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Everything posted by Adam

  1. So what your saying is that people should parrot the party line instead of thinking for themselves?
  2. His win/loss record wasn't too good
  3. I have the Bills behind New England, Miami, New York, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Houston, Indy, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Denver and San Diego.....and thats just in the AFC Unproven QB and softies on the OL and DL aren't a good combination
  4. At which point, people will assume the democratic party dead.......people are very predictable
  5. I have yet to see an upgrade. Complain as you will about Peters, but he was ahead of someone last year. We still have porky pig at right tackle. Butler has shown very little.
  6. Langston Walker and Chris Kelsay
  7. Obama hasn't done a great job or a poor job. He's been President for a few months......we'll be able to gauge his spot in history more accurately about four years after George W Bush is judged- which takes about two decades after their term end, when emotion has subsided. The plebians use emotion too much, I'm above them.
  8. Each president spent more than the last- it is called reality and welcome to it. George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan were unable to deliver what they promised and ended up raising taxes. Obama will spend more than they did, more than George W Bush did and more than Bill Clinton did. Just like them, Obama will go back on campaign promises It is the world you have lived in all your life and will continue to live in. The next president, regardless of political affiliation, will spend more than Obama.
  9. Its payback for all of the Bush hating.....makes sense.....
  10. He did because of his belief in God- that the doctor was sinning and killing a baby......so how did he respond? By taking another life. We all want to believe we have strong wills- I will not participate in organized religion, because I don't want to put that to the test. The gay marriage outcry that is making it such a topic right now is due to religious zealots, who think that their beliefs should be the law of the land. It is not an important topic, and it won't be when we bring our troops back, fix the economy and rebuild. The preaching should be kept to the home, church, temple, mosque or any other place of worship. Religion can be something that sustains life, but it can also be closer to being the root of all evil than money is.
  11. Royal wasn't as bad as people want to make him out to be- the team was flat out bad.
  12. While I don't consider you a fundamentalist, regardless of what you say, how about the guy who shot the doctor living next door to my uncle- the one who worked at an abortion clinic. You know, the type that is becoming more and more widespread- the type who make me feel uncomfortable since I am not a christian. Organized religion can bring out the worst in people- some people resist that temptation, but the people with that type of will are few and far between. Whether you make people feel uncomfortable due to religion or you kill them....it is all wrong, regardless of degree.
  13. What is your opinion on fundamentalist christians?
  14. I disagree on both counts 1. The more you agitate the fan base and make them upset about something, the more they listen- sports fans aren't the brightest bulbs 2. OK, put a fan on the radio instead......we can count up all the "dead" time where nothing is being said
  15. The president shouldn't do that....anything but that......our country worries too much about dumb things
  16. I couldn't care less about approval ratings. They mean nothing. Talk all you want about Bush's mistakes. He made some big ones and they get talked about- so will Obama. It goes with the territory- heavy is the head that wears the crown.
  17. Figures- I have worked with his type. Its not his fault that this type of job exists- its fact that fans eat that stuff up that gets me- say a few insightful things and it validates any negativity you say. A guy just like him actually apologized for a very negative pregame article when he got to our pressbox. Guys like this typically feel bad about what they do, but enjoy working for the media and usually have a family and need to make a living just like everyone else. My previous posts don't indicate that I get it, but I really do
  18. They can be annoying for sure, but the fact is, they have a job to do. You get more readers and listeners by being negative, not intellectual. The fact is that most people aren't smart and like listening to drivel- these guys are paid to do what will boost ratings. Same for Jerry Sullivan- He probably is a decent guy away from his job. Although I have complained in the past, I complain about the job they are paid to do- not the people doing that job
  19. Oh, I thought America had those things. I didn't know those things only affect people of certain political ideologies.
  20. I would take Jenkins over either of them- I feel they are very overrated.
  21. I like Parrish on special teams. I prefer Robert Royal on offense
  22. No, they have overutilized him. Keep him on special teams where he belongs. He is NOT a Wes Welker is waiting- Welker is a good WR, Parrish is not.
  23. I think McNally has forgotten more about offensive line play than plebian fans from Buffalo ever knew
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