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Everything posted by Adam

  1. What I said there was fact- and Jauron needs to try to put our inferior team in the best possible position to compete every week. It is not his fault if the team is not good enough to win those games.
  2. OK, let me further define what I meant by that- I am not for an unjust execution, but if it were me, I would rather be executed than suffer for a long time. I understand that defining such things isn't an easy task, but they are supposed to get elected for a reason
  3. What I am saying is that we should keep things we do within reason- I don't care how it appears. Torture is not an effective interrogation method- it just gets them to say something- anything to make it stop. I would prefer execution to that. As far as holding indefinitely- I just mean don't hold them a ridiculous amount of time and just leave them sitting there.
  4. You are correct- I was just using 50 yards as an example, and a bad one for the deep outs, but it illustrates the difference
  5. Distance in gained yardage can be very deceiving. Catching a 50-yard bomb in the middle of the field is MUCH different than catching a 50 yard bomb on the deep outs at the sideline. Edwards may never have the cannon for that type of throw, but if we get him some talented targets, ones that will run routes and fight for the ball, he will do fine.
  6. What about this foreign policy don't you like? I don't mind our President meeting with any world leaders, just as long as he doesn't screw up when doing so. If he meets with them and contradicts everything they say, they are worse off than before the meeting. Its just a matter of handling the meeting correctly, IMHO.
  7. Can't find anything in there I disagree with at all.
  8. Because the notion of our country torturing captives is just as ridiculous.
  9. Ok, how about this. We catch a terrorist and hold him for 70 years without charging him for anything. Now, thats a VERY extreme case, but this is what I am getting at.
  10. No I don't. We are too far behind New England, Indianapolis, Cleveland, San Diego, Pittsburgh, Jacksonville and possibly Houston to make playoffs. We have a very exploitable weakness at center and at WR/TE. If the running backs don't improve in picking up the blitz, there is another weakness. Trent is a solid young QB, but he is at a point where most QB's slump. Improvement this year will be gauged by forward progress, not wins and losses- we may be a better team by probably fall short of last year's record. I'm ok with that, player development is a marathon, not a sprint. If I think we are better than last year, I will be happy
  11. I just want to clarify whether you think it is ok to hold a non-citizen indefinitely without charging them with anything- Habeus Corpus or not.
  12. Check the language in the act that I mentioned it was written to consolidate power- and whether or not it was abused doesn't even matter. As for extending it to all non-citizens, no I don't agree with that- BUT, I don't condone holding them indefinitely without charges or torturing them either- we are supposed to be above that. If they committed terrorist acts, then charge them with something, execute them- we have no right to hold them indefinitely or torture them- that is something that is for terrorists to do, not for the United States. Maybe people need to start abandoning the one-party system and we need to get a government that will uphold our Constitution. We were built on the Constitution, and we should fight for it And I don't have to come up with reasons to demonize Bush- he's better at that than anyone else will ever be. He makes Carter look like a leader- and that is next to impossible
  13. Smoking shouldn't exist. It serves no purpose
  14. I agree- we really do need to start drilling- the drilling alone should result in lower prices for foreign oil- you know, the way the threat of actually using our reserves used to. We don't need to drill everywhere though.
  15. Because teams keyed on Lee Evans in the passing game, and we had nobody else that was good enough lol, for the same reason we hope every year! I do think we will see an improvement in some offensive categories based on the defense and special teams combining to give us the best drive starts in the league.
  16. By instituting the Military Commissions act of 2006, so Curious George can decide on his own who is a threat and hold them indefinitely on a whim. What was that saying- safety without liberty is worthless? It went something like that. Give me McCain, give me Obama.....just don't give me more Curious George
  17. I don't care if they claim to be ethical or not- they BETTER be!
  18. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but nobody should be able to suspend Habeus Corpus and hold a citizen indefinitely, with no interference from the other branches
  19. Id only Jauron didn't draft JD Williams, we might have won a superbowl
  20. Fine, whichever.......the Constitution should not be ignored either.
  21. More ethical that the group that destroyed the system of checks and balances that has worked for a few hundred years?
  22. The majority of people in this country ARE the lowest common denominator, thats the problem
  23. And what would that be?
  24. I think somewhere in the middle is the answer- we need to dig, but not in all possible locations
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