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Everything posted by Adam

  1. If the kids aren't excited to see the President of the United States, they haven't been brought up right. Which is an epidemic in this country. Too much vacation, too little school and it is too easy to pass
  2. While I don't necessarily agree that Bush should continually be used as an excuse, I disagree about the relevancy. It takes more than a year to fix some things. Obama will not be able to fix everything, so people will hate him, just as they will hate the next president.
  3. Believe me- what I posted will not affect anyone's viewing of the movie- it was just something that the movie makes you think about a bit.
  4. McNabb would do the same here as any other QB that played behind our offensive line. What would be entertaining to me is pulling people out of the stands and let the opposing pass rush use them as tackling dummies
  5. And that won them the division and kept them in a game where they fumbled all game...........You don't get to have it both ways.
  6. I was expecting Utpoia after the election. I blame Obama for that not happening. Obama has gotten me just as much as my degree from SUNY Brockport......
  7. Bubby Brister's intercepted shovel pass, which Sam Mills returned for a TD, as the Carolina Panthers got their first ever win, vs the Jets in 1995 was the worst I have seen. The criticism of Favre is the non-intelligent talk-radio type. Sure, it was an absolutely horrible play, but without Favre, the Packers win the division and the Vikings don't come close to the season the had.....with all the fumbles, he had them in position for that game-winning field goal
  8. personally, I think the movie is about terrorism
  9. Not to mention that Polian had AJ Smith and John Butler getting him his information- he did not do everything himself!
  10. Bush is an idiot- did you see him run 10 yards backwards in the first half......oh I thought you meant Reggie........
  11. Because you obviously have a grasp of what a head football coach does. The head football coach doesn't make the players better, nor does he find good football players. That lies with the position coaches and the scouting staff. The head caoch decides what to delegate and to who. Levy was a GREAT delegator, but some of the assistants could not get the job done. The middle of the defense on our superbowl teams wasn't very good. Jeff Wright was asked to do things he physically couldn't do. At linebacker, we were never great on the inside until after the superbowl era, and while Kelso was underrated, we were not great at safety. If your defense isn't strong in the middle, it isn't much of anything. A GM prioritizes team and position needs and has to go by the information on available players given to him by scouts. While Levy did make a few mistakes, the personnel department has been subpar, coming up with guys like Kelsay, Denney, Poz, Parrish, etc.......
  12. Funny thing is that I saw a heck of a lot less biggotry when I lived in Western Mississippi than I did when I lived in Western NY
  13. As I have stated before- the biggest debacle is the Bills fans themselves. About 1/10 of you know about what it takes to be a head coach at any level, aside from just playing Madden. The problem has never been about coaching, nor has it been about building through the secondary. The personnel department has been what has let them down. Jauron has gotten the most out of his talent, and while some think a core built around Aaron Schobel and Lee Evans should get us to the superbowl and that Roscoe Parrish is a viable 3rd WR......I will tell you this. Pick up a book and stop listening to talk radio. Reality is not built around your delusional outlook. Our offensive line stinks- its presence is an abberration. The only returners that should start are Levitre and Wood. Incognito has the skills of a backup and the brainpower of a toaster. So he didn't take a dumb penalty in 2 games- who cares. Our defensive line is putrescence itself, whether we stay 4-3 or go 3-4. Schobel should be a third down pas rusher, not a full time guy. We have wasted his pass rushing skills for years, because our scouts can't find real linemen.
  14. Give Trent an offensive line, a running game and a defense and he can win at a high level. Although the thought-numbed talk radio crowd thinks its all on the QB. I love people like that! Can't think for themselves, so they listen to Colin Coward, Jim Rom and WGR 5.5
  15. You can bet he will play a big role in practice- which is where most of the actual coaching is done.
  16. I have a friend up there who hates it and considers himself conservativs, while I have also heard democrats absolutely rip the system up there. Now I have only heard a few people's opinion, so it definitely is not a viable sample to base the state's opinion on.
  17. Trent's arm is not as good as Farve's, Manning's or Brees, but it is more than adequate. Which I can't say for the talent level on our team. I would like to have seen those 4 QB's in the NFL when it was 28 teams. Farve showed his greatness just after that era ended and I think he could have been a great QB in it. Manning might have been a better QB in that era, but with lesser stats. Brees probably would have been above average and Sanchez would have been below average or a backup The talent pool has been horribly watered down.
  18. Just saw Extraordinary Measures and Legion yesterday. Both pretty good. Legion had some typical weak action movie moments, but some very powerful moments as well. Given the recent performance of the Hollywood cartel, they both were pretty good.
  19. There never was much insight on Air America. I am hoping Keith Olbermouth, Rush Pillpop and Bill O'Dummy follow suit......We don't need any of them
  20. Incorrect. The offensive cooredinator will be responsible for making sure everyone knows assignments on each and every play. That is a huge job in an complicated NFL offense
  21. Yeah, that makes it news.........Most people in this country lack character, sorry to disappoint you
  22. I will listen to the use of campaign funds, I couldn't care less about the other stuff. Too m any people enjoy the dirt. Glad I am not a heathen monster
  23. Yeah, cause a guy's sex life is real news. I wonder if MTV is wasting time on this too. I bet CSPAN isn't wasting much time on it.......I am sure you consider CSPAN boring I don't care who Edwards or McCain slept with- this country needs to GROW UP!
  24. Almost afraid to ask- what is a pure football mind? More importantly, is OnTheRocks comfortable with it.....doesn't matter if the owner who pays millions is........
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