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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Almost every QB bombed against them last season. I am glad Edwards got spared that
  2. I am not over there, so I can only go by what I hear, but it sounds like they are more destabilized and have more terrorist activity than Iraq at this point
  3. Actually, they have Chad Pennington, who has been a very successful QB at this level. I think the Jets have played beyond the regular season with him at QB before- maybe we should trade for him
  4. Yes young jedi. Seriously- we have depth at some positions, which is fine in case of injury. BUT, at many positons there will be competition because nobody is good enough to be a clear cut #1, meaning we have some weakness as well
  5. So it might have been better to wrap things up there before moving into Iraq. Were things too easy in Afghanistan, cause I just don't understand- we crushed the Taliban, then allowed them back up. I am not a military tactician, but letting them regroup makes no sense to me. Things seem to be worse there now than when we started
  6. Strengths: Continuity on the offensive line Possibly the best left tackle in football Depth at defensive end and tackle Depth at running back Depth at quarterback Accurate kicker Strong return game Strong special teams coverage unit depth and quality at linebacker decent secondary Weaknesses: Lack of a definitive starter at QB Lack of quality depth at DE and DT Lack of quality and depth at WR No threat at TE Lack of depth on the offensive line- particularly center A lot of young defensive backs OK now to evaluate: Quarterbacks- now lets admit something- we are so split on this issue because we are going on potential. Neither guy has fully emerged yet, and we are going mostly on speculation. Defensive line- We have Schobel and a bunch of guys at DE. After we get past Stroud, McCargo and Spencer at DT we have Williams! You need four quality DT's at least Offensive line- left tackle is the toughest position to find, but center is the foundation. If that foundation collapses so does your line. No depth here. Wide Receiver- Lee Evans. Reed is a viable slot guy and losing Price hurts depth-wise despite the fact that he was far from great. Parrish has great physical attributes, but doesn't bother to use them- if he had any desire to start learning how to run routes, he could be pretty good. I don't see that happening. I am just hoping for a contribution from hardy as a rookie. This is still a position of weakness Secondary- Starters are solid, but we are very young behind that Linebackers- strongest unit on the team aside from specials
  7. No QB- even fully developed hall of famers pull it out every game- nor do they play well every game. Sure, he played like crap in that game. The whole offense did. No part of our offense played well at all. What is lost on people when JP or any other QB leads a comeback is that every aspect of the team is playing well. Again, I am not saying he should start, but just that he is a viable starter in the league.
  8. All hail Trent, the mighty savior. He defeats all teams that stand before his might. He doesn't need receivers, he will catch his own deflected passes and run for the endzone himself. 4+3=7, which is the number of wins this season if we are lucky
  9. First off, Trent didn't beat the Jets at all- THE BILLS BEAT THEM TWICE. Second, you aren't going to change anyone's opinion on anything by saying period. That is the way a very juvenille person tries to get their way on something. Trent was good for a rookie, that said, he wasn't lighting things up. Neither did JP. I don't expect either QB to light things up on a team where fns are clamoring for Roscoe Parrish to be a playmaker......if only we used Russell Copeland correctly, Kelly would have made another pro bowl. Garbage. We stunk last year and we will again this year. It is a mediocre team with upside. We are headed in the right direction, but we need to pick a QB, stick and with him- regardless if any of the buffoons on the radio or in the stands protest. We still need upgrades at WR, TE, C, RT, DE and DT. Thats a lot of weaknesses, and you can only scheme around weaknesses so much. We are going to lose somewhere between 9-11 games this season because a mediocre team with upside is not good enough in the AFC to beat the good teams regularly. I am concerned we don't break even against Miami and New York, to be honest. Miami had a solid line last year, and with the addition of Long, they could end up with the best in the AFC. I( will be more nervous if they start McCown at QB, because I think he can be pretty solid. And for all the talk about how bad Pennington is, I remember them making playoffs quite a few times with him at QB- and he never had a good arm.
  10. Our talent has stunted his growth more than Jauron has. Our lack of talent at the WR/TE positions has prevented us from getting into the endzone via the pass game. The failure to get a center has hurst our ability in the run game. JP is about where I thought he would be at this point when we drafted him. I figured he would be about a five-year project, and he has responded well to benchings and prematurely being inserted into the lineup by a truly inert football coach (Mularkey)
  11. I agree Obie- I prefer streams of unconsious blubbering!
  12. Ok now, I do stats for a living, and I can tell you for sure- stats CAN lie- they can say whatever you want them too. And another thing- there is no level of football where they track wins for quarterbacks like they do for pitchers. And I hate to take anything away from Trent, as he had an outstanding year, considering he was a rookie, but when he left the Jets game with an injury, the score was tied, and we had been abysmal on offense. When JP came in, everything changed- does that define which QB is better? Absolutely not- both QB's have done well in relief for the other. They are opposites and compliment each other well. Both have a real good shot at being quality starters> I may be the only one, but I am glad we have both on the roster
  13. Bill- thinking Losman is/will be a good QB doesn't mean that you think he should start. It is not healthy for the psyche of a team to continue to change QB's. I hope Trent keeps the job, but I think Losman is developing into a good QB, and I am glad we still have him. Losman will continue to develop at his pace and so will Edwards. The fans can act as impatient as they want, but they will wait until Edwards develops because there aren't many options other than the Bills. Be glad you have a football team
  14. How are things in Afghanistan? oops.........
  15. Show me what a QB does in tight situations in the fourth quarter, and I will show you what type of QB he is. I remember Johnson's second game as a Bill- against Miami. Don't remember the score, but the Bills were down by more than a FG and less than a TD. Johnson was slow in bringing the Bills in and out of the huddle and appeared confused at the line...time expired and we lost. JP has been the opposite- he runs that late 2-minute drill well- maybe not always successfully, but he doesn't appear lost. At the stage of development he is at, I like that. He has his flaws, but he is much further ahead in that aspect than I expected. He was one of the greenest QB prospects I have ever seen when we drafted him, and I didn't expect him to be on the field for significant time until year 4- and I mean year 4 or practicing, not of his contract. I like what I have seen of Edwards so far. He has his flaws, and he hasn't shown much in the 2-minute drill yet. Thats to be expected, he has no experience yet. Which QB would I like in there? Personally, I don't care- I just want to stick with one guy, but I still want the other guy on the roster as long as we can keep him. Some fans think its a bad thing to have 2 good QB's...they are wrong.
  16. OK, JP Losman and Rob Johnson are not comparable. Johnson flat out sucked coming out of college and had the same flaws that killed him in the pros. Johnson couldn't even organize the huddle on a key drive, JP Losman helped engineer critical fourth quarter drives. Did Trent outplay JP at times- absolutely. Did JP outplay Trent at times- absolutely. Neither QB is fully developed, and both will continue to develop at their own pace- not Jauron's and not the fans' pace either. The fact is that 2007 was one season- some guys are up and some are down. We were too optomistic about JP last year at this time and we are too down on him now. Neither would be capable of getting this team to playoffs this season- not even if they were fully developed. Our talent pool is what really is second rate.
  17. True. I wouldn't be that harsh about it, but the fans would still show up at the games. When I coached, I didn't let the parents fill out my lineup card- despite the fact that for a season my player with the highest batting average batted 6th every game
  18. I agree completely- but it is time to stop trying to place blame. We sucked in every aspect last year, and thats that. Just because Edwards can't throw the ball on a rope downfield shouldn't shut down the offense- we need guys who can run routes and get open underneath.
  19. Holcomb was a finished product, JP still isn't. Edwards had a good stretch and had his share of struggles as well. Our team sucked last year- the whole thing right down to the water boys and the fans.
  20. Although I h ave shifted towards Obama, McCain is not a Bush wannabe, he would be nothing like Bush
  21. What if his lawyer advises him not to say anything? An apology can be considered admission of guilt
  22. So many here desperately want one QB to be ahead of the other. The reality that neither is a finished product, and neither has an adequate supporting cast at this point. It will be another cold winter with no playoffs, and thats a fact. Another fact is that despite all the complaining, everyone will end up being patient because there really is no other choice- other than quitting being a Bills fan, and I, much like the Bills know that won't happen
  23. Don't get your hopes up- Wilson is very happy with Jauron. Hopefully he will be here for a very long time.
  24. every back-up QB? Are you seeing double? JP didn't play well last season, and nobody will debate that. While I don't think we should change QB's again and go back to him, it doesn't make him a throw away QB. He showed flashes of the success he had two seasons ago. As far as Edwards goes, he showed promise as well, but lets not get ahead of ourselves- he showed flashes too, but has a very long way to go. When he struggles this year and possibly next, I hope the coaching staff not only ignores the fans desire to change QB's, but I hope the staff shows distain for the fans and talks down to them
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