I don't know how to segment quotes, but I like a lot of this.
1. Yes, digging would help a lot. Not only ANWR, but Colorado and Utah as well- that could supply us for years. Not to mention that getting started on that might scare OPEC into IMMEDIATELY putting their production to where it should already be, instead of intentionally stifling our economy. I stick by what I said before about sucking it up, and paying the cost to change our refineries to diesel. Contrary to the common line of thought, it is cheaper to produce than gasoline and is MUCH cleaner and is very environmentally friendly.
Skipping 2
3. A few more refineries would be nice, but the current ones are at about 80% production level.
4. I like your hydogen thoughts- Nuclear is an absolute must and should eventually cover the majority of our energy. People are worried about Chernobyl......name a few more accidents? It is safer than people think.
5. Couldn't agree more. The dollar is sick, very sick.
I don't know that they are investing that heavily in R&D.