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Everything posted by Adam

  1. They were pretty safe from Al Queda before we changed that.....I hated Saddam as much as the next guy, but so did Al Queda.
  2. No bill is ever the fault of a single party- I completely understand that. I do think they need to denounce that and they nee to denounce talk radio- not many republicans I know share the vision that is presented by Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh, Savage and their like present a sick and twisted variation of the conservative/republican message and I consider that dangerous. Having said that, I also think Keith Olbermann is equally as bad- and thats going from what I have heard- I would NEVER watch MSNBC
  3. For the past eight years (and maybe more), the republican message- one that is very american, very good and very proud has become warped and twisted. The republican message has become more and more one of hate and fear- some republicans I know deny this, but not many. They need to accept that their message is what people receive, not what they mean. They need to get back to their core values. We may be attacked while Obama is president, but it won't be because he is president. Republicans are supposed to stand for "Give me liberty or give me death" and the constitution. Right now, they don't stand for that- and the Patriot Act is the best proof I can give. America is better off with a strong republican party than a weak one. Lets hope they go through a lot of self evaluation and get themselves back in order.
  4. Just in case anyone is interested http://www.answers.com/topic/lemming-2
  5. Yes, you are more intelligent than ALL of the democrats, republicans and independents that votes for Obama. His policies are flat out better than McCains- not to mention that each year the republicans betrayed their own message more and more by not standing up to George W. Bush. Maybe the landslide loss can get the republican party to fix itself and get back to what made them successful in the first place. I for one, hope so
  6. I'll tell you when- it will happen when the Republicans take their party back- when they get back to their ideals and away from their messages of fear and hate. Thank God that Ronald Reagan wasn't alive to see what his party has degenerated into
  7. While McCain is more towards the middle, I wouldn't compare him to Bush. I think McCain is a good man and a great American
  8. Ohm I'm not defending the conservatives- they are guilty of not standing up to Bush. Second only to Bush's insurgency of Iraq, his dumbest move was going to war without increasing taxes- something that I believe is unprecedented in history- and something that horribly increased the deficit.
  9. I say give him a chance- be skeptical if you need to, but he is no longer a democrat senator, he is an american president elect (I hope)
  10. A lot of liberal democrats gave him authorization to launch an insurgency against Iraq
  11. This is one embarrassing post. All of the republicans that I know wish President elect Obama nothing but the best and want him to succeed. Most people don't even consider Bush or most of his cabinet republicans at all. McCain showed class in his gracious concession speech, its time the democrats do so as well. We are americans, not democrats and republicans
  12. That was a great election- This may sound silly, but each time one of the candidates received votes, I jumped out of my seat- when McCain took an early lead, I was thinking about where we could be had he won the nomination back in 2000. Say what you want about him, disagree with his policies, but he is a great american and served our country well both in the military and congress. I was glad to see him act like himself in the concession speech- he is a true class act, just wish I could meet him someday. When Obama won Pennsylvania, I began to pretty much think he was wrapping up the election. When he took Ohio, it was over (I already knew California was locked up). Another good thing is that it looks like the democrats will not gain a supermajority in the senate- I don't think that would be a good think- too much power is never good. What we all must remember though, is that change starts at the bottom- not in the white house. While I personally believe in Obama's policies, I do think that he does represent a choice that makes it easier for some- Most Americans see our current problems and want somebody to make it all better for us- we have to get back to what the country was founded on- the Founding Fathers, while great couldn't have gotten much done by themselves- the entertainment era MUST end and the problems must be addressed. While I am glad Obama plans on ending the war in Iraq, I wish we would end the war on terror entirely. I would rather have a terrorist kill me than to become one myself. The terrorists are evil incarnate, and you can't wage war against evil- in doing so, you eventually become what you are fighting against. You have to devalue what they are taught and find a way to relieve their frustrations- if you look at terrorist activities, the top guys are the ones we are catching- they are not doing the suicide bombings. The ones doing the suicide bombings are indoctrinated with lies and rubbish- they are normal people. The terrorists have taken a lot from us- our liberties, freedoms, and our feelongs of security. More than that, it bothers me what they have taken from American Muslims- and in turn, what they have gotten us to take from American Muslims. I constantly hear the term muslim terrorist and see people looking suspiciously at anyone who may be muslim. These innocent people have been degraded by the biggotry that has spawned from the horrible terrorist attacks from 9/11 and have had their liberties and dignity stripped by us! I have a muslim friend that can't return to this country because of stupid suspicion. Like the song says- you gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything. The United States was built on liberty and freedom, and that is what it stood for for a long time. Give me liberty or give me death- because if I don't have that, then I am not american and I don't care to go on living anyways. The patriot act and all that follows- false security, lack of liberty- lack of being an american. Lack of standing for anything. Sometimes we forget that democrats and republicans are supposed to be striving for the same thing, but just believe in different ways of getting there. Personally, I was against the drill here/drill now philosophy for a reason- and it isn't because it would take time- it is because although short term we would have a big supply, long term is is still a small percentage of the world's supply of oil. Alternate fuel sources won't work now, but if we fix the education system, I know we can figure out the energy dilemma before any other country does. If anyone disagrees with my points of view, I hope that they at least understand it. America is still the only place I would ever want to live. I want more though- I want it to be much better than it currently is. End the fear, end the biggotry, end the desire to find things to be angry about. And always remember, it isn't about blue, it isn't about red. It is all about Old Glory- THE RED WHITE AND BLUE. I hope that Senator Barrack Obama does a good enough job to win by this much next time, but it he isn't, then we will find somebody better in four years. I am very proud to be an american right now- and I would be no less proud if Senator McCain was elected
  13. You make a good point- I saw it on TV- I have no link to post...maybe there is one, but that would mean I am technologically impaired
  14. What happened- did he have problems flushing the toilet- it's not Joe's fault!
  15. I think there is a lot to like about both guys- and I think the terrorist allegations to Obama are way out of line. I actually was praising McCain for not voicing approval of that ad. I think the party had too much control over the campaign and I am sure that McCain is disgusted with it- he doesn't strike me as a negative person.
  16. Great post Alpha- I do think we have made quite a few mistakes though...... 1. Offensive line- Fowler has bounced around the league during his short career for a reason. He just isn't good enough. Walker isn't good- he's huge, but has no explosion- that is useless. Our line is just so unathletic- that gets you nowhere in today's NFL...not consistenly at least. 2. Defensive line- Aaron Schobel is our best lineman- at tackle or end, but he isn't a guy that strikes fear in offensive coordinator, but we paid him like he is. Denny is below average and paid way too much. We are very good at QB, RB and LB....if we get things in order, we could go from a team with a lot of potential with a team that has the potential to dominate. Fix the OL and Lynch becomes a difference maker that will scare defenses. I think we need to make some moves come draft time to either move up or get extra picks. I'd love to get the OT from Alabama or Ole Miss and there are a bunch of good DE's out there. I am still high on DT Anthony Maddox- who might be had for a low pick as Houston is loaded at the position.
  17. Chill out dude- just because you don't like something said on tv doesn't mean that everyone who supports the other candidate is like that- it was a stupid, childish prank
  18. I have thought Senator McCain is a man worthy of respect, although I will not be voting for him. Despite the negativity in the campaigns, you can see there is mutual respect between the two candidates- whether you like John McCain or not, make sure you take note at the end of the latest advertisement- a horrible ad, which all but calls Obama a terrorist- a ridiculous assertion, as he would have been removed from office quickly if there were any truth. At the end of the ad, there is no approval message from McCain- a little thing that means a lot. I don't think he will win the election, but I hope he continues to serve our country well.
  19. It takes a few weeks to recover from a concussion- and if he wasn't allowed to sit in at practice, it was likely a category 2 concussion, which was discussed in a previous thread, and would take longer. I have no previous experience with concussions so I read a bit and ask the trainers. The fact that Aikman played in that superbowl speaks volumes about how seriously concussions are taken in the NFL. Trainers can't keep players out of games, which is a huge problem in itself in the NFL
  20. Our offensive line is particularly bad at center and right tackle, and our defensive line isn't very good- I remember over the summer when many thought that Stroud was the miracle cure and that I was crazy for wanting another DT. You win and lose at the line of scrimmage- always been that way, always will be.
  21. Whatever......hopefully our coaching staff can make some smarter decisions in the future
  22. Yep, a concussion is just like a scatch, throw some dirt on it and it'll be just fine
  23. Sorry, but I work with a number of athletic trainers who are pretty knowledgable. I think I'll listen to them over you, murra.... no offense
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