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Everything posted by Adam

  1. No kidding.....with adequate blocking, he could be an absolute monster
  2. Fact is that this team and franchise sucks no matter who the coach or QB is
  3. The poor quarterbacking and poor running game is due to a terrible offensive line. It has been with every coaching staff and offensive coordinator that has been run out of town.........What is the definition of insanity....Buffalo Bills fans
  4. Sometimes what happens in a stupid game just doesn't matter- sorry about your loss.......last week I got an email that a long time friend of mine had died from cancer as well.....terrible disease
  5. Bledsoe played better in Dallas than he did in Buffalo as did Todd Collins in helping take the Redskins to the playoffs last year. Our line has improved from abomitable to just plain stinks. Other teams control the line of scrimmage against us. But why not....lets draft three more QB's....one for each third of next season More sarcasm that you deserved, but I'm in one of those moods........
  6. Yes..Really??? No QB has been all that good because our line hasn't been able to protect them. Offense starts with the big 5, not with the guy under center
  7. That has nothing to do with why the Bills are in the crapper.......
  8. One question- do you play fantasy football?
  9. Because of all the various systems used in college that won't work in the NFL
  10. I look specifically at the lines- I don't think Denney, Kelsay, Walker or Preston are good enough and will short circuit whatever we do. I doubt we can replace both starting lines in one season. I also don't see us grabbing Haynesworth- but if we do and get another good DL it will be a huge step in the right direction.
  11. Do you really think a doctor cleared Owens to play in the Superbowl a few years ago- I can tell you I know for a FACT that he didn't clear him- the team told the doctor that he had to go along with what they wanted. Team doctors have no say in anything in the NFL.
  12. Doug Flutie- after a year, I returned it and got a Rob Johnson jersey...don't ask how. I think having those two jerseys in one purchase tops anything we will see from anyone else.
  13. I can appreciate your statement on Reed. I think the concussion had something to do with his play- you can factor in who we played as well- but remember in doing that, you may be making his reads easier or more difficult. Athletic trainers know more than we do, and I'm glad we agree on that....to bad that the coaches can override the trainers/doctors in the NFL. Below is a link to a study by the National Athletic Trainers Association. http://www.nata.org/jat/readers/archives/4...r-43-03-265.pdf - here is a key finding in the study Regression Analysis Multivariate regression analysis revealed that adjusted symptom scores decreased (P , .001) at each time interval, suggesting an improvement in the self-report of symptoms over time. Neurocognitive scores demonstrated improvements (P # .002) over time. We observed a trend between total symptom score and intensity of activity after concussion (P 5 .08). Table 4 provides the adjusted means, standard errors, effect sizes, and percentile rankings pertaining to our multivariate analyses. Some of the largest effect sizes noted in the analysis were in activity intensity and outcome.
  14. Horray!!!we can continue the same logic that has made the team suck by doing this. Lets trade away all our picks for the next 15 years and get Colt and Sam- they when we see that neither can play behind an terrible line of epic proportions, we can assume they suck and send them elsewhere......then we can have more fun and bring more QB's and coaches in- because in Buffalo, thats more fun than winning!!!!!!! Lets lose some more to the Dolphins Patriots and Jets....thats what the Bills do....I mean the stretch from 1989-1999 was an abberation.
  15. Oh come on, Limbaugh is so 1980's....nobody listens to that moron anymore....not any more than that shlub (is that a word?) Keith Olbermann. Actually, those two are very charitable- they give to those too dumb to think for themselves
  16. I think it will take more than one of each- you need to go 8 deep on the defensive line. We aren't close. You probably need to be about 8 deep on the OL as well- we don't even go 4 deep there. Problem about coaching up mediocre players is that other teams do it too and they have more talent
  17. It really can't be turned around in one season.....everyone says that St. Louis and Baltimore were for their Superbowl runs, but there was a bunch of really good drafts that set up the differential between the bad and superbowl years......our drafts haven't been so good. Now if you didn't factor in that other teams were looking to improve, sure we could be great in one year, but we are pulling from the same group of players. Fix the lines and what we need in other area will become apparent- and I don't think it will be much
  18. Atlanta had a good team- it was being concealed by Vick's ineptness. He sabotaged the line and the WR's. Running QB's never have won in this league and never will. John Beck wasn't the reason Miami stunk last year- and by the way, they had the makings of a very good offensive line last year...just needed the finishing touches- and Cam Cameron was by far the worst coach in the division if not league. Baltimore constantly restocks on quality linemen and thats why they are good. Billick was a good coach as is Harbaugh. Everything begins on the line- unless mediocrity is the plan Fans in general are terrible- the majority think they could do whatever they want. Personally, I hope the next group that tries to charge the field gets teargas...and I couldn't care less what ends up happening.
  19. Who said anything about replacing them all in one season- I am willing to take a step back from the horrible place we are, so we can take multiple steps forward in the next few seasons. Don't fool yourself into thinking we are close enough. We are close to 9-7, not 10-6 with tie breakers over good teams- that is a huge difference. In a man blocking scheme, running backs like Lynch and MaGahee will dance too much. Make them be decisive and watch what happens. I'm not worried about their size in that scheme either as you get a lot of combo blocks to offset the size differential
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