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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Ok, give me who you think the Bills five best players are, regardless of position and where you think those players rate in the league
  2. I don't judge the conservatives or the republicans by what the Bush administration has done. It just wouldn't be fair to judge an entire party/demographic by eight years- its too short a time span.
  3. Because coaches and QB's aren't given long enough, they are rushed onto the field, and free agency has destroyed the concept of keeping a team together (particularly the offensive line)
  4. Sorry, but he is RIGHT. Reality sometimes hurts, I know......
  5. I agree with you completely. The people who need instant gratification out of a player know very little about the real world, and should go back to listening to WGR 55 and MTV- because those people pander to the people who don't care much for reality
  6. He was supposed to be Pete Metzelaars' replacement....lol
  7. Not always- nobody can implement policy with more incompetence than Curious George. I am not saying I am for McCain, but I think he would do much better. To be honest, I don't know that I am for any of these candidates.
  8. Democrat, Republican....when you get to the higher levels of the parties, the line blurs and it is the same people consolidating the power and laughing at their bases.
  9. It is very unethical on the part of the coach making the call
  10. McCain needs to overcome the unfair rap that he's a Bush clone. He is much more intelligent than George.
  11. Throw in a line comparable to the electric company, and you may have something. What we have now isn't even close
  12. TH Peterson/Lynch debate is much like the Barry Sanders/Emmitt Smith (although both have a long way to go to reach that status) debate. Bottom line, both are good backs, but neither has done much yet
  13. I hope so. We haven't had a President capable of one during my lifetime, thats for sure
  14. Its easier to make saves when you are on a good team.
  15. His administration sold it, because he didn't understand it.
  16. It is false that the Democrats love the middle class and hate big business. It is also false that Republicans hate the mddle class and love big business. You need to stimulate one to help the other- there are just differing views on what needs to be stimulated in different situations. While its true that Kerry was the victim of dirty campaigning, I still think he is a weenie and was a terrible candidate. One must wonder what would have happened if Howard Dean wasn't paraphrased by the Curious George campaign.
  17. Three Cincy defenders had Lynch in the backfield because of out standout offensive line I keep hearing about- Lynch got away from all of them and scored on a long run. Tell me he isn't a playmaker. If we ever get receiving threats and a line that can block, he will be a weapon.
  18. Honestly, I don't see us making playoffs. I see us improving, but we are putting a lot on Edwards at this stage of his career, and expecting a lot out of a rookie WR. Our defensive line is improved, but not as significantly as people want to believe. There are too many good teams ahead of us at this stage to expect playoffs. And I don't agree with playoffs or else. Jauron has done well with what he has had to work with, but I don't expect him to make chicken salad out of chicken %#%^ We are behind New England, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, San Diego and probably Houston. Denver may be within reach- depends on how strong their D-line is when they get back all the injured guys they drafted last year. I also don't think NY or Miami will be nearly as bad as last year- we realistically could split with both. When you look at coaching, look at the fact that all of our players flowed to the ball well and played well despite all the injuries, and against teams we can't realistically beat. Our coaches put the scrubs into the best possible position to make plays- they just didn't make them. I don't think Fairchild did a great job, but I don't think anyone could have.
  19. We couldn't run the ball or throw the ball. There is no other option. Aside from Lee Evans, neither QB has anyone to throw to. Reed is a decent slot receiver and Parrish is a great punt return man, but we had nothing opposite Evans and no reliable red zone targets. This allows the other team to stack the box to shut down the power running game and not worry about the pass threat- which isn't there.
  20. I wonder why Tagliabue retired when he did......................
  21. Gee, lets turn this into another QB Debate. Our running game sucked, our passing game sucked- what brilliant calls would you make?
  22. Both "sides" suck. I put that in quotes, because they really aren't side. The leadership of the "two"parties is the same people, and they laugh at the stupid conflict between the two sides,
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