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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Unfortuntely, McCain has gone along with the wishes of the republican party- he is not acting like the real John McCain, he is acting like the Republican candidate. Despite her showing last week, I think Palin was a poor choice as the running mate. Barr was a better option than McCain to begin with. I really like John McCain, its hard not to....I just don't like him as a candidate- and hopefully whatever actually happened to him health-wise the other week was a false alarm...I am sure that was not fun for him or his family.
  2. Is it the republicans or just a few idiots
  3. Yes, we probably would have been more productive with our starter instead of our backup. But we didn't protect our starter- that isn't JP's fault. I'm sure he did what he could
  4. I have been on Schobel's case a lot, but the fact remains that our line is better than last year, but still isn't that good or deep. Schobel and Stroud are the only legit starters on it, and we don't have much depth. We don't have a game changer on the line either. We are what we are, and so far its been pretty good. We've overcome some deficiencies in starting out 4-1, but you know what- we still are 4-1 which is better than we've been in a long time, so enjoy it.
  5. There shouldn't be a bailout, there is no need for it. Buy the bad credit AT COST. There should be a price for screwing up, there is for everyone else.
  6. Partisan BS aside, no matter who gets elected, the economy will get worse before it gets better. I semi like both McCain and Obama....they are talking heads to an extent, but I think they actually care about the country. Palin kept saying that the corruption needs to be stopped, which is likely to win her some voters, but like the democrats, she said something needs to be done, but never said how it can be done. If the dig here, dig now mantra could actually work, I'd vote for McCain in a second. Fact is that all of it will be put on the world market and will do very little for us. I'm not sure I'll vote for either.
  7. People who drink and drive should lose their license permanently. No appeals or anything.
  8. This is the ABSOLUTE key. Their receivers can't do a thing if they don't get the ball. If they can beat us with the run, more power to em....I don't think they can. Punish Warner on every snap, hammer him into the ground and he'll turn the ball over. Blitz up the middle a lot- blitz linebackers, blitz safeties, blitz corners. I am not afraid of Edgerain James behind that line. They are a one-dimensional team.
  9. Screw the democrats and republicans- they got us into this, and all they want to do is place blame. Both parties are incompetent and so are their lemming bases who would follow them off a cliff
  10. I agree- I think he just fired the best coach in that division
  11. I heard comments from someone that McCain uses his hands like his is lecturing and Obama stands erect and looks presidential. Another person was going to vote for McCain because he thought Palin is hot. God help us, this country is full of morons
  12. Why do people listen to WGR 55? It really numbs the mind unless you are on to what they do. On WGR, he is a caricature, a moron. When he is on nationally, he acts completely different, so don't blame Schopp, blame the morons that run WGR 55....or better yet, blame the people that will believe anything negative- and trust me, its the majority. Can a coach go winless year after year and still be a great coach? Absolutely- exact same way that Archie Manning makes the hall of fame. I'll tell you why Jauron is a very good coach- he is very organized, pays attention to details, and his players know whatto expect from him. You don't want to surprise your players when they are in pressure situations- they know what to expect, so they can react better to what their opponents do, instead of reacting to what he does. I have been in the sports business for over a decade now, and I'll tell you something- unpredictable coaches don't win a lot, and usually not at a high level either
  13. They are horrible on the offensive and defensive lines and aren't good at WR or QB. Jackson will never be the player they expected him to be, although in the right system, he could be very good.
  14. That sounds a lot like what has been said about Dick Jauron until recently- that demeanor is called calm, cool and collected when you are winning
  15. I don't agree with him on some things, but I think he would have made a great leader- too bad the people in this country are mainly stupid sheep. Much of present company excluded. McCain is a sock puppet.
  16. If he wins a couple games there this year, it will be among his best work- he is a very good coach, but you can't win without talent.
  17. Its a shame- Linehan is a really good coach
  18. Yep, Roscoe is much more explosive than Lee Evans . Parrish is a pretty good slot guy and a fantastic punt returner- not having him on specials will hurt our offense by affecting field position.
  19. Parrish is at his best returning punts. We will miss him greatly there. He is VERY replaceable on offense, where he did catch that TD pass, but making a play once in awhile doesn't mean too much. This Roscoe Parrish worship dumbfounds me....he is nothing like Wes Welker, as they seem to want to claim.
  20. Who cares. Talk radio is out there for idiots.
  21. Schobel is a good football player, problem is that he's not elite and gets paid like he is.
  22. He is a talk radio guy, so he has no credibility. Much like Simon Howard
  23. Obviously, Jauron has to go........
  24. You guys didn't do too well against USC. You may even finish behind UCLA this year.....oh wait, the Pac-10 wouldn't take a non-competitive team like the Faiders. Maybe Old Al could bring back Art Shell or Johnny "Boom Boom" Madden. How about Jay Shroeder? He was a good one too. Our defensive players could play on offense and our offensive players could play defense and this is still an easy win- much like what happened in the 1990 AFC championship and Gruden's first season. Where did Gruden go again, I remember old Al didn't like him much. JUST LOSE BABY- LOSE EARLY AND LOSE OFTEN!!!!!!
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