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Everything posted by Adam

  1. "A little scrappy" or just plain thuggish. Polian and Butler never would have brought in somebody like this.....then again, most people have forgotten what those teams were like, I guess.
  2. If they are protesting terrorism, then I think its wonderful. If they think setting up there will deter terrorism, then they are wrong- it might actually ramp up terrorism. They will be considered heretics by the terrorists who masquerade as muslims- and they will be hated by domestic terrorists as well, for displaying their beliefs. I don't think they are doing anything wrong
  3. Something that people will have to learn to accept is that a perfect system is not feasible and that the idea should be to have a good system, not score a political win. Unfortunately, that won't happen anytime soon
  4. Please clarify- it seemed like you were saying it was a waste of resources. Or were you saying that statement is ridiculous?
  5. It just burns me we have the technology to make the most ridiculous weaponry ever and we are talking about making clean energy vehicles and all that, but we can't come up with a way to clean up the atmosphere. Maybe if we took the video games away from the kids, they'd have the time to figure it out!
  6. Fewell's defense bad against the run? the defensive line is Stroud- PERIOD. I am tired of hearing the praise heaped on Williams. He is a 3rd or 4th guy at best on a good team. We should have taken Peria Jerry last year, and I'd give up our top pick as well as a combination anybody on our roster LA or Tampa wants for the top pick, so we could get Suh. Our offensive line is a joke as well
  7. I have seen very convincing arguments both ways that are well above my ability to refute- I am wise enough to know that I am not smart enough to know. Not at this point, at least. The thing that gets me though, is if the CO2 is causing all the problems, why has no effort been put into removing it from the atmosphere?
  8. Thanks for your kind words- I agree with you. He had fallen ill more than a decade ago and was in constant pain. I am not sure he even knew that he was still suffering when it happened, but within a day or two, there was a huge sense of releif that he wasn't hurting anymore. Sorry for your loss
  9. I think he really started out well- he never showed the accuracy needed to be an elite QB in the league, but he did show a knack for fourth quarter drives for awhile. Then he took a bunch of hits and regressed- much like Trent Edwards did. There has been a pattern of this happening.....
  10. Try telling that to a doctor who is trying to save somebody's life.
  11. The Giants hired a guy back in the 1980's who sat in the stands at Denver games? Is that elite either? The guy's name was Parcells. Most of the fans treat this the same way they treat free agents- "Oh, I know that name, lets sign him." There is a reason they sit in the stands......
  12. I consider it more of a right than the social security/retirement entitlement is. The conservatives were right about that one, and I think the liberals were right about this one. Unfortunately, both sides care postly about being right on everything.....
  13. Whatever. Fewell can't go out there and play, although he'd be better than the garbage we have called players over the last decade, and the garbage fans that have defended those players. Buffalo thinks Schobel and Parrish are the second coming of Bruce Smith and Andre Reed. Schobel isn't Leon Seals and Parrish isn't even Justin Armour. The offensive and defensive lines have me longing for the days of Jerry Craafts and Leif Larsen.
  14. We have no intention to stick with our current group of QB's. They are right, you stick with the veteran. Our offensive line has ruined so many QB's already- it is the root of all our offensive problems and has been for over a decade now
  15. It still gets voted on though- if it passes, then fine. I still believe the system works and if a bill passes, it passes. Nothing is going to be perfect, no matter how badly we want it to be. Anything too far over the edge won't get through no matter what
  16. I disagree. If he went to Indy, he gets a shot at a championship and gets to learn from an offensive mastermind in Tom Moore and a Hall of Famer in Peyton Manning. Now he works with misfits, deviants and felons
  17. Hey now, they had some good stuff- Renegade rocked if you had a system with good base and Mr. Roboto was a top hit! Better than the garbage music we get from the wonderful 'American Mindless Idol'
  18. hahaha, traitor? I do have to admire the man. He is single handedly removing the majority party from power without an election. They are so desperate to get something with the name 'health care reform' passed, they would just as soon write those three words on a blank piece of paper to get it done. Everything the democrats wanted is coming off the table, but they will still trumpet it as a victory if it gets signed into law. He holds the power, the democrats have none. Its a shame he is even considering running as a Republican- I prefer his type to continue as an independent, so he is allowed to think for himself and not have to parrot the party line.
  19. Right. Like Parrish has any value. We could get more in trade for Don Smith....and how long has he been retired!
  20. Is Biden voting yay or nay, after all, he is a member of Congress, isn't he?
  21. I would prefer to pick up Jason Campbell after Washington releases him. He is a bad fit in their offense and I think he has talent
  22. Magox- I think either side's version of how to fix things will work somewhat, but neither is a silver bullet. Each side will continue to talk as if the other side's solution won't lead to utopia, therefore is a failure. Any bill that passes as far as health care, fixing the economy or anything else for that matter will end up being so watered down, that the effect will be minimal- which a lot of the time is a good thing. The democrats blast the republicans, the republicans blast the democrats. Fact is, they are one in the same, and their division games between their bases keeps them in power and prevents a third party from rising. I for one, think there is no hope.
  23. I would love it- even if he just plays right tackle. Right tackle is still an essential part of the line- and if he develops, we can give more help to the left side.
  24. Dude, you are a bills fan, what do you want me to say!
  25. I give him a pass- I lost my father to cancer/dementia just a few months ago. I don't expect people to understand what that is like, unless they experienced something similar- still, it was pretty rude. And you are about as far from a wingnut as can be
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