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Everything posted by Adam

  1. At the risk of sounding like a moron, what is capital gains, exactly?
  2. 1. Having coaches involved in replay is stupid. Coaches should have nothing to do with officiating. 2. Having it done on the field is stupid. Its bad enough that that players/coaches are allowed to get close to huddled officials. They shouldn't be anywhere near the replay booth. It looks likr MLB is handling it right, unlike their counterparts. I can't wait for the strike/lockout
  3. We still only have 3 quality DT's.....we need at least 1 more
  4. More oil alone won't bring gas prices down much though- we need more gas, which means the refineries have to get off their butts and produce more than the 81% of their capacity they have been producing.
  5. No way, Spidey would use his spider sense and see everything daredevil was about to do
  6. One time I was texting on the road- and I will NEVER do that again!
  7. My opinion (which along with $50 will get you coffee at starbucks) is if you are impaired at all, you shouldn't be driving
  8. Now don't take this as sour grapes towards big oil, because as I said before, they are the leg that is propping up our economy right now. But with their record profits, they hardly needed that big tax break this year. Sure, that wouldn't come close to fixing the deficit, but you have to start somewhere, and it will come out of all sectors.
  9. I am not sure that 1 or 2 presidential terms are enough to eliminate the deficit. Granted, I may be way off on that, I am not an economist, but I do think I have what should be termed uncommon sense.
  10. Driving drunk is negligence. My brother was almost killed by a drunk driver- at the very least, the drivers lisence should be suspended indefinitely- then they can drink themselves into a stupor every day for all I care
  11. I think I agree- I just wonder if the plans they are presenting are their real plans are are there just for the election. Their proposed plans will actually make the deficit worse. People need to accept the fact that it will get MUCH worse before it gets better. I think the biggest cuts will have to come in the entertainment industry, which is where too much money is going right now. And its not the government that needs to make those cuts either
  12. I was playing devils' advocate. Chances are there was always some Al Queda presence.......they are all over.
  13. I disagree. Obama will overtax the oil companies, and in essence the middle class which he is supposedly trying to help. McCain is for some digging- but not a lot. The threat of us getting our own oil would force OPEC to up production and lower costs. It would also help if we got back to using our reserve supply to force costs down. By the way- McCain is AGAINST drilling in ANWR from what I understand. People do need to stop demonizing the oil companies though- the fact that they are doing so well isn't a bad thing- it may be what is propping up our economy. If the economy had no legs to stand on at all, things could be far worse. Taxing them is the final avenue if nothing else works.
  14. I thought it was fairly creative for being shortly after lunch
  15. Oh, is that where they are- so once we're done in Iraq, all of Al Queda will be gone and the world will be all candy bars and marshmallows. I say we take a peak south of there and see if we can find some
  16. OK, lets just say that Saddam was tied in with Al Queda. Saddam is dead. Lets finish up in Iraq and get back to Al Queda. And don't EVER question my recollection of 9/11. That was more real for me than you can imagine !@#$head. If the next President actually makes an effort to get Bin Laden, he should be brought to justice.
  17. I have Obama slightly ahead of McCain right now. I think McCain's economic policies are better than Obama's, and I think Winnie the Pooh's are better than Bush's. Obama is for returning the power to the other two branches of government that Bush stole, along with McCain's vote to endow him with those kingly powers. I'm for the constitution, so removing those powers from the King and turning it back into a presidency sounds good to me. Not to say that I will end up voting for either of them
  18. Surrender to who? We aren't fighting a war anymore. It is Bush's war against air
  19. The problem is that the task has become more about artificially making a government work, instead of decreasing the influence of Al Queda.
  20. I may be wrong, but I think that McCain wants to remove much of the fighting force, but wants to keep a presence there to help rebuild and restore stability. If he wants to keep a fighting force there for 100 years, then he's a moron. The Iraqies will have to stabilize their government or switch to a government that can be stable. We can't subsidize their stability forever.
  21. Our offense was terrible early on when we had absolutely no run blocking at all. Later on, when we had minimal run blocking, it got better. When we lost Peters, the offense went down the toilet. Notice there was no mention of a QB.
  22. Come on, if reporters only broadcast what made sense to them, there would be no ratings. The only way to avoid the garbage on most of the channels is to tune into CSPAN. Everyplace else just soundbites what is said to fit that agenda. Did McCain say "There will be more wars!" Sure he did- does that sum up what he said? I highly doubt it. Same is done with Obama. The 24-hour media sucks and has no accountability.
  23. We have won when they have a stable government that won't be toppled when we leave. We are not even close.
  24. Anyone who drives drunk deserves to lose everything. THATS THE WAY IT IS. Like it or not
  25. I heard that Lynch was the real man behind the hummer incident in WCW back in 2000!
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