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Everything posted by Adam

  1. It all depends on where that money goes, I guess. If the health care they supply is as good as what I get now, my guess is that I will probably pay in taxes approximately what I am paying now, so it really won't make that much of a difference. I think solving Iraq and the energy shortage will have a much bigger impact on the dead economy than anything else, and I really think nuclear power needs to be the solution (to energy, not Iraq!)
  2. That should be a great game to watch- My prediction is that the KC Chiefs will soon be on the clock......That might be the worst division in football- Oakland has a shot at 2nd place
  3. Both candidates want to stimulate the economy- but taxes is just a small part of both plans. There is a lot more to it than just that.
  4. Each candidate had a representative on a CSPAN debate last night. I think it went well for Obama on the Iraq debate, but McCain's rep cleaned house on the energy crisis- was very high on digging and the potential for nuclear energy. Obama's was big on biofuels (which could be great but are a long way from reality right now) and hedged on nuclear power. People are too worried about nuclear- it is much safer than it used to be, and much cheaper than any other alternative (please correct me if I am wrong). People are too worried about what they see in movies, IMHO.
  5. I remember him saying in an article in Shout! in the late 1990's that he was better than Ted Washington. What a bag of hot air
  6. He doesn't suck, he just isn't worth the first round pick invested in him. I laughed when they took him at that spot. If his asking price isn't high, he does merit a look
  7. They understand very well what it means- the legislative and judicial branches have been separated from their power
  8. The JP haters said that? I couldn't care less- those people don't know anything about reality anyways. Trent is entering his second pro season, he is a 1-year vet, if there really is such a thing. Just because three-step drops are called, doesn't mean they will work, the WR's have to get open and there needs to be passing lanes. Stroud and McCargo- assuming they are the starters should help, as should the return of Poz. I am not satisfied with the depth at any spot on the defensive line. Schobel had his best season last year, but still has ways to go- maybe the upgrades will help him get there. Not even close to satisfied with any of the other ends. AS I said- just being healthy will improve us alot, but there is a lot to exploit. Success will not ne gauged by win/loss record, but by continued player development. We aren't there yet, but we are moving in the right direction
  9. Personally, I think we are significantly better than last year- but we had to WAY overachieve to win 7 games. If you want to talk about playoffs, look at weaknesses, not strengths. 1. Rookie QB- Edwards looked good last year, but he is NOT a veteran QB, like some want to believe. He had growing pains late last year, and it will be tougher this season as opponents have more film on him. I think he will be even in TD's to INT's or up to -2, which still is pretty good. ANother thing is that Edwards is more likely to beatthe blitz with a short pass and hae the WR break a long play than throw the home run ball- which gives less of a chance of a big play, particularly at this stage of his career. 2. Offensive Weapons- We are relying on Hardy to be the major upgrade on offense, although 1-2 of the new tight ends will probably fill that role. Hardy is a rookie WR, and while their have been exceptions, rookie WR's usually don't light it up. 3. Offensive line- Last seasons' line may be the best since our playoff run (which was in steady decline since 1993). While better, it still isn't great. Fowler isn't good, and we have no potential replacement yet. Walker, while serviceable was a liability most of the time in the running game. 4. Blitz pickup- Our RB's clearly have to get better in this department or teams will come after Edwards even more. 5. Run defense- starting unit and depth are better, but still probably average. OK, to sum it up- problems on both lines that will hamper our running game and let the other team run, and a young QB with backs that struggle to pick up the blitz. The weaknesses line up too much- barring some really good luck, I see an improved team this season but no playoffs. Not even a guarantee as many wins as last year.
  10. All this talk about Chad Pennington is garbage. He never had a great arm, and he, like the whole team had a down year- yet everyone who knows little about football always blames the QB. How about the line that couldn't open holes for the running back they spent millions on to bring in? How about adjusting to their new defensive scheme? They had bigger problems than QB last season, and they should be a very tough team this year
  11. Most of our presidents haven't been great speakers- thats why speeches are written for them, then they give input so they can be rewritten to better fit their style.
  12. If Bush was able to form sentences, he would still have been a lousy president
  13. I'm tired of hearing about that and about McCain's gigling....neither really matter all that much
  14. While everyone will have their opinion on which of the two is better, both of them represent an off-the-charts upgrade over the current administration
  15. The main similarities between Bush and McCain are that neither is conservative, and both know that Bush is a moron
  16. McCain will end the war in Iraq before he leaves Obama will leave Iraq after ending the war Both are against special interests Both are for health care assistance Both are for tax breaks to the middle class to boost the economy and so on and so forth
  17. I am waiting to see what either of them thinks of the bunk that is the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Anyone who agrees with that and calls themselves a conservative us lying to themselves- which shouldn't bother King George, as he is as far from conservative as you can get. The next President's first job isn't the economy, not is it Iraq. It is to restore the Constitution.
  18. DWI laws are too easy- one DWI and your liscence should be gone- FOR GOOD
  19. Just because the team is better doesn't mean a better result- from what you said, it sounds fairly accurate to me. I think we will make progress on the field and not have the same result a last year
  20. He is accountable, but doesn't owe the media or fans a public statement- they have done nothing to earn one. I have no problem with this being handled privately and neither does anyone else
  21. This is the point where you usually see struggling- teams have film of him at the NFL level now and will make adjustments. He not only needs to continue to grow as an NFL quarterback, but has to adjust to what teams are doing against him- which goes against his tendencies that have developed over his career. I expect a rough season of growing pains- which I am fine with.
  22. He was ok. He basically did for us what Trent Dilfer did for Baltimore in their Superbowl year, only neither our offensive nor defensive personnel was as good as Baltimore's
  23. I don't expect that much out of him this year. He has to be given more than just this year
  24. I definitely don't like her, but I had to admire that- she is not a quitter and hates losing. Personally I don't want to see a Clinton or Bush in our government EVER AGAIN
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