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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't a massive credit payoff free up more credit to be spent- not that buying on credit is a good thing, but....... If it makes sense in my head, shouldn't it make sense?
  2. Were the fire setting terrorists over the weekend arabs?
  3. Yes they do. And I think George W. Bush's presidency would have been vastly different had we not rushed into Iraq- Afghanistan was much better thought out- the Taliban was harboring terrorists and probably could be considered terrorists themselves. Saddam Hussein was not what I considered to be a good man or even a good leader- still, the terrorists despised him more than we did. The Iraq war was a mistake and removing him was a mistake- A mistake President George H.W. Bush (an underestimated President) avoided. Had we not gone into Iraq, Afghanistan would have been taken care of, Gitmo and Abu Ghraib may never happen, a lot of our civil liberties might not get tampered with and our economy might be stronger. Bush's entire presidency might have been different- and I say that with pity for him, not hatred or anger. Being President isn't exactly fun.....I feel bad for Obama.
  4. Their O-line toughened up and improved a lot. They kill the QB on defense as well
  5. If you've read any of my posts, I don't speak much of anything
  6. I will never forget what Bret Hart said about the wrestling culture- After the matches, most guiys had to take pain killers. By the time they got to the hotel, they had to take something to get to sleep. A few hours later, they had to take something to wake up to get to the next match. A few years ago, I read something from an independent wrestler who had to drive cross country from match to match....drove through the night and made himself vomit just to stay away. Its really sad- I've met some of those peopel....they deserve a lot better
  7. Alyssa Milano is the hottest woman alive
  8. One thing that needs to be pointed out- the naming rights HAVE NOT been sold. Although Mr. Wilson has been ripped for that, maybe if he leaves the team to somebody who will keep them in Buffalo, the money from naming rights can pay off the gift tax or whatever needs to be paid. Not saying that is the case, but it could be a possibility.
  9. I was looking through an old issue of Shout! I have to wonder where the toughness in so many of our former players (Washington, Paup, Speilman, Hansen, Kelly, Gash, Thomas, etc....) is. It seems we land some good athletes, but not genuine tough guys. I remember a story about Gash hammering a rookie LB in training camp- the guy was quoted as saying he no longer had a desire to play football.
  10. Just remember- "Read my lips....No more taxes." NEVER forget- Presidents do not decide policy nearly as much as circumstances. What would have happened if President George HW Bush kept that promise- it wouldn't have been a good thing- it was the right thing to do, but was part of the reason he didn't get re-elected. Obama is in the beginning of his presidency- we will see how he did years from now.
  11. Why should he change he stripes. He gets ratings. I think libs listen to him more than conservatives....which is funny
  12. Sometimes how you react to a crisis defines the term, sometimes the crisis itself defines the term. I don't think he had a good presidency, but none of the backseat executives would want to be in that office. I disagree with most of what he did, but he tried to serve his country as best as he could. I don't think Obama is all that great, but I just hope he can do better. I want to see our president do well, no matter who it is or what party he is from
  13. Why would you want to get under somebody's skin? What does that accomplish? The country needs both liberals and conservatives- without one, the other would get out of control.
  14. After watching a little more, it seems as if he did boost morale to help people get through the depression and helped set the stage for them to be ready to come out of it. His getting into the war helped pull us out of it, despite the fact he was re elected on the lie that he wasn't going to get into it. Looks like with FDR, you got good and bad....same with a lot of other presidents
  15. Just by speaking out doesn't make one the voice of a group. I hope the Republicans can find someone like Abraham Lincoln (their founder and possibly the greatest leader this country has ever had) or at least Ronald Reagan- who possibly was their best party member during my lifetime. At the very least, the need someone to counter to visciousness of Rush Limbaugh- it is a shame that some people confuse his brand of "entertainment" with the conservative message. People forget that the Republican Party was founded on the basis of eliminating slavery and granting rights to all Americans. Limbaugh has shown nothing other than the fact he will say anything to get ratings and make a quick buck. I didn't read the link, but I understand some people don't fit the Reagan-esque description of great communicator. The so-called new message that the party needs to find is nothing more than their old message.
  16. Who's fault would it be if an independent was in office?
  17. So are you saying that he was right to get in the war, even though he misled the country by saying he would- not passing judgment, just asking your opinion
  18. The History Channel special on FDR painted a very different picture of the Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt that what I heard before. Either they were extremely negative on him, or he was just about as bad a President as it seems Bush was. He had been blatantly lying about his intent to get into war for some time prior to entering the war, and avoided the segregation and lynching issues. To be honest, it was not a fun thing to watch. Opinions?
  19. "Disclaimer" Not directed at the original post I tend to laugh at things like this.....conservatives think the media is liberal....liberals think the media is conservatives.....people sling the word tard around like an insult without knowing who they are really offending by using it as an insult. It is time for America to grow up.......... Personally, I disagree with the "War on terror" because it won't work.....way too flawed. It is not much different than any other war that was waged against a stereotyped evil enemy
  20. I don't know much about Rohm, but Pelosi never impressed me in the least. I'm not big on the democrat or republican parties or the lemmings that follow them. Both are the same and need to grow up.
  21. After looking at post Katrina a little more closely, I can't help thinking that New Orleans was a case of ugly partisanship on both sides- Democrat and Republican. Mississippi asked for help and got it. The mayor of New Orleans didn't handle things so well and Bush didn't exactly reach out to New Orleans either. Can Obama improve this- who knows? We hopefully won't find out how such a tragedy will be handled.
  22. To bad the dollar isn't worth a cent.
  23. Lets just hope that Obama does a good job. I don't care what happens come election time in 2012. Lets hope our troops come back safely and our economy gets going again. I'm not a democrat, republican, conservative or liberal. I'm an American and damn proud of it.
  24. Both sides are equal opportunity hypocrites.....amazing how well things would work if they put their differences aside. Funny thing is that both sides love America, but continue equally to messing it up
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