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Everything posted by Adam

  1. That was a different era, before the parties ran their politicians. The democrats and republicans wouldn't stand for anything like that today. By the way- if what I have been reading is true about how the healthcare bills will be combined, then you can get ready for the public option becoming a reality and there will be no way to stop it
  2. Um, didn't he have Ted Washington, Trevor Pryce and a couple other big guys in Chicago? He's not the best inthe world, but trying to blame everything you don't like on him doesn't work
  3. Yeah, the guy that led the biggest comeback in history in the NFL playoffs and the then-biggest comeback in college history against an incredible Miami team....he has no fire at all. You sure know your football.............
  4. He's a talk radio guy that is in the newspaper instead of the radio- not saying thats good or bad...I have my opinion, but some people like it.
  5. It has also been littered with failures that haven't been college coaches. Butch Davis took the Browns to the playoffs, nearly did it twice
  6. How many snaps did he take? Not much of a chance to screw up
  7. Do the American people have the intestinal fortitude to allow them to do whats right without voting them out of office
  8. I don't care. The losing is far from his fault, but after a decade of losing, I couldn't care less who stays or goes.
  9. All good players, but nobody is can't miss unless we know who our coach is and what systems we will run
  10. Profiling is ok- after all, Isreal does it and they are a lot safer than us. But they do not profile based on ethnicity or religion- which we tend to do more. We should learn from them instead of having our former presidents insult them
  11. I would cut him today. He is not a tough, nasty guy. He is a stupid, undisciplined guy that will take 15-yard personal fouls at bad times. Some fans seem to think that his magical attitude will produce a running game and even remove opposing players from the game- all completely untrue. The guy is an idiot, and will do nothing but lose games for us. I understand we picked him up because we were short on bodies, but lets send him back to the scrap heap- where he belongs
  12. Coaches can't block or tackle. We need a credible player on our defensive line- one that teams are afraid of. We also need a better offensive line. Wood should move to center and Butler back to RG. Cutting Incognito should be the FIRST move of the offseason. Don't mistake tough and nasty for stupid and undisciplined. Stupid, selfish players who make stupid penalties make you lose games. WE need to be at least two deep at every line position (counting two DT positions). Add a feature WR- a guy who can haul in about 10 passes a game and is a threat in the red zone- could be a TE or slot WR. I am starting to get on the Mike Leech bandwagon.
  13. My perspective continually changes on this- I don't think there are any good guys, only bad guys. I am very distressed by what the trainer said, about disagreeing, but feeling like he had to do what Leach told him. The trainer shouldn't have to do what the coach tells him to do- the coach should have no jurisdiction over the training/medical staff. Not at the college or pro level.
  14. I really don't understand what either of the two are supposed to stand for, or if the people who call themselves either actually stand for anything. I just think each side wants the other to fail, regardless to the consequences to the country. The liberals ripped Bush for the patriot act, yet want stricter screening at airports. The conservatives were for the patriot act, but seem to be against stricter screening. The liberals who were against the patriot act seem to be more for it now that they have their guy in the White House. Conservatives accused liberals of counting deaths during the war, but now seem excited about the prospect of the damage that the health care bill may cause, since that may help their divine cause. the Republicans are acting like they will capitalize on problems facing the democrats are facing now. The fact is, they are NOT the messiah that will step in and save the country. The fact is that we are a country of cowards who are scared into voting for the two parties as if they are the only option. This country is too gutless to vote independents into power. Absolutely gutless. Go ahead and defend whatever party you are affiliated as much as you want, I laugh at both parties. Hope I didn't personally offend anyone as that was pretty harsh, but just reading through some of the stuff I have lately from both sides really is annoying. If anyone has a take, I'd really like to hear it- many people here are more informed than me. I'd be real happy if someone could prove me wrong.
  15. I couldn't care less about Bill Cowher. He did a very good job in Pittsbugh over a long period of time, but the last time he was called on to change a team's culture, was back in 1992- that's a very long time ago and he has only proven he can do that one time. I give no preference to him over any other candidate.
  16. Actually, this is a circus put on by the Evil Socialist Propaganda Network. In reality, studies show that putting a player with a concussion in a cold dark place can be beneficial. I heard that James told Tech he would give them better publicity if his son played. Leach did nothing wrong, but is being demonized by ESPN and it is workiong because people watching don't understand what happened By the way, any of you know where Craig James played football and what happened there?
  17. Jerry Sullivan is just like a talk radio guy. Its all schtick. People that complain about him are reading his stuff, thats why he has a job.
  18. Very, very flawed logic. Schottenheimer built some very tough minded teams- different than the soft serve we've had lately- and he knows how to win- he isn't as stubborn as you think. As far as the playoffs, his teams overachieved in the regular season and were outmanned in the playoffs. They didn't lose because of his coaching. Most of his career he has had QB's like Dave Kreig, Steve Deberg and a 100-year old Joe Montana. When he was in San Diego, he was able to get guys like Wade Phillips and Norv Turner as his coordinators- both of which are leading playoff teams/division champions right now. Marty Schottenheimer is a Hall of Fame coach and one of the all-time winners in the league who did things the right way.
  19. One thing I have never bought into is that coordinators, position coaches and head coaches are interchangable. While there are exceptions, position coaches teach techniques, coordinators are responsible for the X's and O's and the head coach plays a leadership role, overseeing everything, planning out practice time and managing games. There is some crossover, but when dealing with large rosters, people have to be specialized. Head coaches do tend to spend more time with what they know as far as the techniques and X's and O's though.
  20. I don't buy into anything he says- I find him to be a man of little conviction who goes out of his way to be controversial instead of expressing his true opinion. One of the few in his line of work that I consider honest was Lou Dobbs That said, I don't wish harm on anyone and hopefully he has a speedy recovery.
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