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Everything posted by Adam

  1. We have no QB or line, but we should go for it, thanks man........
  2. Good players make for good coaching. We have a pathetic lack of talented players- both on offense and defense. Although many fans don't realize this, as they don't remember what real talent looks like....George Wilson is a real Hall of famer as is Aaron Schobel and Kyle Williams
  3. There is a certain stigma in this country that is associated with being an atheist. That's because the majority are idiots.
  4. No and yes. I said last year that we had to do more than just add Stroud. Stroud is a starting caliber DT, but we need a second starting caliber guy along with a good backup to go along with Williams. I would completely blow up the group of defensive ends. At linebacker, we are a complete joke. Ellison may not even be a backup and Pozlusny is an overrated Big 10 guy, just like Maybin
  5. Unfortunately, not many of those exist anymore
  6. Nothing's going to be perfect, but there is no excuse for keeping passengers onboard if the plane is on the ground more than a half hour.
  7. Government grants to research can help lead to numerous cures and treatments. But that is another topic!
  8. If I were up there, the next round would be on me......nice to see there still are people who don't think they are know it alls out there. The others probably waste away the day listening to WGR 55!
  9. Williams is a nice #3 or #4 DT who is having his best season- it won't get any better for him than it is right now. For those who say I should be be happy with his play and he is our #1 DT, I answer, I am happy with his progress and that is a MAJOR problem. Our defense is built on a mediocre foundation and this group will never be more than mediocre.
  10. Drafting out of desperation doesn't really lead to winning. Although I was really against taking him- I don't think he is or will be very good.
  11. As usual, a lot of insight in your post. While I do like the idea of not allowing the health care industry view its customers as expenses, I do agree that this bill is costly. While I was for the public option in healthcare for this reason, I agree with Bush that social security should have been privatized. My logic behind this is that I think keeping our population healthy is enough of a benefit for it to be a social service, but if we want to live work-free at an older age, we should take care of that ourselves. Pretty much trading one entitlement for another, opposed to creating another one and hurting the economy more. Also, I think this could reduce medicare/medicaid, and eventually replace them. The irritating thing for me is how the liberals are demonizing the conservatives and how the conservatives continue the stereotyping of socialism. Socialism, capitalism, communism, whateverism.....I don't care as long as things run as smoothly as possible- I neither demand nor expect a utopia.
  12. What we need is to get the behind the scenes people (President, General Manager and scouts) as well as our coaching staff set as quickly as possible- we have no idea what we want to do personnel-wise until that is accomplished. Do we want a power based attack? If so, Jason Campbell may be available, and he is the downfield-type QB that can complement the running game. In this cane, we need to determine the run-blocking scheme (man or zone) and find the OLs that fit the scheme. Lee Evans would be the downfield threat, but would need a compliment. Not sure Nelson is the top choise in this type of attack. Lynch is the obvious #1 featre back in this case, but we would need a fullback. Do we want the in-vouge short passing game? In this case, Campbell is not a fit, but we need to find someone like Edwards, who is ready to get rid of the ball as soon as he completes his drop. Evans should move to the slot. Hardy may become one of our workhorses either in the slot of outside-likely in the slot). We likely need one WR who will catch about 10 passes per game. Pass blocking OLs who have the mobility to get out on screens are of utmost importance. Lynch becomes the fullback and Jackson could see time in the slot. Same stuff for defense- what schemes and formations are we looking for? It has a major impact on talent aquisition
  13. Religion is neutral- people are good or bad. Many becomes zealots and do very bad things- and it happens a lot more in this country than we want to admit.
  14. Insurance companies aren't always in the righ (not that you said they are). A year ago, I had a near life threatening bout of insomnia- Most of the medication came out of pocket. Now that might sound like a funny complaint- but if something is that serious, it doesn't matter what the name of the problem is. Personally, I like complaint- particularly from whoever disagrees with me. Makes you learn more about your own viewpoint and the other person's viewpoint- also can even make you question the validity of your own opinion- Which is a very healthy thing
  15. Please expand- I really want to know what you mean by this- without inserting my own biases in, and distorting your true intent.
  16. I think Hansen was a better all around player than Schobel, but Schobel was a bit faster and slightly better as a pass rusher
  17. I have no problem with massive delays, but it should not be permissible for them to keep passengers on board a plane for more than an hour if it will not be taking off.
  18. The guy hasn't even had a full year in the NFL......cut the guy some slack.
  19. It was better than nothing, but I don't trust him. He is a politician, after all.
  20. He has had a nice, solid career, but never was a guy to build around- if he played with Bruce Smith or Phil Hansen, he would have put up better numbers. To me, he was reliable.
  21. When was the last time we saw competence? Abraham Lincoln, maybe? And America couldn't even handle his greatness, as we know how that worked out. As I have said ad nauseum, government involvement in health care makes more sense than in social security- which may be one of the few things Bush was right about. Privatize social security, with some regulation to make sure that the cookie jar isn't run off with and have medicare eliminated- then maybe we could have had healthcare taken care of. To be honest, I don't expect this to change to many things, as we ALREADY were paying for those without health care- ever notice how those without healthcare that were on the lower end of the pay scale were being taken care of- without financially ruining them? I know several people who received treatment for illness and broken bones, where the hospital "Took care of the bill for them"
  22. I would be looking for trades- see what teams will offer for Lynch or Schobel. I think we are a team built on mediocrity at nearly every position. I think the team needs to be blown up, as we aren't just a couple guys away. I would offer our first rounder and ANY combination of current players to get Suh- he is THE difference maker. Say what you want about my wiillingness to part with Lynch, but the franchise QB/3franchise WR combo has replaced the franchise running back- you need two serviceable running backs and three very good WR's to make the offense go- not to mention that it all starts on the OL. If we can't get Suh, I wouldn't mind Okung or moving down and taking Dan LeFevour (if we could get him in the second round, I'd be ecstatic). A guy to keep an eye on in the late rounds is RB Keithon Flemming from Division II West Texas A&M- I think he will be a good RB at the NFL level
  23. And we need our government to decide that for us. And we need them to invade our houses and bedrooms to make sure we follow their strict orders.......That is what the US of A is all about!
  24. Sad, but I actually know why you called AJ Styles phenomenal....errr, AJ Hawk
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