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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I think we will see improvement, but I don't believe we have caught the other teams in the AFC yet, so I'd be stunned if we make playoffs. We should be capable of some very exciting and competitive games though. Even if Peters were here from the beginning, I am not thrilled with our line. I am not happy with our receivers either. We also need major improvement from at least one of our DT's and two DE's.
  2. He might do that, since he is a faux conservative, as are those who want it overturned. TRUE conservatives want it taken off the books completely, so a law can be enacted by congress- you know, the people THAT WE ACTUALLY ELECT! I view people who back Roe v Wade or want it overtuned as little children who just want their way, regardless of how it happens.
  3. I am starting to worry about the injury. You usually hear from the player or agent pretty quickly on a holdout
  4. Wacka- I just want to let you know that you owe me a new monitor. I followed the instructions on your signature and ruined my old one.
  5. Who could blame him....a pair of bumbling morons ended up with the nominations that year
  6. I've always believed that its best to have all parts of the economy healthy
  7. Therein lies the problem- but I think it can be solved. In an ideological battle, you need to do some convincing. It is far easier than just going out there and slaughtering people over and over with no end in sight. In saying that they can't be swayed, we are further dehumanizing and giving more rationalization to continue the violence. Regardless of who's fault it is, one side has to be the one to take initiative. Why should we stop if they don't, why should they stop if we don't.....It can go on perpetually if it isn't stopped.
  8. I am just looking for an option that forces each side to stop the dehumanizing of the other side- that in itself would change a lot. It can be done- how it can be done is the tough part
  9. I was being sarcastic about the no child left behind garbage. And not going to college doesn't really translate to stupid. I know a lot of people who didn't go to college that build computers. Many probably build cars and probably other things that we depend on. Colleges have become oversaturated and degrees rendered meaningless. There is such a demand for teachers because of this that anyone can do it. Quality has gone way down- can't fail anyone, it might make them feel bad and they may be able to sue for lost earning capacity. What a mess we have become. I have been called unpatriotic by some for saying that- which is nuts.
  10. Yes, but we have to find a way to "fight" them. I put fight, because our war against them was doomed from the start. Many times in history, man has waged war against perceived evil. It has never worked and it never will. All it will do is create a body count on both sides.
  11. What is the actual reason you can't have talks with terrorists- I don't mean giving them whatever they want to make them stop. I mean, what do we really have to lose. At worst, it doesn't work out. Maybe we get a better idea what makes them tick. It can't be as ludicrous as the "war on shadows." After all, an ideology can't be fought with the sword.
  12. I appreciate the concern for me having a nervous breakdown, but I am sure that the screaming kids outside will help that situation......oh, you mean the TBD outage!
  13. We have to make sure every child is prepared for college. We also need to make sure they get good grades once there, even if they aren't earned. If we don't have a good educational system, we can make it look like we do
  14. Olberman, O'Really and Limbaugh.....three wastes of oxygen that should be extinguished. I will give Olberman his props though- he is one of the few liberals that can air hate over the media like the two conservatives I've mentioned. What a waste of air time, and what a waste of time that could be used cleaning soap off the floor by people who waste time listening to any of them
  15. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown!!!!
  16. I can agree with that- but there should be times when they can go 5-10% over where they are now. I am sure a lot of things would be overlooked if it was ever at 100%, even for a short time
  17. It is very hard to say. It all depends on personnel. Would he have done better than he did when we had Paup and Washington? Probably not. Playmakers, not scheme is what determines outcome.
  18. The talk of McCain being too old. I have a suspicion that he will be alive more than four years from now. Anyways, if he is elected, there are provisions for such a tragedy if he is not. The vice president will take over. Just as long as the VP isn't George Bush or Jimmy Carter, I think we'll be OK. The talk of Obama being the antichrist. Can people get any dumber? The people saying this should have any degree they have taken away. There are very few people in history to get this tag- Hitler, Ghengis Khan. Come on- Even if Obama was as bad as Bush, he wouldn't come close. Drill Here! Drill Now!!!! Yep, and watch the oil we find go overseas. I am fine with drilling, but anything we find should stay here. And should be processed- no more 85% capacity for refineries if we drill here and now. I am Adam and I approve this message
  19. I'd rather not know what she did with him....some things are better unsaid
  20. Could you please tell me what Norv Turner's record was prior to going to San Diego and making the AFC title game? The only thing that separates Turner and Jauron as head coaches is that Turner has had one year as a head coach with what isn't universally known as a woeful franchise.
  21. I normally say that they would still win the division based on defense, but that group was terrible last year. I still think the Jets can give us a run for our money either way- and I thought that before they signed Favre- they were tough on us last year and usually are
  22. And either the plays we try to surprise people with will be low percentage enough not to work much, or teams will catch on to our tendencies. I'd really love to be wrong, but I don't see playoffs this year.
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