getting the second gun to finish her off. It could be construed as premeditated murder, but it would be difficult to convict.
  11. Bush 41 in intensive care with 'stubborn fever' http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/12/26/bush-41-spends-christmas-in-hospital/
  12. Just received it as a breaking news alert. No link as of yet. I will post more as the news breaks. Hope he comes out of whatever it is, ok.
  13. We have too big an economy for it to move to quickly in one direction or another. It would take a lot more than what is set to happen on January 1, 2013, to be so catastrophic. It is merely at attempt by our wonderful government to divert our attention from other things.
  14. No doubt, there are some differences. I won't dispute that. It is the similarities that worry me, more than the differences. The conspiracy theorists I once laughed at don't seem so funny anymore.........
  15. Very right about manufacturing. I see President Obama as a continuation of President Bush. Both spend like there is no tomorrow, President Bush put in the Patriot Act and President Obama is just about ready to sign off on the NDAA. Maybe the apocalypse happened and we just don't know it.
  16. Probably because I don't 100% know the law and figured that everything would have to be planned ahead of time to be first degree. People sure are nuts.......
  17. The fiscal cliff is an invented catastrophe. A diversion to keep our eyes off the real issue that congress and the White House is hitting us with- the National Defense Authorization Act. Soon, they will be able to watch us and make us disappear at will.
  18. Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate it, and Happy Holidays to those who don't. I hope everyone is safe and enjoying time with their families and friends.
  19. Making minor changes either way as far as guns go, will not change things dramatically, from how they are now. Going too far either way, will make the gun violence issue dramatically worse, by either having guns only available to criminals or by having too many guns out there in circulation to people who don't know what they are doing. A lot of avenues need to be explored. You saying that, is far different from someone in the NRA saying that, as I feel you are a lot more sincere about the general well being. That said, the NRA needs to make some changes, or they will hurt our ability to own them for our defense, in the long run. I hope that doesn't happen, because this issue, as was proven with prohibition, you can't take away something which is already out there.
  20. Just as repugnant as the NRA press conference. Nobody cares about fixing the problem, they only care about winning the issue. That's what America is all about! I see no change from the previous President. Bet he can't wait to sign off on the NDAA. Notice how they distract us from that with the illusory fiscal cliff.........
  21. This is a debate that actually could go on forever. We live in a violent world, and if you go one way, the other side will just argue that their way would have been better, when violence inevitably followed. My solution- just do the best you can.......
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