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Everything posted by Adam

  1. In my opinion, you can tell with your eyes- don't even look at standings. I think we are a fringe contender, but not a superbowl contender. We have a shot at a first round upset, but it wnds there. Too thin at DT, not good enough at DE or WR. Too inexperienced at QB. I will say that I expect New England to deteriorate as the season goes on- except for their line, they are pretty old on defense- and that defense can only carry them for so long. Last season's offense is hurting them right now- they went too much on finesse and I don't see them getting to much of a power game with less that a full season to work on it. We should finish with around 8-9 wins, IMHO, maybe better if our strong start continues (I can see 5-0 or 4-1 happening- and it should be 5-0 based on the college teams we play in the next 3 weeks)
  2. I have a bad feeling that all we did was delay the inevitable. I fear that too much damage will be done. And to anyone who thinks I just want to spin things on that- I really, really hope I am wrong, because a total collapse helps nobody.
  3. I think the "Never have regulation" and "Always have regulation" arguments are fine if you listen to Painkiller Limbaugh or Everybody Hates Olberman, but here in the real world, absolutes don't work.
  4. I used to wonder that back when he played at Miami. He is a punt returner....he'll be out there if they punt
  5. Sad things is that one of these frauds will win because we live in a country that is too weak to look at the alternatives. Human nature is to be a sheep- and not just here.
  6. I am worried about him for real reasons- this reason is a joke
  7. Democrats do lots of bad things, so do republicans. The sheep that are COWARDS and continue to vote for them because they are afraid to vote for someone else are the real villains of the story though
  8. Shrub will go down in the history books- he earned that regardless of his real name. Anyone who calls republicans that is an idiot
  9. us, them, us them, us, them......no wonder this country has reached where it is.....
  10. The other day, I saw some NObama and McSame bumper stickers. You are doing a good job America, soon you'll make the 2nd grade. Grow the &$&^% up. Making fun of people's names....Completely idiotic and unamerican. Its for the uninformed voter. This so-called "War on Terror" is ridiculous. How much have we attacked the ideology and propaganda? Instead we send in our military and not only feed that ideology, but fed it. Lots of people who were known to be civilians at Abu Ghraib YEARS AGO, but we did not release them, because we were afraid of them becoming terrorists because we unjustly made them suffer. The terrorists we need to reach are the sheep (the ones like us). Take them away and their leaders have nothing. Their leaders won't be the ones doing the suicide bombings. I am also so tired of hearing about the personal lives of politicians. They have their beliefs and they make mistakes just like everyone else....the difference is that we aren't subjected to hearing about everyone else.
  11. All these idiots like Limbaugh, Coulter, Olbermann, O'Reilly, Moore and the others. All they spew is pure hate. Intelligent people wouldn't bother listening to anything they say. None of them even have any credibility.
  12. Neither are for the people (sheep). They are both for making sure both of them consolidate as much power as possible, while their idiot followers continue their mindless obedience
  13. JP's main weakness is that he just seems like he thinks we have to score on every snap of the ball- now that would be a good mindset if it were possible, but it adds to the pressure caused by lacking good personnel and pressure caused by the defense. He didn't look like that at all against Indy though. One of his best overall showings.
  14. Players who report so late usually end up injured if you play them too much too soon. He probably will be worked into the lineup.
  15. Fair enough- we will soon see where he stands.
  16. I agree, he is definitely a guy you want to keep, and has been very productive. He just isn't in the elite class. He is close though.
  17. Actually, some can TAKE a hit and bounce back better than others. Every QB has a breaking point and thats a fact. Just ask pretty boy Tom.
  18. I thought the Indy game was one of his best as a pro. He looked more decisive that I've ever seen. As far as your point about that pass.....What if Joe Montana's pass in the Superbowl against Cincy got picked- the winning TD never would have happened. And no, I am not comparing Losman to Montana, just the two plays. I am comfortable with our QB situation, wish I could say the same about the line
  19. It isn't just the left tackle position that is hurt by Peter's absence. It has moved Walker from his RT position to LT, and decreased our overall depth by forcing us to start Chambers at RT. It also lessens the help to Fowler on the interior and will force us to usually keep a TE on the left side. Not to mention that we are very young at QB and RB. Not having Peters makes us shuffle our lineup, deplete our depth and alter our blocking schemes. Why not give him the same base pay with a back loaded longer contract that he will never see the end of.
  20. It takes more than size and strength to push people off the line. It takes power- you need the ability to quickly get out of your stance and into the defensive linemen. Peters is athletic enough to do that, Walker is not. Walker can be servicable if you give him enough help to both sides- which is not an insult to him....plenty of starting linemen in the NFL need that type of help. Peters is a special player and allows you to change your blocking schemes
  21. Actually, he has. Didn't play too bad in limited time against Cincy last year, despite a terrible overall showing by the offense On the JP issue, I'd like to add that the Indy game was one of his best showings I can remember. He really looked like he knwe where he was going with the ball when he set his feet and was as accurate as I ever remember him being. It is only one game, but it was quite a performance. Maybe Fairchild was a problem- although I still think talent did factor in as well (and still will)
  22. Putting aside the fact that he cheated on his wife and the fact that it is wrong to do that. Blackmail is illegal. Cheating on your wife, while wrong is not a crime. You don't remove somebody from office because a crime may be committed against them. Assume for a second (and this is a stretch) that we have a great president. Economy is booming, quality of life is great. We have great foreign relations. If that president cheated on his wife, would you want to risk that prosperity because you were afraid that he would be blackmailed or have some other crime committed against him?
  23. He is what ESPN tells him to be. He is what ESPN wants to be
  24. He plays for a bad team, that will always be bad.
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