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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Cut everybody now.......the Bills probably could find better players in the stands
  2. Trust me, the shotgun is an effective formation....we just have a sucky team
  3. How many times do I have to say its a parabola, not an arc!!!!!
  4. You are wrong.....just so you know....now, back to the thumpity thumping
  5. Rob Johnson was the starter in our last playoff game....lets bring him back
  6. To bad there is no PPV on tonight
  7. Sorry- I know Kelsay, Denney, Williams and Ellson are trying hard- they suck though
  8. Worst offensive and defensive lines in history.......Ted's Hot Dogs, good pizza and bad weather...welcome to Buffalo
  9. Hamden likes the view as is.....he doesn't want in
  10. I just hope we get some football players in the offseason......I don't even care if we have a coach
  11. Like Ryan Denny and Chris Kelsay are capable of that
  12. More like poison.....missed the Mr. Yuk sticker
  13. I never said he was the problem with the team- I never said Wilson wasn't. I said Wilson's meddling is a constant problem. I said Sullivan is a joke when compared to real journalists. I was right on both counts. I wouldn't lower myself to listen to WGR
  14. Do you listen to WGR55?
  15. No, I just recognize a joke when I see it- and thats what Jerry Sullivan is
  16. Ah, to live and breathe in Bufaalo, NY......hows the weather up there!
  17. Sullivan should not even be allowed at the press conferences to begin with- he is a discredit to legitimate reporters trying to do their job. It is sad that newspapers continue to hire people to do the job that Sullivan does- just write controversial articles that have no merit. It is a discredit to journalism as a profession. I have been in numerous states and Sullivan is by far the worst of his kind I have ever seen
  18. Jerry Sullivan is the doddering fool- and so is anyone who likes his spew
  19. He very well could be a better head coach than he is a coordinator.....with my opinion of him, it wouldn't be difficult....
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