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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Well, it isn't easy when your #2 outside WR goes down, and Josh Reed isn't suited for an outside position. Not to mention that Roscoe Parrish thinks he was born a WR and doesn't have any need to run routes, and rounds them off when he does run them. How about the average joe at center that ruins the line? How about no experience at QB? How about no blocking at RB as far as blitz pick up? That makes for a great offense- but it can simply be solved by calling more bootlegs according to some
  2. The Bills had so much wrong offensively that you really couldn't accurately place blame (although intelligent people wouldn't want to anyways). JP had accuracy issues last year and our WR's weren't talented enough (aside from Evans) to beat man coverage. The fact that we don't have a center who can hold his ground negated much of what was otherwise a pretty good O-line. Then you factor in our weak defense, and even more pressure is heaped on the offense.
  3. You attacked the victim? Haven't read about this in the Buffalo Spews! Are charges going to be pressed?
  4. It sounds like you are talking about partisanship, and the stupid party(s) ignoring what the country needs, while they carry out their own agenda
  5. Edwards is a promising young QB, but he is in his second year as a pro and first year as a starter- and the team is still very flawed offensively. I am hoping he makes it through the year in one piece and we are still optomistic at this point next year
  7. Grimace is purple, and he's fine with it
  8. So is everyone in here
  9. Both are the result of stupid impatient fans, and a dumber front office that even cares what those fans think. JP was a 5ear project when we drafted him, lost his first year to injury after getting hit by a guy that wanted to prove he was a real NFL player. He never should have stepped onto the field in year 2, because WE SHOULD HAVE KEPT BLEDSOE. But, no- the fans would have rather had Hank Bullough come back than keep Bledsoe, so we lied to ourselves and said that we don't care if JP is ready or not. Amazingly enough, JP had moderate success, despite being forced onto the field long before he was ready. Then, after a few years of development on a team so horrendous it could bring tears to your eyes, we end his development, and THROW A ROOKIE out there. Now people are complaining about him already. He shouldn't have played as much as he did last year- way too soon. Fans will be turning on him soon, and we will be taking a 1st round QB again. And don't give me any garbage about not being able to develop QB's anymore. Look at what Jacksonville did with David Garrard. Look at Hasselback in Seattle. Look at how Eli Manning struggled for years. Impatient fans should be either ignored or mocked- they will keep shelling out the dough and coming to the games anyways.
  10. I wouldn't give than loser the time of day
  11. Actually, in a civil case you don't have to prove that. If he regularly drinks at the bar and then left the bar and was involved in a hit and run....... A criminal case on the other hand- it would have to be beyond a reasonable doubt
  12. I will hold off my evaluations until after the season- Schonert has a lot of young players to deal with, and a lot of offensive weaknesses to overcome. I'm glad we can audible, bu it is just as important to know when not to- sometimes you think too much when you should just buckle the chinstrap and hit somebody
  13. ah, its pretty typical though- about as interesting as any other case. Hopefully everything works out for the girl that got hit, and there is no permanent damage
  14. In this case you don't even know that you don't know. Thats why there is a judge- you get many different accounts from people who saw things differently and try to reconstruct the event to see what really happened.
  15. I am saying it isn't necessarily made up- if you are paying attention to two things, then your perception of one probably becomes skewed. Particularly in such an emotional event- it happens all the time.
  16. If your friend gets hit by a car, what would you be paying the most attention to- your friend's condition, or the car. If you are not 100% paying attention to something, then you could end up being wrong without intending to lie about it.
  17. And who is to say either side is actually lying. People can see the same event differently. Particularly if someone you know gets hit by a car, or if you get hit by one yourself.
  18. Can't understand why he would try to set things up to benefit himself! Even if he were a muslim, that doesn't change whether he is qualified or not. I am not afraid of muslims, nor do I see a reason to hate them. Some terrorists were muslims. Not all muslims are terrorists. Terrorists want us to hate muslims- it makes their objectives easier I always thought their should be a secondary registration for idiots that just vote party line- their vote would be counted without them showing up and they wouldn't have to stand in line.
  19. No, he will protect ME!
  20. Hey- this is a bi-partisan site. If you sing that, you have to sing Koom-McCain too! lol
  21. Everyone gather round and sing Kumbaya!
  22. I think Lynch was driving the hummer in the botched WCW angle back in 2000......the one that hit Kevin Nash
  23. Personally, I think Edwards is a good QB, but we rushed him too much. Actually, both him and JP were rushed too much. The Bills should NOT have started JP when they did, and they should have kept Bledsoe- that was a huge mistake by Donahoe, one of his many. JP should have been allowed to develop slowly- like we planned when we drafted him. Now we are doing the same with Edwards. Donahoe's problem was summed up by Levy- "When you start listening to the fans, you will end up sitting with them."
  24. I don't think Jauron will be fired anytime soon. Wilson is smarter than those who want DJ gone
  25. I think Obama actually meeting with anybody under any and all circumstances is about as unlikely as McCain taking off a mask and turning out to be Bush II.
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