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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I agree with you. Load all of the cap money into starters and just keep 23 players
  2. If he'll play for about the league minimum, he's a valuable return man
  3. For young QB's, don't look at stats- look at feet and eyes. Those will determine stats and a lot more.
  4. JD Williams James Patton Jerry Craafts Billy Joe Hobert James Hardy Bucky Brooks Lonnie Johnson Rob Johnson
  5. Yeah, he should go down with the bust of a ship somebody else drafted. Manuel is terrible and was a terrible draft pick. Furthermore, Norv Turner had a great deal of success under Jimmy Johnson, when the Cowboys had Aikman, Irvin and Emmitt. He was very good in San Diego with Rivers, Tomlinson and Jackson. Other than that, he's been mediocre to terrible and just gotten by on reputation built on those two teams
  6. Honesty, we're better off keeping him, at least as an extra body at traning camp that knows the offense. Maybe he iproves, maybe not. But that is where maximum value is
  7. I don't see Dareus as a bust. I do see impatient fans as a bust
  8. No doubt- Dave Klingler, Tommy Maddox....even Desmond Howard didn't do much other than return kicks (for such a high pick)
  9. He will relocate the team to the hamlet of Ebeneezer
  10. Look at this first round http://www.mynfldraft.com/1992
  11. I'm fine with that- I wasn't really talking about running gimmicks on every down. Just ways of getting the talent to play off each other, to create things offensively. More conceptual, than anything.
  12. I like that play- just not in that game against Denver in the late 1990's lol
  13. The interaction of these two great athletes and their ability to use each other to make plays will be interesting- and the growth of the team may hinge on it. 1. The double reverse- get the defense flowing with Spiller (the speed helps with that) and pitch it to Watkins. The misdirection could completely ruin team's gap control and open up huge, potential scoring plays. 2. The fake reverse- same as above, but when defenses get wise to it, run the fake one. Have Spiller hold the ball, when the backside is protected. Less defenders to elude. Those two can lead to a bunch of other plays, like a flea flicker.
  14. Something I haven't seen mentioned, is that he's one of 'those" players. By that, I mean he changes things- we won't be just stockpiling random talent and making them fit into spots- his presence will decide what direction our offense is going in and where everyone fits in it. The key word is direction, because we've lacked it for a long time.
  15. He does have the advantage of being traded for, but lets not forget this- he wasn't wanted by a team that is absolutely laughable. Now he's on the roster of a superbowl contender. He has an excellent shot to be on the team, but don't discount the notion that he doesn't.
  16. How about Brett Favre's habitual use of painkillers. Should he have been suspended for being an idiot too?
  17. It could have a major impact on the passing game
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