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Everything posted by Adam

  1. And we can change this by fixing the education system, and teaching who the Nazis actually were. Hitler is seen today as a guy with a funny looking mustache....and thats a crime There is nothing wrong with Fox News®. I find them very amusing.
  2. The real question is could any QB in history make playoffs with the roster we have.........the answer is a resounding NO!
  3. One of the people on it (no clue who) said it wouldn't take much wind power if it was done at night. I don't know the logistics in building windmills or any of that, but the general consensus was that it is windier at night, and that power is not tapped in to- he said if we used that, there would be enough to power every car in the country and have some left over. OK, I am not a genius, but I know that windmills generate power by turning- I look at the cars and when moving the wheels are turning. Isn't there a way to use that, and basically have the batteries recharge just by driving them? That may sound simplistic, but it seems to make sense to me. Either way, whether we drill or not, the MAIN focus has to be getting away from oil, particularly foreign oil.
  4. If you put a 2 month old in a nuclear physics lab, have you really given him a shot at nuclear physics? The Bills put JP in when the fans were ready, not when he was ready. What they should have done is give them 2-3 more years of Bledsoe and still made the same amount of money on concessions, ticket sales and merchandise...then laughed all the way to the bank. I dread the possibility of giving Edwards two years, saying they gave him a shot, then moving on
  5. There was a lot of talk from the automotive industry- a guy from Nissan was saying that they could produce the country's first fully electric car by 2010 and have it mass produced by 2012. Others were talking about at that point cars could be bought on rebates for practically nothing and you would buy miles like you buy minutes on a cellphone. Fuel cost would be about the equivalent of $1.50 a gallon and the electricity could be generated from a number of sources. A very good thing that was brought up is that is could drive the cost in the US of oil below $10 a barrel, basically because it would be worthless here. If there are any economists out there- I have a question- if this panned out, could it be a bigger lift than the dot com boom was for the economy? A definite boost to my day, as I am already nervous about my flight tomorrow (I hate flying )
  6. I think you mean a great left tackle. Lynch was only a top-5 running back if you only count plays that he touches the ball. He couldn't block me on a blitz, which hurt both QB's, as did the fact that we had one WR capable of playing on the outside once we lost Price. Parrish is clueless as to how to play WR, and that hurt both QB's as well.
  7. OK, Edwards did look very good at times last year, but I am approaching it with cautious optimism. He doesn't have a penchant for anything at this point in his career. I don't even expect a good season out of him this year, but I hope we stick with him, barring injury. To be honest, I wish he hadn't stepped on the field yet.....still too green, IMHO
  8. He will struggle this season based on the talent around unless we film the opposing sidelines for him- look how that turned a nothing-happening linebacker from the Steelers into a hall of fame, do-everything guy for New England. Ever hear of a backup linebacker for Pittsburgh named Mike Vrabel? Trent has a lot of talent, but he's a second year guy. It will not be an easy season for him, particularly with few good targets to throw to
  9. I don't care about the Cleveland or NY Giants games- those are meaningless. I like a lot of what I sawa in Trent, but he has to continue to improve and fight through the next 2-3 seasons. He will struggle, thats a given. The Bills have to add better WR's as well. Reed should play exclusively in the slot, and Parrish should only play if he learns to run routes. We also need a TE and a center who can block. Those are all given, regardless of who plays QB.
  10. There is a flaw in this - it's the same as saying that Losman will be an all-pro because of how he finished the 2006 season. Sure, Edwards looked good for a few games and then struggled. Nobody knows what to expect this year.
  11. No matter what way you word it, it was the wrong move. Don't start the young QB until he is ready. Who cares if Bledsoe can't take you to the superbowl- no QB in the history of the game could take any of our teams full of castoffs to the playoffs, much less the superbowl. We should have either kept Bledsoe as a starter, or picked up a journeyman QB to start until JP was ready....I know in that case, Drew Bledsoe would have been available. Oh, and another thing......the thing about he got enough chances is a bunch of mindless drivel, and I've seen it since midway through his last season. You keep him until their is a better option, not until the fans get bored and want to move onto something else. Actually, he was the same overrated QB that could put up big meaningless stats if you gave him the tools.
  12. Corrected. Always remember that the death penalty is the last resort, and NEVER should be punitive. To use it in a punitive fashion would be defeating the purpose. That isn't directed at you, Bill, but some people want it to be used that way.
  13. Bledsoe shouldn't have been a backup- he should have started until JP was ready. Instead, he was put in when the fans were ready....and we already know how much they know about football.
  14. This is a case of over the past 8 years that each branch has constantly overstepped their bounds. A terrible 8 years...........
  15. It is not a player's fault that we gave that much up. We knew he was going to take about five years when we took him. If we stick with Trent, thats great by me- but I don't want to change QB's again, even if he throws 30 INT's in the first three games against no touchdowns. Players develop at their own rate, not at the rate we want them to. I have no problem with people who want Trent in there instead of JP- heck, it may turn out that they are right. The people who blame him for losing seasons the past three years are the ones that lack credibility, as he never should have started the year we let Bledsoe go.
  16. I have to say, this has to be the single best argument against the death penalty that I have heard. Amazing I have never heard this before
  17. I find much more value in a picasso pizza than a picasso painting!
  18. The "entire Middle East" comment was an intentional overstatement, but it is a large chunk. It is still something not all that great. The surge should have been instituted from the beginning, and the Bush regime has waged an incompetent war until recently- one that we shouldn't have been in, but we now have to deal in what is. Bush's name will be mentioned alongside Carter and probably above him for his legendary ineptness
  19. You need to be able to put two very good-excellent DT's in there at any given time and keep them fresh. I think we have 3. I like Houston's depth, and I think they are a wildcard contender
  20. This is a very scary thought- so the initial plan was dominance of most of the middle east? And we can prevent Iran from causing problems by restricting oil by taking over their country and not allowing that. War should always be an option, but with this administration, it is too often the first option. I just hope either McCain or Obama can fix everything in 4 years, since they won't get re-elected
  21. There is depth at DT, but once you get past Stroud, McCargo, Johnson is isn't very good. At DE, Schobel is a good player, but everyone else is average at best (if that). Neither Edwards nor JP Losman is an established QB that has shown consistent performance yet.
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