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Everything posted by Adam

  1. If you are talking about the current "President" not too many republicans that I know like him very much It is the same as the people on the right talking about JFK. In reality, neither were all that great or all that bad. Which can actually be called a success in the position
  2. I understand what you are saying, but I am just not into using trick plays. Save them for when you need them. Anyhoo, I prefer Trent throwing the ball, not Marshawn. It is a low percentage play
  3. I agree with much of what you said, but Cleveland was flat out better than us. They took advantage of having better lines than us and pounded the ball down our throat at the end.
  4. I will say that there are better coaches than Jauron out there in the league. I will also say that it is very unlikely we get any of them. Anyways, none of them could turn me into a WR or center....why expect Jauron to be able to do that either.
  5. The big question is this- do the politicians have the guts to put our money where their mouths are. They have to take this out of the hands of the economists and tell them to get it done. Achieving energy independence through the conversion will be VERY expensive, but it will pay for itself many times over. To me, it will be worth it
  6. Their coverage teams are ok. Phil Dawson is a great kicker, their return game, their punter is very good, and their return game is better than ours. The fact is that our special teams are more vital to us, because we don't have much else
  7. Both sides want government to be more involved......but only when it suits them
  8. If they do dig, they BETTER still step it up in finding an alternative fuel.
  9. Schobel is a good player- and he does some things very well. The problem is that he has shown that he can focus on stopping the run (which he improved in immensely last year) or rush the passer. It is getting late in his career and he has yet to show he can focus on doing both. And the problem is that after him, the quality of our DE's drops right off a cliff. Anyone expecting Stroud to make our other DE's a lot better is asking a heck of a lot. The talent just isn't there- and we still are hoping that Stroud is healthy. That said- I really do think our D will be significantly better this season.
  10. That is an excellent point. Too many people want to rate units of an offense or defense or individual players- these units mean nothing, because the players do not compete in a vacuum. You look at the defensive unit as a whole- is the run defense going to be good enough to let the pass rush tee off on the QB? Is the pass rush going to allow the secondary to cover? Then you have to look at the whole team- is the offense or defense putting undue pressure on the other side of the ball to carry the team?
  11. I think he was a lock to start before the injury- he is a decent QB who played on some terrible teams
  12. Maybe I am thinking about when he played guard or tackle then....he was asked to do a lot for a guy with limited athleeticism
  13. I didn't mean to say he was good- I do think he was better than Fowler, but center has been far from a strength since Hull retired, and this destroys the performance of the line as a whole
  14. We don't need to democratize anyone. If they want a democratic government, that can form one themselves. Not every non-democratic government is evil or a threat. It is not a choice between be a democracy or be terrorists.
  15. So you are saying there is no room for improvement on special teams? I think the improvement on defense PAIRED with our return and coverage game not only will lead to more possessions and better field position based on fewer first downs given up. This gives us more red zone opportunities in which we should at least get fieldgoals if we can't punch it in. By definition, we should get more touchdowns as well. And as far as consecutive post IIIa-145b, the offense has improved, despite a lack of continuity. You may not exactly like the play calling under Fairchild, but those who call for this so-called innovation need to remember Inspector Gadget's botched halfback option pass by Travis Henry that derailed us against Miami- after a good start to the season. We never recovered from that call. We need to settle down as far as making head coaching changes and the same goes for the quarterback position. It takes time for an offense to gel and changing QB's will disrupt the line and the skill position players. We need to get a Kent Hull or at least Jerry Ostroski type center who can hold his ground- then we will find out if Walker is good enough of not. Center hasn't really been a strength since Hull retired. The defensive line hasn't been a strength since Bruce and Ted Washington both were on it. This year is about the core of the team continuing to progress.
  16. I think its pretty subjective. I will say that I expect the level of play to be higher than last year for the most parts, but I also expect more mistakes out of Edwards- as teams have more film of him, and a rookie WR with some potential enters the lineup. Furthermore, I think the biggest improvement on offense will not be the playcalling- it will be based on more possessions and field position because of the defense and special teams. The defense should be better than last year based on health alone (if they stay healthy, of course)- and that isn't factoring Stroud in. I don't know what to make of Stroud yet.
  17. They should tell him to use the strategic reserve first- he wouldn't like that......and we all know why
  18. A politician changing there view....who has ever heard of that. At least his is right that the surge is working. To be honest, there never should have been a surge, because if we had to make the mistake of going in there, this is what we should have done to start with. Unfortunately, we have a "misunderestimated" idiot calling the shots! McCain was right- the original strategy was a complete debacle, orchestrated by the master of the debacle!
  19. Fortunately for the country, his term is almost up. Thankfully it is impossible for either McCain or Obama to do worse, although it will take a long time for the eight-year debacle to be cleaned up
  20. It would take seeing the team consistently play below what I feel the talent level is- regardless of record- you can win games on luck, but level of play speaks for itself most of the time
  21. You don't get a Bill Walsh that often. You say nothing will change Jauron's record- I say better talent would do the trick- did you see the thread about where our d-line is ranked in the NFL? it was pretty accurate. A lot of people wanted Wade Phillips fired over a stupid comment he made- look where that got us.
  22. No way am I comparing the two- but give Jauron Montana, Rice, Taylor, Jones, Charles hayley and that crew, and my guess is he makes a dent in the playoffs and wins a superbowl or two. Give Walsh our offensive and defensive lines along with JP Losman and Trent Edwards....and he'll be on the wildcard bubble as well. Maybe a couple games better than Jauron, but he was a hall of famer.
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