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Everything posted by Adam

  1. San Diego plays one of the most straight up defenses in he league- YES, coming back two weeks after a concussion DEFINITELY is being rushed back. Just because you don't see the injury doesn't mean that it isn't there. Concussions heal slowly. By the way- Troy Aikman NEVER should have seen his team until weeks after Superbowl XXVIII. The trainers and doctors should have final call on who can play- not the GM, not the coach and not the owner. This has set Trent's recovery way back and was a horrible move. If they can't trust JP for a few games, they should cut him now
  2. I question his decision to rush Edwards back from his concussion- he clearly is slower in making reads and is making poor decisions. Prior to the brain injury (which is what it is), his decision making and quick reads helped mask the deficiencies at center and right tackle. The decision to rush him back was as bad as what Cleveland did to Derek Anderson heading into the season.
  3. He does have a concussion, what is your point?
  4. No- he lost his best WR and DE
  5. and NFL caliber offensive linemen
  6. Well, as I said, go watch MTV
  7. Edwards is in his second year, he is going to make mistakes.....if you want instant gratification, watch MTV
  8. It isn't that good to begin with
  9. No, we gotta focus on the Jets this week!
  10. Well, that wouldn't be as bad as Bush, but it would still be quite disturbing
  11. I wouldn't trade that for Jerry Rice in his prime. That was a stupid deal and one of the many reasons that Jerry Jones is a terrible owner. Evans is a number one receiver- he has been pretty productive this season without much help at the other WR positions other than Reed. I wouldn't say that he is a dominant #1 WR, and he may never be. He has proven to be good enough to be a primary target though, which I didn't think he was capable of.
  12. I have a feeling that McCain or Obama will take care of our troops. Your passion for the topic is admirable, but since they are both from the same party, they probably would be laughing at this. If people had the guts to form a third party, instead of being brainwashed into voting democrat or republican, a lot of problems in this country would be fixed. But since most american people tend to do what they are told by their TVs instead of thinking critically, it won't happen. Both Obama and McCain are 100% better than what we have, but I think there are better options out there- Barr is just one of them. If Forbes or Gore was elected back in 2000, we never would have entered into a war that was set up to have no end. We wouldn't be on the verge of another Great Depression
  13. I can't argue against giving the people who fight for our freedoms anything
  14. Regardless of who wins, both are good americans who will help improve things. McCain is not too old and Obama is not a socialist. This is about America- not about either whiny party
  15. Most just hear negativity on that stupid radio station and can't think for themselves
  16. As long as the government we set up there stands, we will be there. No ifs, ands or buts
  17. So should we judge all conservatives based on what somebody who clearly has mental problems does? I sure hope it hasn't come to that
  18. I was hoping to win on a fumblerooski
  19. Not what I said at all- the scapegoating of muslims has to end. They did nothing wrong- the terrorists did.
  20. I hear that the Jets are vulnerable to 57-yard field goals
  21. Its being promoted by Vince McMahon- its a 3-way dance with the qb of the winning team getting a shot at Batista's Raw title
  22. How about not trying to eliminate terrorists through military action, when we've known for generations that it hasn't worked. How about not removing a government that we know isn't a good one- one that was in zero jeopardy of being overthrown from within or by insurgency, and replacing it with our own form of government, forcing us to stay there, because it will fold like a deck of cards if we leave. How about economincally fortifying ourselves right after it happened, instead of telling people to go visit shopping malls. How about not pouring billions of dollars into a war that can't be won OR lost. People haven't gotten on with there lives and you can't refute that. People have become xenophobic, fearing anything arab or muslin- which is wrong. Face it, we're in deep, and neither Obama nor McCain are going to be able to fix this mess.
  23. Problem is that it will take more than 8 years to undo the mess that Bush made- whether it is John McCain or Barrack Obama. Either will do a much better job, but it is there american people that have to do a lot of changing as well. The next president needs to start the healing process for the country from the tragedy of 9/11, as the current one has failed at that for almost a decade now, and in doing so has helped to wreck our economy
  24. He is a good back, but 6 yards/carry? Please- no player in the league is going to do that
  25. Dude- you're good....you did it, and did it so subconsciously that you didn't even know
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