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Everything posted by Adam

  1. So now we are determining that one thing is more inconvenient than another? Once you open that door, you don't get to close it. Thats why I used such an extreme example. Not that cut and dry. Socialism doesn't always equal bad, capitalism doesn't always equal good. Given a country of our size, capitalism is usually the way to go, but sometimes you need regulations. In a small country that is trying to survive, socialism could be the best bet.
  2. I really think they are trying to win, but knowing that you need to improve your line is one thing- getting the opportunity to acquire those players is another. Sure, you can say Ngata, et al. was there, but we passed on that, and you don't get the benefit of hindsight. Our DT's aren't good enough and neither is our DE's. Fowler was brought in to be a stopgap, but we never found an adequate replacement. You can change QB's every year, but until the line is fixed, it won't matter
  3. Don't election years remind you of how intelligent our country has become!
  4. What is a customer practices a religion that believes in sacrificing pharmacists Just remember, in a free country, we can do whatever we want and gas is free.........
  5. What about Curious George's little fling back in '06........sounds like he was more than just a bit curious. Oh well, I guess thats just W being W.
  6. I can't see that happening- sustained drives usually are the mark of a team with a good offensive line and decisive quarterback. Our line is terrible and our QB is very young. The mark of a good offense is decisiveness- watch the good teams- the QB already knows where to unload the ball to when he completes his drop and the RB consistently runs to the right hole. For years there has been no decisiveness on our offense and a lot of confusion and hesitation by our RB and QB's
  7. Actually, we should rewind past JP and all the way to Kemp.
  8. So what you want is low percentage plays. Enjoy the 4-12 record that will bring
  9. Remember- you have to be patient with kids- you can't ask for their bills gear, as you have to make sure they don't fail- even if they don't really succeed. Their self esteem is more important than anything
  10. What about the ignorant putz from Alaska? He is no leader either.
  11. Because preseason games are not much more than an indication of what needs to be worked on in practice. They fine tune things in practice, not in games. Once you see what the problems are, there is no need to repeat them
  12. The two are not comparable. Welker is one of the best route runners in the league- he provides an outlet for Brady to get rid of the ball when nobody else gets open. He was as respoobsible for their 16-0 regular season as much as anyone. Roscoe just tries to run until he's open, which doesn't work in the NFL. He doesn't provide that outlet. He can look good once he gets the ball, which isn't often. Maybe his fans should start looking at him as the reason he doesn't get the ball, instead of looking at the coaches. If Rob Johnson was as coddled by his fans as this guy...........
  13. I never wanted JP taken out- he wasn't given the opportunities that people keep mentioning. He was put in prematurely on with a joke of a supporting cast. Same for Edwards. He'll hurt Edwards by running terrible routes, not getting open and causing sacks and turnovers by doing that. Well, you have to get the ball first. Exactly how many catches do you expect out of him? I have no problem with him as a punt returner- he is good at that
  14. All I hear is about how we need to get him the ball more, and how great he is and how he can build a rocket.....this and that He is one of the best punt returners in the league- there is no arguing that. He is very fast and there is no arguing that. He is tiny. He tries to make all these athletic moves and it rarely works. He has below average hands. He is not a route runner, much less a good one- and when he tries, he rounds off his cuts instead of making sharp cuts to get open. All of this is one of the main reasons he was an underachiever at Miami and continues to be an underachiever. His play if going to hurt Edwards' development- and could make him hold the ball too long and get hurt, you can count on that
  15. I hope you are right, but history says otherwise
  16. Because it doesn't take long to spot flaws in what we are running. You put them in, find what needs to be work on and take them out. You don't want to repeat mistakes- that makes them habitual. And you can only correct so many things in a week's time. They have all week to get more practice time- thats not what the preseason games are for.
  17. Very possible. Especially if he doesn't learn to run routes- that could further hamper the development of the offense. Never really thought about him as a cut, but McKelvin does make that a possibility.
  18. All of the factions are the kool aid drinkers. Its the offense that isn't in synch. When there is a turnover is it the QB that threw the ball to the wrong spot or the WR who ran the wrong route? It doesn't matter- the offense as a whole failed to execute. The kool aid drinkers are saying that our pass protection is just fine without Peters- HOW EFFICIENT WAS OUR OFFENSE. We need our best players out there and he is one of them- to progress as an offense, our full team needs to be out there.
  19. Not to many people will be upset about your negativity. We were a terrible team last year, and may not be much better this year. While Jauron is far from clueless, he is very limited in what he can do about a problem that has been ignored since before Jim Kelly retired. Our offensive line is terrible and our defensive line is mediocre. Our QB is young. We will not be an exciting, flashy team. We are what we are, and thats what Jauron has to work with- they can fire him, but the next coach will just have the same problems to deal with. I wasn't for benching Losman, but we can always call for the backup, whether its JP or not. We are missing our best lineman- people can talk all they want about how good the pass protection was last night- how efficient was the offense? Get Peters in and find a center who can play. I understand that Stroud did not play, so the defense should be somewhat better. In the offseason, we need to get more talented at the line of scrimmage.
  20. The Bills are silly and so is any thought of playoffs. We will have a good defense, but we don't have much talent offensively, nor do we have our best offensive lineman
  21. Again, maybe Fairchild really wasn't the problem after all. Maybe we don't have adequate talent yet. We are still very weak at WR and TE. From my understanding, Lynch didn't play much either. Not having your best OL also causes problems. You could bring back Ted Marchibroda and we wouldn't have an explosive offense. A weak OL combined with few quality offensive weapons and a very young QB equals weak offense. We will go as far as our improved defense and special teams takes us, which won't be the playoffs- we are a few seasons away. If anyone doesn't like it, we can start over again, like we have every few years......that route has gotten us far
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