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Everything posted by Adam

  1. There is some talent on this team, but it has been assembled with no rhyme or reason. We have a running back that is a straight ahead runner, but we can't zone block with our line which is supersized. We have pretty good slot receivers, but a lack of talent on the outside. Our right tackle and center aren't adequate. We have skill at linebacker and in the secondary but one of the lesser d-lines in the league. We keep changing QB's and coaches because of terrible drafting and a meddling owner. Its like baking a cake instead of doing your homework- its illogical Based on what- he is having the same problems we fired our last 2-3 coaches for. Funny, we keep doing the same song and dance over and over again without addressing the actual problems
  2. The key there is "I think." There are many problems, including a coach that may or may not be what each side thinks, a meddling owner and subpar talent. Which came first- the chicken or the egg- all any of us can make is an educated guess
  3. Do you think Jauron is the ONLY problem we have?
  4. Worse than Herm Edwards? I doubt that- I laughed at the Cheifs when they hired him! Look, I am not going to argue whether Jauron is a good coach or a bad coach, I just try to evaluate him by how well we do based on our talent level....people form their opinions and thats fine. I don't think changing coaches is going to solve anything- it hasn't in over a decade now. We need somebody to come into the front office that has a vision. Personally, I'd like to see us bring in some athletic linemen capable of zone blocking, which would turn Lynch into one of the best players in the league. I'd like to see some big athletic WR's in, that are in the mold of Brandon Marshall/Terrell Owens that can make big catches and block downfield. How about a smash mouth fullback in the Sam Gash mode- that would propel our offense in the cold weather. Get some bigger, more athletic DE's and more depth at DT. This argument about who stands on the sidelines is boring the heck out of me....it isn't the problem now, and hasn't been for years....we need some sort of direction
  5. You can forget the playoffs.....we may win one more game, but thats about it
  6. John- I agree with you about it starting at the top- Wilson needs to let the guys he hires do their jobs and not micromanage them. They know more about football and personnel than he does.
  7. It starts with Wilson resigning his position and just being the owner of a team. He would do well to letthe football guys handle the football end. Yes, he just wants to win, but he wants it too bad and it has led to mistakes. Personnel wise, our offensive line needs to get smaller and more athletic. Lynch would be dominant behind a line that was mobile enough to zone block effectively. On defense, we should start over on the line- Schobel is our best end, but he is getting older and banged up....I would see what we could get for him in a trade. We need 1-2 more defensive tackles, including a starter. I would also like to see a hard nosed fullback in the Sam Gash mold. We have rough winters, and need to be able to pound the ball
  8. Sure did. While would an in-demand coach with his accomplishments want to work for Wilson- look at Wilson's track record with coaches
  9. Marty Schottenheimer has the playoff record that he does, because he has coached very flawed teams that overachieved in very good divisions. In KC, his best QB situation was Joe Montana at the end of his career. He had Steve DeBerg, Dave Kreig, Rich Gannon, Elvis Grbac and a bunch of WR's who were terrible....J.J. Birden? Please! His competition included the likes of John Elway, arguably the best QB ever. He lost to the Bills in the playoffs because we were stocked with hall of fame players at key positions. That said, Schottenheimer would NEVER come to Buffalo
  10. I like Dockery and Peters...its too bad Butler can't stay healthy. Preston, Fowler and Walker are not worth too much
  11. The Bills have some decent skill players- Lynch and Jackson are very good, Edwards has the potential to be very good. I like Evans and Reed, Parrish is good for a play every now and then Stroud is a good player, Poz is going to be a pro bowler and our secondary is ok. But when you look at the line of scrimmage, it nullifies everything. If you are soft at the line, you are soft overall. The Bills are cream puffs
  12. You really don't have much of a choice as far as being patient. Both lines are in shambles and you don't get good on the O or D-lines overnight. Once those are taken care of, things will fall into place
  13. OK, lets go with your point- we're still a bad team
  14. I would have to say yes- the record may not say so, but when you look at strength of schedule, we haven't beaten anyone. Half our wins are against the woeful AFC West, we have two wins against the weakest division in the NFC and a win against Jacksonville. Our offensive and defensive lines have been in shambles for years. Until that is addressed we won't move up the food chain. Everybody wants to credit Favre for the Jets turnaround- look at how they built up their O-line and brought in Kris Jenkins to shore up the defense.
  15. No so. In the early 1990's I probably would have wanted the ball first- if you have a dominant offense, you want to set the tone with that. If both teams are mediocre, as was the case with the Monday night game- or the Miami game, I would defer. My reasoning for this is that early in the game, there is a feeling out process. Let the other team have the ball for that- or let them choose and endzone, which is the equivalent of a turnover (see our game vs the Jets in 1995, when Parcells did this). If the weather is excessively bad, I think I would probably defer, based on the fact that it will bog down the offenses, but I would have to consider who I was playing, particularly if they had a strong running game.
  16. So you don't think that putting it in the hands of the defense and forcing a turnover or three and out can be equally as good? Unless extreme weather is a mitigating factor, I always would defer and take the choice in the second half
  17. We lost because we gave ourselves the opportunity the start the second half with the ball? Thats insane. We had the lead and the momentum at halftime. We lost because we failed to make plays in the fourth quarter. You can make the case that the 4th quarter failure was Jauron's fault if you want, but we did not lose because we deferred.
  18. Whatever....go watch MTV, thats more suited to you. Who would win here- I will accept you as a sentient human being when you can answer that. No players, no wins.
  19. Ok, for those who want McKelvin pushed into the starting defense after his great game yesterday- take a step back. Greer had a pretty strong season last year and has played at a pretty high level this season, despite dealing with a terrible defensive front. Both definitely have aplace on the D, but I need to see more of what happened yesterday- and I don't mean interceptions- remember, we played a team with a terrible offensive line and rookie QB who will be prone to mistakes. On Trent Edwards- he is showing a combination of being a second year QB and has played abysmally since the concussion against Arizona- how much that concussion is still lingering is anyone's guess- at this point it could just be inexperience. For those who thought is was just going to be great with him this season, get real, get some understanding of the game! He is a young QB, everyone goes through this to some extent- add to that he plays for one of the worst teams in the league. I do like that they are sticking with him after screwing up with JP. He isn't playing like he normally does- too many dump offs and not enough WR's. I do think Reed can become the go-to guy, even more than Lee Evans. When firing on all cylinders, Edwards is MUCH better than Tony Romo, who made one of the worst plays I've ever seen yesterday On the offensive line- Langston Walker is the exact same player he was in Oakland. He plays hard, he knows what to do, but can't do it. Fowler and Preston are both smart players, but physically don't cut it. Butler looks liek a great guard, but he can't seem to stay healthy. Peters will be back to form next season as long as he reports on time. We need to get smaller and more athletic, the line is in shambles- and you can't run a coherent offense without a strong line. On the defensive line- Stroud is the best we have at DT and Schobel is all we have at DE. Schobel is getting older and we will only see him injured more- I would consider moving him for draft picks since we pretty much have to start over on the defensive line- same as the OL, you can't run anything coherent here. On the coaching- yes, Jauron isn't one of the better game-day guys, but the team only looks unprepared because of the above problems. I think Jauron does a good job preparing, but doesn't have players who can executte- he should not have a direct hand in aquiring talent, that is a weakness for him. Give him two strong lines and I think he will do fine. Wilson just gave him an extension, so you can forget another coaching change- RW doesn't spend like that- who would want to come to the Bills anyways? Jauron is a grind it out type coach- and that will work if the team is ever built right. There are a lot of guys on this board who want to go with the flavor of the weak as far as coach, GM and QB. Its fuinny, because those fans want to win- and that formula is a proven loser.
  20. Our problems are caused by not addressing the offensive/defensive lines, changing QB's and changing coaches. Every time you change one of those, you start over. You can't effectively run anything on offense or defense without a strong line
  21. He is a decent head coach- not a great one. While dealing with an owner like Wilson, and in a place like Buffalo, he is about to finish with around seven wins again, despite inferior talent. If you don't think the above three factors are a hindrance, then, yes, you are delusional. You really need to get past thinking that bad coaching is the only problem we've had in the past decade- Believe me, one day you will wake up and realize that Schobel and Parrish are not hall of fame players.
  22. You have presented your argument so elequently. How can anyone with half a pulse not be able to win in a place with as much tradition as Buffalo. The place is an absolute draw for top coaches and free agents- a virtual paradise. You should be able to win in such a wonderful place with a bunch of complimentary players like Parrish and Schobel. I mean the personel is better than what the Giants have! Face it, the Bills are a traditional doormat and if you think you will ever have a better coach than Dick Jauron will come there, you are kidding yourself. The economy is terrible and the owner meddles too much. Jauron is a decent coach but if you think you'll get anything better you are completely delusional
  23. I think the fact that the Bills fanbase expects Aaron Schobel and Roscoe Parrish to be playmakers is all you need to know to know how logical they are......
  24. I think you were a bit more eloquent than I was- seriously, what would they be able to ask for that wouldn't make them look like idiots. If it hurts their efforts in recruiting more people to do what they won't do themselves, I'm all for it
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