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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Like the students who live next door to me, which party and blast their stereo from midnight to 4 am.....yep, thats perfectly normal.
  2. This, my friend, is human nature- no more, no less. Which is why I am not being too antagonistic towards those on the board who display their hatred. Muslims are the dehumanized enemy in this country- the reason for all that is bad. To these people, the tragic events happen because the perpetrators are Muslim- not because they are taught the wrong side of religion and that the United States is the enemy. The true enemy of Islam is not the United States or any of its allies. The true enemy of Islam is people like OBL who twist the teachings into hatred. That hatred has helped breed hatred over here, and the two hatreds do nothing but perpetuate each other.
  3. The internet is a wonderful place to learn about about religion. All Muslims are violent people and are coming after you- maybe evil is the word. All Muslims strictly follow Sharia Law......whatever
  4. Thats not what I meant- I was inferring that if you know a good number of muslims, most of them are good people. The way they are portrayed in this country is downright sad, wrong and dangerous
  5. I don't support anyone because of race or religion- I will support anyone until they give a reason not to. When I hear about muslim students who have to hold seminars so people won't be afraid of them, it makes me sick. It makes me wonder how far we are going to lower ourselves.
  6. Because discrimination based on stereotypes is one of the worst evils in the world. I'd rather be dead than participate in it
  7. I don't support Muslims, nor do I support Christians or Jews. I support human beings- many of which are not deserving of it. At it is neither liberal nor conservative. By the way- the story about the Nazis that helped people to escape from concentration camps- it is true. The world isn't as black and white as you would believe. If I told you I was muslim, would it make you think any less of me?
  8. Many good things come out of religion. Faith can help one through tough times and it helps to comfort when the end is near. The problem is that once one commits that first act of intolerance and expects everything to be slanted towards their religion, it can truly make a mess. We hate them, they hate us........both sides have the same thoughts and feelings towards the other- one side needs to step up and stop the circle of violence- but doing that takes guts. Thats why people like Ghandi and Dr. Martin Luther King were the heroes that they were
  9. How many Muslims do you know that have...............How many Muslims do you even know? Stupidity regarding Muslims in this country is right up their with the Salem witch trials.
  10. yawn.......so now how they murder their victim is now a factor......what if we focused on the word in the suject line BEFORE Muslim and started stereotyping Buffalonians the way we stereotype Muslims.......bet you'd get all wrinkled over that......
  11. If he hadn't gone back on his promise of not raising taxes, things might have gotten bad a lot sooner
  12. That first Bush was smart enough not to further damage the economy by staying OUT of Iraq. He actually had a decent presidency, like him or not.
  13. ALL religions are violent, but we can't let the extremists shape our views of that religion. Testimony from the MP's clears up any doubt about the abuses- they were worse and more common than reported. BUT, the problem has been corrected. Any prison situation that lacks oversight and leadership will degenerate into a bad situation- It is also a fact that good people usually can't overcome systemic conditions- conditions, not us, dictate what we do. A lot of the bad things in those prisons were committed by otherwise very good people and very good soldiers.
  14. Its one thing when other similar threads are off the page and tough to find, but can SOME people please show a little bit of respect to the moderators and not spawn new threads just to get attention? I'm sure they have better things to do than close threads that didn't need to be started in the first place. Sorry to everyone else, but this really got me $&^$^&
  15. Whats a Tupac- is it one of the formations on defense?
  16. I do agree very much about the fear mongering....its ridiculous
  17. As irritating as Frank is.....no.
  18. It sucks with both and both are likely to have heavy consequences
  19. I don't enjoy Bush's failures. I also think that those who thinks that tracking down OBL would be meaningless and symbolic are wrong- it would be symbolic, but far from meaningless. I think Obama's move to be broadcast on Al Arabia was a very good one and a step in the right direction. Our country needs to be more educated, so they learn that muslims are not a threat and that there is no reason to hate them.
  20. Yes, I am a drooling, partisan bufoon........ Al Queda wants us over there, removing governments and installing ones that will be simple for them to topple after we leave. So while some celebrate the free election that we forced on the survivors of this "war", we will all cry foul when the artificial government folds like a deck of cards and they are taken over by the terrorists. Oh wait, Pillpop Limbaugh and Pencilbod Coulter say that if I don't want everyone to run our systems that I hate America.........sorry, I don't listen to those cartoon characters......they are about as viable as Buffalo sports talk radio......... They don't have to be a capitalistic democracy to be our allies. Also, the racial tensions this so-called war have created only helps the terrorists more
  21. There is some good stuff in there- I particularly like the ideas about medical records. I also like the push for alternative energy- that is one of the things that makes me think we will eventually come out of this mess. What we STILL need is to fix the educational system. Its almost impossible for a student to fail, we are afraid to push them and they have too much free time. The school day and year needs to be longer and the material needs to be much more difficult. I agree, the way it was pushed through was very disturbing
  22. Sorry, I don't buy that. The monsters are the leaders- we have attacked the foot soldiers and have played right into the monsters hands
  23. To be honest, I find Bush's presidency as tragic and I feel sorry for him. I think he probably was a good man when he took office and he meant well with the war on terror and the other wars. In an attempt to do good for us, he ended up doing the opposite. I am happy for him that he is out of office and despite the fact that I don't like much of what he did, I thank him for trying to serve the country.
  24. Where would you put John Elway? He led the Broncos to a few superbowls in the 80's with no help and a flawed offensive scheme
  25. I don't dispute that at all- he was stupid for lying. It was ridiculous and a waste of our country's resources to have those questions asked- and no, I don't think what Clinton did was right. If things are so partisan that the opposite party has to ask questions about the president's sex life in court, then we are in deep trouble. The President's time shouldn't be wasted like that- regardless of party affiliation.
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