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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Not so sure about that!
  2. Unless its Alyssa Milano taking office- then critical thought goes out the window, IMHO
  3. The problem is that we don't have a solid offensive line, nor do we have a hall of fame QB. Evans at his best isn't close to Fitzgerald or Boldin's caliber. On the line, right tackle may be an even bigger problem than center- you might mention that Walker was our best lineman....thats a major problem. If he is your best lineman, then 7-9 is overachieving. And everyone is so high on our defense....smoke and mirrors. What did our defense really do other than just outlast opposing offenses. You may not want to admit it, but coaching was a much bigger strength than talent was.
  4. The didn't miss them....they smoked them when the teams played
  5. Evans is a very good WR, he's not a game changer. While we should appreciate what he can do, we need to not blow him out of proportion to his skills. Maybe Hardy will develop into something in a year or so
  6. Clements plus a first round pick used on a need instead of a replacement is better than McKelvin-GUARANTEED MaGahee plus a first round pick used on a need instead of a replacement is better than Lynch-GUARANTEED Peters plus a first round pick used on a need instead of a replacement is better than Smith-GUARANTEED although I wouldn't mind having Peters and Smith
  7. More and more, I understand why it was necessary to pardon Richard Nixon after his resignation, although I know a lot of people that still resent him for Watergate- which is a part of history which is sketchy to me as not much is covered in history classes for some stupid reason. The pardon made the country move onward instead of seeking vengence. I hope we can all move on after Tuesday. I don't agree with much of anything Bush or his administration did during the last eight years. I think they did a lot of negative things, but its over with....hopefully we can dig out of the hole we are in over the next few years. If I ever ran into President Bush, I would tell him I don't agree with much of what he did, but I would thank him for serving he country to the bet of his abilities. Heavy is the head that wears the crown........President Elect Barrack Obama will soon learn that- this may be the toughest four years of his life. I don't envy him
  8. You don't need to convince me of that. WE sat back and watched him do it though. If that makes you and idiot, sign me up too.
  9. I hate the BS that he masterminded it just as I hate the BS that he has made things safer. He didn't mastermind it- WE ALL LET OUR GUARD DOWN. Thats why it happened- and it was bound to happen........when things get too good, powerful countries think they are untouchable. He was a terrible president and lots of problems happened on his watch. He isn't the devil incarnate.
  10. What do you expect on a political board other than frustration- we are completing one of the worst presidential terms in memory and the best recent presidents people can remember are Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.......both of which were ok, but not great. There hasn't been a great president during my lifetime......Maybe I can someday tell my grandkids I lived through the terms of Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush.
  11. Keep an eye on Bernard Scott- if we could get him on day 2, I wouldn't mind trading Freddy Jackson.
  12. But Bush was gavin Rossdale's fault!
  13. It was the system- individuals react to the system. Thats what pushes them to do those terrible things. And I COMPLETELY understand that them memos allowing torture were sent with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, good intentions aren't enough......same with the green ideas. The creator of an idea never believes that idea to be a bad one
  14. Sorry about your loss- my dad has cancer as well....its horrible
  15. Know your role and shut your mouth!!
  16. I hope the Cadinals lose 100-0 and I never see them in the playoffs ago.....every time they make the playoffs, I have the worst luck
  17. A politician lying....can't see that coming
  18. I read somewhere yesterday that he's coming out
  19. My original point was that there will always be abuses in government and that most people complain about it then wait for somebody else to do something. I tend to get off point more often than usual when I get 5 hours sleep over a week.......
  20. Waterboarding isn't harassment. Hanging a person on the wall isn't harassment. Hooking up electrodes isn't harassment. Religous persecution isn't harrassment. Any of the other stuff isn't harassment. This isn't stuff that our troops normally do either. Our troops are good people who want nothing more than to serve our country. This garbage ended up happening because of a planned lack of oversight. Sure, you get information through torture....just much of it isn't accurate information, which means you don't know what is accurate and what isn't. Once the torture was exposed and stopped because of some of the most heroic military personnel that the country has even known, we got much better information, which saved lives. That isn't according to me, thats according to our MP's.
  21. It wasn't done for interrogation- and the MP's already admitted to that. Some of it was done because there was nothing else to do and some of it was done out of frustration because people in their patrols had been slaughtered. Even if it had been done for the sake of interrogation, everybody knows that toture does not get actionable information. We actually got more info after eliminating torture.
  22. And thats worse than the executive branch absorbing power from the other branches, torturing in the name of entertainment and revenge and spying on civilians. Everyone says they don't like what is going on and something needs to be done, then they sit on their &%&%&% waiting for somebody else to do something
  23. If we kept 8 men in on defense we would have gotten the momentum back. Aikman should have been at home or in a hospital......he had no business playing and can't even remember parts of the game. Emmitt Smith destroyed us because of a bad defensive call by Walt Corey
  24. I think Reed's fighting for extra yards at the end of the first half instead of getting out of bounds hurt us as well. Not to mention not keeping 8 guys in the run box in the second half- there was no reason to back our safeties up.....their passing game wasn't a threat
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