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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I can't disagree with you (and I'm not referring to the previous post, as I didn't read it specifically). The electorate is basically told they have to believe everything their party tells them and then vote for the lesser of two evils. It keeps them oblivious to the fact that doing just that keeps the ineffectiveness in place that they claim to hate so much.
  2. This is probably an unfairly vague question, but how would you go about it?
  3. lol I don't get the reference, but he looks pretty badass
  4. They are meant to fight terrorists. But many things don't end up serving their initial purpose
  5. They're flopping because team's aren't doing what made those players successful
  6. No problem. My personal opinion is that I'd like to see all of that gone. But I don't see how it would be practical
  7. The NSA. I could see oversight that if someone is found to be an American civilian, their stuff won't be thoroughly inspected without due process. But anything beyond that is likely way too much
  8. Meaning that it isn't going away, nor should it. Maybe stricter controls, but it's not going away
  9. You're going to find just as many reasons that they should help as you'll find that they shouldn't
  10. My point was that it's hard to know whether to trust what you find on or off the net. I don't think there is much of a debate as to what Sadaam was..... Thanks, by the way
  11. Takes a long time to build a good reputation. And just a second to lose it
  12. Saddam was unthinkably horrible. I wish there was an easy way to look into what he was like when he first came to power. I'm sure he wasn't nearly as corrupted at that point.....but history has a way of being very inaccurate and skewed the way some people want it
  13. He was a very good coordinator with an amount of talent as compared with the rest of the league was close to unprecedented. They were a defense firstteam and he was given some credit for that after they won the championship. I think Wade Phillips did more with less. Best DC I've ever seen He very much is a moron. But both are morons. The response was not acceptable These players do a lot more than you see. They have to stay in top condition and work on their skills year round. They also have to maintain a working knowledge of banned substances and be careful of what may become banned- and that's a lot tougher than you think. Their professional life is always in flux- how would you like to move at the drop of a hat? The smart ones also have to learn to respect their brand and know everything is watched. It's a ton of pressure
  14. I have to disagree about them being off. They have to do a ton of offseason work to be able to perform at a high level Sorry. But they are expected to behave like grown adults. Buddy Ryan was best known for coordinating one of the greatest collections of defensive talent in that era. While it's often said he coached them, it was actually mike ditka. He also took a Phoenix Cardinal team that was on the rise and ruined it. His son inherited a talented team in New York and it declined each year. Sanchez improved dramatically when he received proper coaching
  15. I don't always agree with you, but you are on point, sir
  16. Actually, yes they should. These guys go to work every day just like the rest of us. Anyone who thinks otherwise believes the son of a guy who is best known for a weak punch on the sidelines is going to accomplish anything
  17. That's the kind of response that gets a person fired from a place that's worth anything.......oh wait
  18. Great article and Rolling Stone don't belong in the same sentence
  19. It likely will be Clinton vs Bush which is no win. I wouldn't be shocked if Trump snuck in though
  20. You either live under a rock or are just having a little fun. Either way, I could care less
  21. The two entities are really one and the same (govt and corporate interests. And here's the rub..... If they're tracking you and monitoring everything about you, they know how to market themselves to you. This means they can sell you on absolutely anything. If they can do that, they can convince you of anything, and at that point, you have little freedom.
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