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Everything posted by Adam

  1. You have a valid point, but by that line of thinking, why should they ever be released from jail either?
  2. I don't know which is worse. Entertainers like her and Rush that rely on those type of things, or the society that finds that entertaining.
  3. I was listening to CSPAN this afternoon. This bill is more of a mess than I could have imagined. Apparently reimbursements to doctors was left out, so it could be added later and will add close to another 200 billion. This could be more costly than our crusades in the Middle East. The Republicans and Democrats are ruining the country and the electorate is too uneducated to pick from another pool of candidates. If anything is to be funded, healthcare should top the list- well ahead of the current entitlements, but we need to be able to afford it first. The top priority should have been the elimination of fossil fuels in favor of nuclear or renewable energy resourses- that would have fixed the budget enough to look at doing something more than this horrible bill does. USA- the Unbelievably Stupid people of America
  4. Anything that the Government touches there will be problems with. Anything in the private sector will be subject to greed and deceit for the quick buck. Get used to it, you can't win. There is no hope. No we can't
  5. Ahhhh debate......has degenerated into name calling. Wonderful
  6. So you are saying to stop trying to improve on things? I am not saying to change styles of government (Although I am not sure what style we have had for the last few decades). What I am saying is that we should not discount any argument.
  7. I prefer Mount Olive and Vlassic
  8. Yes, but if we vote for anything other than a republican or democrat, then its like we didn't vote......or so the two parties want us to think. The two have made mishmash of this country for a long time.
  9. JD Williams, Mark Kelso, Ray Bentley, Leon Seals...........
  10. He is nothing like Roscoe Parrish. He is a talented football player
  11. I look at that argument the same way as I look at the concept of letting the private sector run my life. We all have to face the fact that Utopia is out of reach- and that isn't a bad thing. I have never bought into the "This is the best place in the world" or "love it or leave it" mumbo jumbo. Saying that means nothing- it says accept the flaws and don't try to make things better. There is nothing more patriotic than dissidence. I know you weren't serious about everything, but what if a religion believed in human sacrifice?
  12. If you can follow the structure of a bill that is a few hundred pages, you are a better man than me. There is bound to be so many loopholes that undermine the intent
  13. Good read. Do you think that if this were done correctly, that we would be able to replace medicare with it?
  14. If I can make an analogy, it is likely to be like a drug user's withdrawl. It will be painful, but you need to suffer through it- if you want things to get better
  15. How were people's hospital bills payed for in the past, when they couldn't afford it? I know people who had surgery, then never paid for it. Wouldn't tell me what happened either
  16. Home L - New York Jets L - Miami Dolphins L - New England Patriots W - Jacksonville Jaguars: if in nov/dec a W - if in sep/oct an l L - Cleveland Browns L - Pittsburgh Steelers W - Chicago Bears W - Detroit Lions Away L - New York Jets L - Miami Dolphins L - New England Patriots W - Kansas City Chiefs L - Cincinnati Bengals L - Minnesota Vikings L - Baltimore Ravens L - Green Bay Packers
  17. If Uncle Sam has their back, who has Uncle Sam's back? China, maybe
  18. It is idiotic. If they want a better system that will end the game quickly- which is the key, because broadcast time is the overriding factor, here is what they should do. Make overtime a 4 minute game with a pair of two minute halves. Each team is guaranteed a posession and it won't take long.
  19. I think we all would like a perfect world, where everything came easy. Nothing good is easy, but things shouldn't be the big mess they are now.
  20. At the risk of sounding stupid- which this question probably will......won't that keep things pretty much the same? I mean if the rich get taxed more, they pass it down. Won't things generally stay where they are? I don't profess to be an accountant or to have a full grasp of things, but that seems to make some sense. Seems as if we make cosmetic changes, but nothing real
  21. That's very interesting. Some of it probably is above my comprehension, but I think I get the general idea. I hope to see a similar study 10 years from now. I don't recall going crazy about anything, but ok. When I work from 9 am-1 am several days a week, I tend to get a little tired and don't look everything up myself. I tend to learn quite a bit on this board.
  22. OK, so he should have been able to be good with guys off the street? Playing a great DT and a nose tackle is what hurt the defense. He was as good a coordinator as any we've had aside from Wade Phillips
  23. So is he going to sign a polar bear or not?
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