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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I like Meredith- but I like him better on the bench. He has some upside and can provide some quality depth.
  2. Personally, I don't think we have a starting caliber RT. WE have some decent swing guys, but no starters. I would like to see Wood at center and Hangartner moved to backup. Incognito is moderately talented, but I don't trust him. Anyone who thinks nasty attitudes are worth 15-yard penalties are losers. I don't want losers on my team- I want guys who execute.
  3. For those who actually watched Jason Campbell, and doesn't just look at his numbers for the sake of fantasy football, he is a decent QB prospect. His main problem is that he has been a square peg in a round hole- he isn't cut out for the west coast type offense that the Redskins have been running. If he comes at a low cost, I would like to see him here. I am not for investing too much in the position until we have good offensive and defensive lines.
  4. I would prefer them to offer a counterproposal that actually would get something done. Last I checked, thats the way things were supposed to work. I don't care who gets credit for something, as long as it works- then again, our government likes to bog things down- it helps keep the plebians against each other......
  5. He had a message about the government he wanted to get out- but what you said is the reality he left. Idiots don't see that they could get there message across in sane ways, instead of doing stupid things.
  6. He isn't a right winger or a left winger. He is a terrorist, just like the one who killed the doctor and just like bin laden. The thing is, if you want to get your message out, you don't commit a terrorist act, because that drowns out your message. People should learn from Ghandi, who may have been the best world leader in history.
  7. And some want Demetrius Bell to start as well..........
  8. I love partisan politics....welcome to the DIVIDED States of America
  9. Really? I like Schottenheimer and think he is a hall of famer, but do you really want to have a coach who may pull a Favre every offseason? Chan Gailey is an excellent football coach, but nobody can win without players. As much as people here don't want to admit it, the talent level is the main reason for our losing over the last decade. We have had a mediocre bunch, but got too attached to the guys who made plays because nobody else would. I won't cry over anyone leaving- not Jackson, not Schobel, not Evans. We aren't going to stay out of the basement no matter who we bring in. This isn't about next season, it is about the decade. You build to win for the long haul. Fix the offensive and defensive line, then worry about the skill positions. You can't build a house without setting the foundation first- unless you don't care if it collapses.
  10. Scared me for a second too- then I realized I could still get a nice pair of pants without getting taxed too much
  11. This is an example of how you lose for a long, long time. You have to be good now. I hate to tell you this, BUT WE AREN'T going to be good now! We will finish fourth and I am fine with this. Until we build a core and have things come together, we won't be good. The rebuilding has to start- because we have made so many mistakes over the years. This teams is a 4-5 year project
  12. I'd rather see Americans in control......I am tired of the democrats and republicans- AND the idiots who will only voted for them
  13. Actually, we don't know about that because the tv cameras don't show much. Did they hold up the pass rush? Sure, on some plays they did. Were passing lanes open in the proper spaces for the play that was called? You know the answer to that as well as I did, since that isn't shown. Were the WR's open? No idea. Bottom line is that we only know what we see on TV, unless we are at the game. The GM's and coaches see a lot more angles than we do. Edwards got off to a good start in 2008. Does that mean he can get back to that form? I am not a trainer, so I don't know- I do know that whether by his fault or not, he hasn't been the same after the concussion. Bell is not good enough to play LT. I question whether Hangartner is good enough either. I don't like what we have at RT as far as starting. Another point is that our defense isn't good enough to be developing a young QB. It is one thing to be under constant pressure to score points when you are a veteran QB, but it really will hamper the development of a young QB. I like what I saw early on from Edwards and what I saw from JP after a year or two, but we have missed on so many draft picks over the years that we have failed to build a team that can win. I see this as a 4-5 year rebuilding project. I would prefer to make a moderate investment at QB at this point, and build up a team. AS far as trades, I don't see anyone on the roster as indispensible- we have been a loser for 10 years now. I would give the Rams our top pick and their choice of any number of players on the roster they want for the top pick to get Suh. We haven't had a building block player for a long time now
  14. The All-world QB who actually had a pretty good game, despite the lack of blocking. turnovers happen late in games when a team is behind.
  15. The people who don't see LeFevour as a worthwhile investment are the same idiot fans that listen to talk radio. We aren't going to make playoffs for 4-5 years. WE have to build a team- we aren't a few players away. The team you like sucks. This is like blaming Dick Jauron for our playoff drought. He maximized the talent that all of you so vastly overrate. Schobel is not Phil Hansen and Lee Evans is not Eric Moulds. Draft LeFevour in the 2nd round and let him sit a few years.
  16. Not surprising at all- when a person becomes president, it take precedence over who they actually are, if that makes sense. Hate to see anyone in poor health. Hope for a speedy recovery
  17. I am not sure we have anything- I am looking at this as a 5-year plan. Every year, we try to get everything we need to be competitive and end up with nothing. Add a few pieces each year and build a solid core- something we haven't had since we got rid of Bruce, Thurman and Andre. Not sure about the secondary either- they did well under the old system, but I assume there will be a lot less zone if we are being more aggressive.
  18. I agree with a lot of that, but you can't cement those changes behind a line that is horrible
  19. Teleprompter, 2x4 cards....there really isn't much difference. We are just told by the biased media that we should criticize for this and we foolishly listen, just as we do with everything else. America- home of the Automaton
  20. Jauron would have used them both better if we had an offensive line and a defense that didn't force them to put up gobs of points to win games. For all the blathering about Butler, he was no better than Ostroski. We need talented players on the line
  21. The only guy I would take over Bulaga is Suh. We aren't going to become a good team in one offseason and shouldn't try- we have been trying that for too ling. Build up the line and suddenly the skill players will miraculously be better.
  22. Come on people. The guy just died, can we please show some decency? He was an American public servant- whether you agreed with him politically is beside the point, show some human decency!
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