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Everything posted by Adam

  1. An example of how people in our country just want those who disagree, to be silent. Since they aren't intelligent enough to debate, anymore. I think Piers is wrong, but so are the people who set up that petition.
  2. Personally, I don't think it is something that started recently. It has been going on for decades and we are just starting to see the effects now. I don't trust any of our elected officials and I don't buy all the lip service they give to the deficit. They use that to scare us into compliance. Democrat, republican.....screw em all.
  3. Not to mention, they will control the healthcare and the ability to declare one mentally ill. That gives the people (countries) controlling them a lot of power too.
  4. I don't disagree with you on that premise- it won't make things all good. I don't think there is any way to do that. And yes, the criminal element will always have access, one way or another. I wish there was a golden solution to this problem and many other problems, but there isn't. I think one step in the right direction, is for people on both sides to come together. After that, people need to realize that just because no change has been made, doesn't mean that itellectual discussion hasn't happened.
  5. In essence, the world we live in is really screwed up. So is this country.
  6. i think they can and will. And it won't be the gun-free society that all of us (including the pro-gun people) would like. Well said. It already has reached that point. You make a good point 3rd, but the problem is that we need to find a solution to make things safer, as no solution will truly make us safe. Unfortunately, I don't think safety will factor into anything that is done at this point.
  7. The lack of bipartisanship is with the lemmings. With the politicians, it is an act.
  8. All things being equal, I'd like to see guns completely gone from existence- I honestly think most people would. Things, however are not equal, and guns have been around for a long time. Just like the prohibition, a ban on guns would fail. There are few people who want them banned, despite what the talking heads tell us. I think any loophole (and I don't know if it exists or not) allowing guns to be sold without a background check should be eliminated, vaporized, gone....poof! Background checks should be thorough and done my an independent source that isn't tied to the government, the NRA, pro or anti gun people (note, I separated the NRA from the pro gun crowd). Mental health should factor in and ONLY be determined by specialist physicians- I don't want the government making the laws and determining who fits that criteria. My preference is no assault type weapons, but I think a middel ground can be found on this. Make the background checks even more stringent. I do believe, despite all the rhetoric from our wonderful government (and the ones pulling their strings), we are headed for an eventual all-out ban and they won't consider whether all things are equal or not. Expect the worst, as it will probably happen. There is no hope and little change.
  9. We were told that a brain biopsy was necessary for my dad. After it was over, we were told that it is one in a million that the procedure would turn anything up.
  10. No, it is a bad decision my the training staff. He shouldn't have been available to the coach, if the injury was as described. The trainer has to have final say as to the availability of a player.
  11. I will add this. My father suffered from multiple forms of dementia, multiple myeloma and numerous other things. Towards the end, when we declined treatments, which would be worse than the illness, we were besieged by friends and family that went off on us- they said we were doing the wrong thing. Sometimes letting the end cme, is the best treatment possible. I don't expect everyone to nderstand that, but after watching the end come, I don't ever want anyone to go through that because of me. Personally, I don't want to hang around past having a quality life, anyways
  12. If Tony Romo was being released, I'd go all out to get him. I think he could do great things behind our line, particularly if we upgrade WR and TE. He is in a terribly dysfuncational setting, right now
  13. Yeah, ok. This draft will be just like the last draft............That will get us far!
  14. So, you really think Nix should be fired, for settling for Fitz.........
  15. ALex Carder from Western Michigan looks like a good prospect in the lower rounds as does Tino Sunseri out of Pitt. Anyone who thinks we are taking a QB early and starting him, then riding him to the playoffs is out of their mind.
  16. That type of thinking makes a team a perrenial loser, unless it already is a contender.
  17. I don't see a QB in this draft that I would draft in the first two rounds. Personally, I would prefer offering a third round pick to Carolina for Jimmy Claussen and take my chances that he developed a bit over the last couple years.
  18. How can we know what quarterback to look for when we don't have a coach, to know what type of offense we will have?
  19. If anyone blames this mess on Presidents Bush and Obama, go buy a clue. The bills don't just show up on their desk, by themselves. They have to make it through Congress. Wait till the National Defense Authorization Act gets sign, which allows for indefinite dention of citizens, since the language banning that has been removed by Congress.
  20. Just lamenting how things work.........
  21. You mean like they do every other time? Just kick the can down the road..........
  22. I agree about the computations, but I don't think the republicans will have the upper hand on many things in the near future- quite the opposite. I expect the conservative movement to abandon them and for a second party to battle the democrats. I hope they have something in place before the next congressional election and the next presidential election (hopefully at the latest)
  23. Here is an update- President Bush has been moved from ICU to a normal hospital room. Not the news we are waiting for, but still an improvement!
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