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Everything posted by Adam

  1. With one of the worst OL's since the neolithic era, leading to a terrible offense and an undependable defense.
  2. I would trade Lee Evans or anyone else for that matter- IF we could get value for him. Lee Evans isn't a bad WR, he is actually pretty good. He seems limited, but hasn't been asked to do a lot, other than going deep. Nobody is giving up a first round pick, but he could be part of a package deal. My guess is that he is staying put, but will be running more short patterns than he has in the past, unless he shows he can't do that.
  3. I am serious- I just don't like him. If Morgan fell to us, I would go nuts!
  4. I hope we don't take Clausen if he is there in round 2. He is a bust waiting to happen. If Morgan falls to us, that would be awesome.
  5. Because American's rant and rave like lunatics about being the best place in the world. As if that actually means something and eliminates all problems
  6. No, actually they aren't. They are an prime example of why you stockpile talent by taking the best player available. That is how you create team strengths.
  7. I can't say much about how much is being spent, but what is being spent isn't spent well. Tenure has to go and difficulty of material has to go up- way up. Classes and school days should be longer and vacation time should be much shorter. The whole infrastructure of the system needs to be rebuilt to be more efficient, and failure has to be accepted. Not everyone should go to college
  8. Brown was just an add on to get Gocong. I am not convinced that Cleveland won't take Haden, who is MUCH better than Brown.
  9. I have a novel idea- lets DRAFT a guy to play left tackle instead of picking up a guy who has nothing left. If you think picking up a problem, then cutting him sends a message to the younger players, you haven't done much coaching. I have seen that done a number of times and it doesn't work. They pick up bad habits, which stick long after the bad influence is gone.
  10. Hey- I have heard of Anthony Muñoz. Lets sign him, he was regarded as the best LT ever. Lets go get Dermonti Dawson too......how about Joe Montana- then our OL/QB problem is fixed without wasting a draft pick!!! Oh wait, MTV is coming on, what was I talking about. Is it time for lunch?
  11. Of course he does- most reporters say bad things about bad teams
  12. Dude, you really need to chill. Someone saying this and legislation being passed are two different things. This guy's stupidity and the stupidity of Limbaugh's disciples isn't too far off from being the same thing
  13. The Cardinals, Jacksonville and Falcons all have been very good recently. Fact is that he is right....truth hurts.....
  14. You are right- they shouldn't use the tactics that neocons (I hate that word, but it is the conservative version of the liberal slam...both sides are a bunch of fleas that annoy me) use. Limbaugh and Hannity stir the pot and make people angry. Now liberals use similar tactics. Some would say its fair....I wish both would just go away, as we'd be better off. Now this doesn't have much to do with what you said, but I have a right to rant. Its right there in the living document, which is on a ventilator
  15. There is a process to handle this that doesn't involve the entertainment media. Just get it taken care of, cause I don't really care about knowing about this.
  16. I did a victory dance when they lost......it made my day seeing them eliminated!
  17. Claussen will be Brady Quinn II, mark it down. You can get another Tebow at the end of the draft- his name is Juice Williams. Taking mediocre players and giveing them big contracts has been the Bills way for a decade. Take the best players available and build a talent base. The fans will buy tickets anyways, cause they have no other choice- start treating them that way!
  18. I remember me and a friend of mine were driving to the playoff game against Houston back in 1993, when a light came on in my car. We ignored it, as we always did...it came on all the time, usually about 30 minutes after I started driving. The light came on again on the way home- and this time we couldn't ignore it. You see, what the light said was 'Oil/Choke' We nearly went off the road laughing.
  19. The only reason I would want us to drill at all, is to sell the oil overseas. To drill for our own oil would create an excuse to continue its use. +1 on strengthening the dollar. Looking at what goes on with the Niagara hydro-electric plants, it surprises me that we don't have more like that along the coast. While I don't know a lot about the technicalities, I would think that the tide rolling in and out could be used to generate a lot of power. I also would like to see nuclear power become more prevalent- when handled well, it can be quite clean. I also laugh at the so-called environmentalists talking about clean coal- which is as ridiculous as talking about a deathless kill.
  20. OK, I may not be the smartest person when it comes to economics, but if we don't have to buy energy from a foreign source, then we won't need to borrow money to buy it, doesn't that help the overall economy? Then we can give tax breaks to domestic companies for the development of usable renewable energy, vehicles that utilize this domestic energy, etc..... Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems to make sense to this simpleton.
  21. As usual, a good answer, Magox. Too many people want to find a singular target for their anger. Bush didn't go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq, our government did. Obama didn't make this ill thought out bill into law- our government did. While that may not be a popular line of thought, its how things are. Our government is made up of both awful parties and we haven't done anything about that- with numerous opportunities. Right now, our country is like a person near bankruptcy- so many bills, so much debt. Paralyzed and unwilling to give anything up. We still want it all.
  22. And so the see saw will go back to the republicans....and when they don't fix things, it goes back to the democrats. When will we ever learn......
  23. I figure it will reduce the amount of money we send overseas to purchase oil. Wouldn't that be a good start?
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