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Everything posted by Adam

  1. 40 time is irrelevant. How fast can he get in and out of cuts to get open when he is running those routes. That is more important than getting downfield.
  2. If you don't like it, then make like a tree and get out
  3. I think her campaign has been terribly run. In trying to humanize herself, she is trying to out obama Obama, insteadof focussing on her own strengths. She should be made into a caricature of herself, as someone who doesn't need to eat or sleep. A complete workaholic who's work would be interrupted instead of sleep being interrupted when the phone rings at 3 a.m.
  4. Mario Manningham wasn't even the best WR on his team. I would't want him until the fifth round if not lower. Adrian Arrington is a better, more reliable target
  5. I prefer to base my opinions on watching the line of scrimmage, as opposed to stats. Anyone who thinks he is a bad player is crazy, but he is not a dominant player. He would benefit from having a dominant player opposite him, but would we be able to afford both- and I go with the dominant or potentially dominant player over him.
  6. and pac man was chomped by inky, pinky, blinky and clyde!
  7. Hey, I am not a stats guy. I don't care that his sacks were down- he plays with terrible personnel and a horrible offense. I watch what he does, and he strikes me as an above average pass rusher and a slightly above average overall defensive end. Look at it this way- I mentioned him because he is a player worth mentioning. There is a reason I didn't mention any of our other defensive end's. What I am trying to say is that if we keep him he can be of value to us. If we get a good offer we can take it- he isn't a make or break player. Fair enough?
  8. I think people are taking me wrong. Aaron Schobel IS a good football player, there is absolutely no question about that. What I said is that he isn't what we are paying him to be. Also, I never said that I would trade him for a bag of rubber bands, I said if a really good deal popped up, I would take it. If that deal helped us bring in an Ellis or Dorsey, then I would be ecstatic- and yes, I know they haven't played a down yet.
  9. Both are good football players, but to see people equate what they have in what they see as the best offensive/defensive player on the team makes me laugh. Evans may not be able to go over the middle, but he has may a few game-changing plays with his speed, despite us not having another competent threat at WR. Schobel from what I have seen racks up the sacks simply because nobody else does. He is a good player, but is eating up too much cap space. If a team wanted him as part of a good package deal in the draft, I would consider it.
  10. He was more directed at defending a teammate than voicing an opinion. He never said anything negative about Edwards at all- that is a figment of the split fanbase's overactive imagination. He is a very talented WR- a good #2 and a marginal #1. The reason he is maginal are because he is very limited as to what he can do over the middle because of his size. He has the talent to get open against 1-on-1 coverage with a CB though. If he weren't the only WR capable of playing the 1,2, or 3 WR positions at least at an adequate level, he wouldn't have these problems. He can't do it all himself.
  11. Are you counting pre-lock out? How long has Golisano been there anyways?
  12. I've never been into the NHL all that much, but when Golisano bought the team after the fiasco of the previous owner, he was a hero. When they had those 2-3 great season, everyone loved him. Now they have ONE down year, and everyone hates him. What a bunch of hot pocket bandwagoners. No better than any other city's fans, no matter who claims otherwise
  13. While he has his shortcomings, I would say calling him a marginal backup at best is ludicrous. The guy has shown an ability to get something done in the fourth quarter despite his lack of accuracy and despite having one option to throw the ball to. For a relatively inexperienced QB, I'd say he is a more than adequate backup. He may not be Frank Reich, but he's not throwing to Andre Reed, James Lofton and Pete Metzelaars either. If you think he is John Elway, you are crazy, but you also are crazy if you think he is to blame for all of our problems
  14. When you said 'sack up' it kind of gave it away......lol
  15. Ah, a post I can appreciate. Sure, Fowler is not a good center, but there is nobody better than him in the draft. You are better off sticking with him instead of getting worse. Enough with the "We just have to get rid of him, no matter what" mentality. We put JP Losman in way before he was ready, and probably did the same with Edwards. Lets not be in a rush at every position.
  16. Trent was doing just fine until Jason Peters went down. Games are won and lost in the trenches, not by who is under center. I know thats not a popular sentiment, but sometimes the truth hurts
  17. Yes, turnovers are nice, but getting a turnover seldom comes down to just the pass rush or just the coverage. Give me a good cover guy over somebody that takes unecessary gambles and gets burned just as often as they make a play. He is a good backup
  18. You are correct, we need a guy who is primarily a possession type WR, but if he has the ability to score from anywhere it would be an added bonus. Parrish has similar physical attributes to Welker, but Rob Johnson had similar physical attributes to Donovan McNabb. It just doesn't translate on the field. New England didn't "make" welker, he was very good before going there- thats don't tell everything
  19. The owners have brought all of this on themselves. And I am talking about the Jerry Jones' Daniel Snyders, and the Robert Krafts' of the world. These chumps wanted to bleed the league for as much short term money as they could, and now the goose that laid the golden egg is almost dead. Tagliabue and co. also had a hand in this. I may be in the minority, but I am pulling for a strike/lock out.....let these greedy rich guys get what is coming to them, and let the league be fixed for the Bills, Packers, and other small market teams. And let the failure known as NFL network fade into oblivion
  20. Well, its hard to say how much a rookie WR can help, but just say that having Stroud and Mitchell (and Johnson instead of Tripplett) prevents 3-4 third down conversions that the other team would have made last year, then factor in our coverage and return games on special teams, and you are talking about extra yards in field position to benefit our offense. Sure, that might not give us the exciting and explosive offense we haven't seen since the early 1990's, but it could put more points on the board than we have been scoring and maybe a win or two more while our young QB develops. By the way, with all the talk about if one of the DL's drops to us we could go that way, if Jake Long (OT, Michigan) falls to us, he could be considered as well. To disrupt the continuity of the OL, you need a big upgrade in talent, and he would be just that- Not only would he be a much better run blocker than Walker, he would need less help, wich means more help to Fowler (who is still our likely starter)
  21. As much as people ripped Fairchild, I will say I didn't really care for his offense, and I hope Turk's will do better. The abuse he took about no audibles makes me laugh though- many successful offenses have been run without audibles- I don't know if Norrv Turner has changed at all, but for most of his career as a coodinator, he did not have audibles. Still, we need improvement in the talent level- and we can't overpay for it- players perform to their talent level, not their salary. Some people think that the only thing keeping Parrish from the pro bowl was Fairchild. I wish those people were the GM of either St. Louis or Miami so we could trade him straight up for the 1st or 2nd overall pick and get one of those stud DT's to pair with Stroud.
  22. Golic works with ESPN- they will just convince the lemmings that they are right and reality is wrong....thats how it works in their world
  23. I remember one of the resident morons on ESPN radio, Mike Golic was mocking Wilson at the time. Dolic should stick to what he is good at, which is eating donuts. There is a reason I don't bother listening to those idiots anymore. They are almost as bad as the no-nothings on WGR 55
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