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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Who cares about halftime and commercials.....just play some good football.....too bad they weren't too good at that either.
  2. Irvin is the best reciever that I have watched- granted, I didn't see Rice in his prime
  3. Best RB ever in the AFC East!
  4. nah, then all the vampires could run free
  5. I'm no scientist, but don't reflective, non absorbtive surfaces have something to do with getting rid of some of the heat- seems that would be easy enough, and inexpensive enough. I think we can cut down on some of the gas emissions without cutting too much into profits.
  6. The problem, IMHO, is that we were naive to think that we could just drop in without them knowing about it, and find them. They had plenty of advance notice to get rid of them
  7. lol, how could it get harder than impossible
  8. Theoretically, the best way to take care of them is to have the UN increase economic sanctions on the Iranian "Government", basically crushing their government, and forcing a regime change as peacefully as possible. Since that is out of the realm of possibility, because the UN doesn't really exists, we have to hope we can avoid an all out war. I do expect the worst, which means an all out war with Iran, and you always hope to avoid civilian casualties, but they are always an inevitability in war. I thin a war with Iran would be much tougher and the death tolls would be far higher than with Iraq- but to let Iran continue on their current path in suicidal
  9. Its a screwed up world we live in....I don't think people on either side of the fence would disagree with that
  10. I have a problem with the newest report- first it says the problem is CAUSED by man, then it says it is merely sped up. The it says nothing can be done to slow it down. First off, there shouldn't be so much interpretation om caused or sped up- do what you can to not speed up or cause. Second, common sense dictates there are immediate means to slow it down, and I don't need a guy wearing a lab coat to tell me that
  11. There is a lot of good offensive talent, but you'll have to dig for the defensive players
  12. What the NHL has against them is that ESPN will do everything they can to make sure it fails
  13. Sorry, I am a big Bills fan, but I don't want the rules to be tailored to maked them better. Let them do that through the draft. By the way, how far did that Yankees lineup go- their roster wasn't so good. Full of overrated and old players
  14. The overall quality of the football being played has gone way down- sure you can point to a game here and there, but the fact is the lack of continuity on teams has led to the quality going down. It has especially hurt the offensive lines- when was the last time you saw a line like we had in the 90's or Dallas or Washington?
  15. Didn't Macho Man Randy Savage use that one back in the 1980's after he beat Tito Santana for the Intercontinental championship? Man, Savage held that belt for a long time......then he cheap shotted Steamboat
  16. Not impressed with either......never been too big on hockey, and the NFL fans will take whatever garbage the NFL feeds them as if they don't know any better. Free agency and the salary cap have ruined the league
  17. If he can play guard, and comes cheap, then sign him up!
  18. Equal opportunity is found in the hiring of the coaches, not in their achievements. It was about getting a chance.
  19. Their reference to Martin Luther King on their front page is absolutely shameless. He was referring to things a lot more important than the freaking super bowl. The superbowl is very unimportant in contrast
  20. yep, we should have lost him last year instead!
  21. Everything is not about right now! Its about a long term plan...I couldnt care less if we make the playoffs next season.......I want a nice long playoff run!
  22. I can agree with that- and I'll take it one step further- the NCAA Champions would be better as well
  23. You know something- they put a lot of hard work into getting where they did- they're all grown up and can make their own decisions. If they want to enjoy themselves, its their prerogative. I don't think it had that much of an impact come game day anyways.
  24. Bring in guy from Major League- he knew what to do with a contract he didn't like!
  25. It aint that easy to take the next step and make the playoffs. My guess is that the season after the upcoming one we make it.....I won't be dissapointed if I am wrong though
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