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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I agree with you- I think. While its easy to want to carve the enemy up, that is not what we do. Torture isn't even an effective means of interrogation. We flat out murdered some of them without a trial- something we would comdemn anyone else for. Look sunshine, I know you mean well, but you have no clue where I got my information from. I do understand thatthey are coldblooded killers- and I said from the beginning that my biggest fear was that we would become what they are. While I don't condone what our military officers or interrogaters did, they were put into a situation in which this was supposed to happen.
  2. Not registering prisoners by name IS a war crime. Not registering number of prisoners held IS a war crime. Not following the Geneva Conventions IS a war crime. I don't think I need you to tell me what to talk about. How about that ghost prisoner who offered no resistance- he was handcuffed, shackled to a wall and hung in a torture position....when the guards came back to "interrogate" him, they were "surprised" to see him dead with blood pouring out of his mouth. If we are fighting a war against terrorism, the culprits of this act should be locked away
  3. Drew Brees is better than either- too bad he doesn't play on a great team.
  4. If he wants to bring that up, he should be bringing up Donald Rumsfeld and George Tenet first- Bush and Cheney need to be looked at, but there were plenty of war crimes at Abu Ghraib and at Guantanamo Bay. War ceimes done with the rationalization that it "Made us safer." If going from the premises we were founded on to becoming what we say we're fighting against make us safer, what line do I get in to choose death. And as far as the "Few bad apples" excuse- it wasn't a few bad apples- it started up at the top where the orders were given. Not talking at you on this one DC- just taking his argument where I think he meant it to go
  5. There is a talent imbalance on the Bills offensive and defensive lines- you can't win without those, no matter how good everything else is. Kelsay and Denney are about as good as Mark Pike was- if that good. We need a center, at least one guard and a right tackle. Shuffle QB's, coaches and skill players all you want- it will keep the Bills on the same treadmill they have been on for years. Facts are facts- Jauron, Williams, Mularkey, Pendry, Henning, Arians and the rest of the bunch haven't been the key issue- not rebuilding the lines and letting free agents go, so we can use a high pick yo replace them are the key issues. By the way- you didn't answer the question about that wrong play call that Dallas made
  6. Does anyone actually think that the deep slant that was called in the Cowboys/49ers NFC Championship game was a good call? Sure, it worked, but I think giving the ball to Emmitt Smith would have been a higher percentage play- the thing is, Jimmy Johnson had the players to bail him out on that one..... Good coaches prepare their team- great ones are the ones with the great players
  7. You are probably right on most of that- except that the Broncos needed a new coach after 14 years- it is unlikely they will find a coach of Shanahan's caliber anytime soon. A side note to that- his wife commented that he was more concerned for the jobs of his assistants than his own- thats the kind of person you go to battle for- Jay Cutler is beside himself right now over the move. Either way, our society takes sports way too seriously. If people get so depressed over football, they should stop watching it.....sports are meant to be an escape from real life.....not real life itself.
  8. Hey- I live down here- I know the story. A coach should NEVER be the acting GM....it barely ever works and it cost Denver a hall of fame coach. Mike Shanahan is as good as any coach I have seen in the league. He was fired for his personnel moves- not his coaching at all. As far as the Bills- I understand that Jauron is not Vince Lombardi- I just defend him because I feel there is way too much venom directed his way- its not his fault that Wilson has driven the GM's out of town, nor is it his fault that we haven't made playoffs for 10 years- he has only been here three of those 10. I remember the complete disarray we were in from the Mularkey era- anyone remember him having to suspend Sam Adams? Over the last three years we seem much more organized and disciplined- I see Jauron's control over personnel aquisition as more of a problem that his coaching. As I said, no coach could win with our offensive and defensive lines.....speaking of our defensive lines- Kelsay and Denney remind me of Mark Pike- and I don't mean on special teams
  9. Oh, I'd take Jim Mora in a NY minute- that guy was a great football coach
  10. I have read his stuff before- and it was usually better than this. Mike Shanahan should not have been fired.
  11. Sorry, since leaving Buffalo, I don't read his stuff much anymore. He falls into the same category as many writers do- most papers employ one person to be a negative fan panderer. Working with people like this has made me immune to it.
  12. I can agree with some of it, but I see much of the typical fan pandering in it- oh the community deserves better, the fans deserve better....please.....do your job and don't say things that aren't insightful. Looking at the team Jauron took over, we are better now- that team was in shambles. Wilson does meddle and he can be cheap with some things- but lets not forget the money he has shelled out for free agents such as Paup, Speilman and Washington in the past- or the contracts given to our hall of famers. Yes, it is cheaper to keep him, I think everybody knows that. I don't think any of the coaches mentioned would come to Buffalo. Until we get our front office, offensive line and defensive line sorted out, nothing else will matter. I don't understand why Jauron would be any more hated than Williams or Mularkey- he is clearly better than them
  13. If he stated his case as to why he thinks Jauron should be gone, thats fine- he is pandering to fans, acting like he gives a darn about them......and his comments about Shanahan and Mangini are completely off base
  14. This guy is an idiot- they cover the team because they care so much about the fans.......what a bunch of BS. They cover the team so people will buy their rag of a newspaper. Any time the media act like they care about anyone (unless they know them personally) it is garbage. This is like talk radio/Jerry Sullivan BS- and I am not saying whether we should have kept Jauron or not, I am talking about this article. Shanahan deserved to be fired? PLEASE. This guy either is an idiot or a fraud. Shanahan has put up a great record, has just two losing seasons and was in position to still have a shot at playoffs in the final week of the season, despite having SEVEN running backs on injured reserve. He has worked wonders with a very young QB. I'd take that guy in a second- his only problem is that he shouldn't be the GM as well. Mangini has put up two winning seasons in his first three years as a head coach- he put up a winning season despite the mistake made by the franchise in trading for an old Brett Favre and not only giving away Pennington, but allowing him to go to a division for and letting him for with no compensation. Whether we should have cut ties with Jauron or not is a matter of opinion- we shouldn't do it just because other owners fired their coaches. And as far as coaching style, Jauron needs to be Jauron, not somebody else.....personally, I'm not a fan of Lindy Rough. If you don't want Jauron to win You aren't a Bills fan
  15. This is the problem with finishing close to .500- it is hard to make serious changes. As I said- our lines are just good enough to lose. Our coordinators that have gone elsewhere have done much better. Schobel is a complementary DE at best. Our offensive line will get us yardage, but not wins- how many OC's have we gone through, getting the same result year after year. I put McCargo where he was at this point last year- hoping his lack of effectiveness was caused by injury Unless we rebuild both lines, nothing will change.
  16. You are forgetting- One of their best D-linemen was not one of the 9 in the box the other day. Who knows which is our best RB at this point. I like our offensive weapons- they aren't there yet, but havehe lineman potential. I really like Reed a lot. I think the lineman we were missing is the only one we have..... We ran, but where did it get us......no points. We need better line play on both sides of the ball and a better turnover ratio
  17. We keep letting free agents go then drafting to replace them...that doesnt make a team better
  18. I've always been against coaches controlling personnel.....too much for one person
  19. I think they are- but it might be the fact that their offensive line is much better than ours
  20. Let me start with point 8- he did make them better. We overachieved this season. That offensive line won't support a 10-win team. You are more likely going to win 6 with that group....same with the D-line. Point 5- if you go just by record, a lot of good coaches would get fired every day. As far as accountability- what would you do? Put lesser players out there? Yank Preston and you are putting Fowler (or worse out there) Fact is, we just don't have players That said, I am neither here nor there on this issue- he isn't a bad coach and he isn't a hall of famer either
  21. Our offensive line doesn't compare to theirs- they have one of the best in the league. Our RB's aren't as good either
  22. Pairing him with Marcus Stroud sure would be something- something we haven't seen since "The Package" of Ted Washington and Pat Williams, back in the 3-4 days. If McCargo returns to health, he and Johnson give us depth on the inside.
  23. I have a feeling he is not an ENRON employee nor a robot
  24. Agreed- and when it stops being enjoyable, why why bother anymore? Just to say you did?
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