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Everything posted by Adam

  1. OK, say we reach for a WR at 11, then the defensive players we could have taken are gone, so we reach for a DL in the next round- we weaken ourselves for years by doing that. Screw the short term- we don't have to win now, we need to build a team to win long term.
  2. I've heard many are against it. It would explain a lot if Carter didn't support what he was doing! lol
  3. I agree and disagree with you (maybe I shourld run for President ) People actually underestimate the need to take the best player on the board
  4. The Jets and Fishies have a lot of new players, while Miami has a completely new front office and coaching staff. San Fran and St. Louis have lost a bunch of 50/50 games the last 2 years, and I am not sure whether or not that will continue.
  5. If you know of a democrat that has been supportive of Carter's plan, please give a name- I haven't heard of one.
  6. vs. Seattle- this is close to a 50/50 game, but I give Seattle the edge. 0-1 @Jacksonville- I don't think we beat them. 0-2 vs. Oakland- I think they are tough defensively. We win a 4th quarter FG. 1-2 @ St. Louis- Again, a tougher team than people think. They will run on us and have home field 1-3 @Arizona- I expect a tight game with Lynch being the difference as we pull away late 2-3 vs San Diego- Won't be as good as last season, but they won't need to be 2-4 @Miami- They won't nearly be as bad as last year, and OL was tough. We lose on the road 2-5 vs. Jets- See above- we use home field and win on a late TD 3-5 @ New England- no comment 3-6 vs. Cleveland- we will stay close in the first half, but their firepower will be too much 3-7 at KC- they will use home field to keep it close, but no way 4-7 vs. San Fran- this is a 50/50 game if I ever saw one. Thankfully it is at home 5-7 vs. Miami- cold weather and strong running by Lynch 6-7 @NYJ- they have home field this time 6-8 @ Denver- tough place to play 6-9 @ New England 6-10 As long as Edwards, Lynch and Poz show improvement over the season, I will be satisfied
  7. I like some of the logic behind your thoughts, but you really need to see how the draft is shaking out first. Is there someone falling that would make the trade up/down worth doing? Is there an unexpected run at a position? You can't be sure until draft day.
  8. We aren't better than San Diego, New England, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Cleveland or Jacksonville. Sorry, no playoffs this year. Trent needs to improve a lot, Lynch needs to learn to block, Parrish needs to learn the WR position from scratch, Walker needs a stronger body and Walker needs to be tougher. And thats just the offense. On defense, we need for Stroud not to be our best DL by far and we need the secondary to cover people better
  9. Personally, I'm in too much shock over this to even have any opinion right now. A guy that actually has done a lot of charitable things over the years cavorting with terrorists who want Israel destroyed.
  10. Jerry Ball, Chris Speilman, Mike Johnson, Herman Moore, etc..........they all were terrible, weren't they. They were in a conference with Washington, NY, Philly, Dallas and San Francisco. Minnesota and Chicago were pretty good too
  11. Make sure to let those teams remember to stay bad..................
  12. If the Sabres were smart, they would get away from the degenerates at that station
  13. Never said they are being mismanaged now. The mistakes of the past aren't going to disappear though. I work in stats. Stats are overrated and so is Walker. I am happy with Peters and Dockery. Butler has showed some promise. Walker is not a guy who does much for the running game and he is adequate in pass blocking. We can do much better. Schobel can be a very good player. I am happy with the aquisitions of Stroud and Johnson and I think McCargo is promising, but its not enough. Do you remember Bruce Smith Ted Washington and Phil Hansen up front with Bennett and Paup at linebacker and a strong secondary? The current group isn't close
  14. I don't expect a superbowl win- everything has to line up right for that. I want a good football team, and we haven't been close in a long time
  15. Hey, wonderful if they surprise me, I don't see them making the playoffs but if they do, great. Neither line is nearly good enough, we have no weapons at WR other than Evans, and we threw Edwards into the fire- he will get burned just like Losman did and he will become Losman.
  16. First, the QB situation. Bringing Bledsoe in WAS a good move- getting rid of him when we did wasn't a good move. We gave up too much to get him to give up that quickly. If we didn't have a bunch of lunks up front, he would have don't much better. If we didn't clean house offensively after his one good season here he would have done better. Yet Donahoe knew that if he picked up defensive free agents in that offseason, that all the knowledgable fans in Buffalo would forget the losses on offense and still buy tickets. "Best fan in the league" eh? We traded and used how many draft picks for Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe, JP Losman and Trent Edwards while our offensive and defensive lines fell into a state of decay? JP Losman NEVER should have stepped on the field the year he was drafted, nor the following year. The Bills should have told the impatient fans to shut up and hand over their money. The Jaguars were patient with David Gerrard, and they developed him the right way. Losman had to put up with everybody's stupid dreams and expectations. Now Edwards is headed down that road. I wonder if we trade any more first or second rounders to satisfy fans who don't want to be satisfied. Our offensive line is a strength? PLEASE! Its less of a weakness. We have a center that guys plowed and an overrated right tackle that can't run block like the 350 pounder he is. We still don't know about Butler, so he gets a pass. We rip Aaron Schobel for having a down season in sacks. He may have had his best season, and I still think he is overrrated and overpriced. He is a good pass rusher, but we need a studd opposite him- he is a complimentary player. The other ends are special teamers. Stroud is a start at DT and Johnson and McCargo are solid backups until proven otherwise. Neither are what Jeff Wright was- remember all those sacks of Marino? Now with all the wasted draft picks, we have to play a Roscoe at WR. This guy needs to stay on special teams and go to the locker room when the offense takes the field. volatile weapon? Comparable to Wes Welker? Please, stop being a homer and try watching the game. He is nothing like Welker. he is a joke and should be laughed at. Welker led the league and he was a great WR before the trade...and don't give me stats, I watch football, I'm not a fantasy football simpleton. We are paying for Donahoe's overuse of free agency- something that we won't need for a long time. Free agency is to get the final pieces, not to build a team. In Free Agency if you whiff, you pay big time, and thats what we are doing and will be doing for awhile. It may be another decade until we see playoffs. Now go listen to the simpletons at WGR with their creativity, which is what it is, since they don't believe their own garbage
  17. I expect him to bowl somewhere in the 250 range and hit 70 percent of his free throws. He should also win the heptathlon
  18. JP was thrown in too quickly. He was a project when we brought him in, and he was exposed to the losing atmosphere which is Buffalo, while David Gerrard developed into a starting caliber QB without idiot fans calling for his head. I expect the same loonies to turn on Edwards, who is in the same position JP was a few years ago. You draft players hoping for them to become starters....am I missing something?
  19. He's in his second year as a pro, and stats don't matter unless you play fantasy football anyways
  20. I'd rather have the Bills line me up at WR than Manningham- he is a joke
  21. We need to fortify both the offensive and defensive lines. I think Peters, Dockery and Butler are fine, but Fowler needs to be replaced. He has bounced from team to team for a reason. He remains in the league, because he really has football smarts and a great head for the game. Physically, he doesn't cut it though. Walker isn't physical enough either. He is an adequate pass blocker but soft in drive blocking. Our defensive line still is nowhere near good enough. If our standards are where they should be, Schobel is a pro bowl #2 DE. He is a very good football player, and anyone who thinks otherwise is nuts. WE have been without a hall of famer like Bruce Smith for so long that people have lowered their standards. We also need to upgrade DT. Stroud is a solid starter, but needs to show he is still a pro bowler. Johnson is good for depth, and we aren't sure where McCargo fits yet. If Ellis or Dorsey fell to us, we'd be nuts not to take them. Second- stick with Edwards. I would prefer that he hadn't been starting yet. Look how Jacksonville brought their QB along- thats how you do it. We threw JP Losman in way too soon, and did the same with Trent Edwards. If we are going with him, he gets a good five years to develop
  22. The problem is if the front office/coaching staff even care what the fans think about anything. The fans are there to hand over their money, clap their hands and keep their mouths shut. Leave the thinking to the people who are payed to do it. Why not just sign Joe from off the streets to be the backup- then there won't be any chance of him stepping in.
  23. Schopp isn't an idiot. He portrays the character that he is told to. I heard him filling in nationally on ESPN radio a few years back, and there was none of the moronic schtick they use at WGR 55.
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